Chapter 16: 99 Problems.

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[A/N: So I am treating you guys with a four-chapter update, chapter 15 got too long so I had to split it lol. And if you haven't caught on (besides Optimus), I intend their holomatter avatars to resemble actors such as Keith David - Ratchet (my man voices Grimlock in Earthspark), Anthony Mackie - Jazz, Hugh Laurie - Ironhide (something about him feels so Ironhide), Simone Ashley - Arcee (both are my girls), Rudy Pankow - Bumblebee, Diego Luna - Optimus, and of course cause it only makes sense, Pete Davidson - Mirage's holomatter avatar, like not even resembling just straight up Pete lol. ]

The Fallen shall rise again as the Prime's line dies and the Priestess cries in sacrifice.

Her eyes shot open with a soft gasp as her eyes bore into the ceiling above her, her eyes tracking the slowly moving fan above her. Clara brought a hand to her chest and gently rubbed it before she moved her gaze. Okay, so she was clearly in her room at her house. Optimus and the others must've brought her here. She didn't recall anything but feeling horrible and collapsing. Clara had no idea what had happened after that. She sat up and the sheets rustled as she tossed them off her body, slowly climbing out of bed. Clara used the headboard to keep herself steady when she stood. "You look much better." a baritone voice piped up and Clara's head whipped around startled to see Optimus's holomatter avatar leaning against the wall in the door with his arms crossed.

"Jesus, you scared me." She breathed with a hand to her chest. Optimus let out a light chuckle and stepped into the room with a small smile.

"I apologize, it was not my intention, Teddy." He apologized and raised his hands. Clara let out a breath, shaking her head with amusement. "The others are downstairs. Ratchet, Jazz, Bumblebee, Arcee, and Mirage. recovering." Optimus informed her, the mention of Mirage pointed to the fact he knew what had happened to him.

"Oh, so you know about Mirage and the weed brownie." Clara clicked her tongue.

"Ratchet told me but his behavior gave it away as well," Optimus stated and Clara couldn't help the small chuckle that left her lips. So much for keeping him out of Optimus's sight, but it was honestly more important Galloway hadn't seen him. "Are you alright? You gave us all a scare." He asked her concerned.

"I don't remember what happened after I hit the ground," Clara confessed with a frown. He wasn't too surprised to hear that. Ratchet said she wouldn't naturally, her subconscious probably wouldn't recall anything either. All of this still made his spark drop in fear. He'd never seen her in a condition like that. Yes, there was the forest two years ago but she hadn't died for several minutes.

"According to Ratchet you went into sudden cardiac arrest, you were dead for several minutes but Lennox and Epps brought you back," Optimus revealed calmly, watching her put a hand to her chest as if she was remembering the pain, and perhaps she did. "Once we snapped Mirage out of it, we told him and Bumblebee what happened. They were frantic until Jazz and Arcee managed to calm them." He tells her and Clara groans as she runs a hand down her face. It was just her luck. "Ratchet doesn't know what triggered the episode."

"The Fallen," Clara answered with a small sigh. Those two words uttered from her mouth made him frown. She didn't need him to ask 'what she meant', she knew he would ask that. "It was only a few days ago when you went to Shanghai, I had a dream...nightmare really about something called the Fallen. It kept happening after that and just something in my body and my brain shut down when I heard that recording. Like scar tissue that never went away." She tugged on her finger anxiously as she spoke to Optimus. The action didn't go unnoticed by Optimus who moved closer to her and put a hand on her arm comfortingly.

"Clara, what did you see?" Optimus asked softly and she took in a deep breath, looking him in the eyes. It was always serious nowadays when he used her name instead of her nickname. There were also a few rare occasions when she used his old name but he knew it meant something was serious.

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