Chapter 19: Guess Who's Back.

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Clara drifted off to sleep and found herself in the old and familiar limbo as always. Her strange vision happened like a snapshot and it was gone, she didn't understand what the voices were saying or who they were, or what they were showing besides some symbols. However, this time when she ended up in limbo, she was alone, no Primus, no Alpha Trion. A deep frown grew on the hybrid's face as she looked around the large space, looking for any sign of Primus or Alpha Trion. She needed both of them or one to show their faces, she couldn't stand the idea of neither of them appearing. It would come off as them abandoning her and she didn't want to think of that possibility. Clara needed them now that Optimus was gone, she had questions and she needed them to answer them, and offer her some type of wisdom if they didn't have them. "Hello! Is anyone here? Primus! Alpha Trion!" Clara called out as she stepped around and looked for any sign.

"Clara..." a voice echoed in her mind and she whipped around to see Primus looming behind her. The doctor let out a breath of relief at the sight of him. So, they hadn't abandoned her, good. "I see your pain, Clara. I feel it." He reveals to her and her eyes widen with surprise. He already knew everything, didn't he? Of course he did, there wasn't a moment where he didn't know everything going on, no matter how silent he was at the center of Cybertron.

"Then...why weren't you here when I arrived?" Clara slowly asked him, letting out a small breath.

"Because I know what you wish to ask of me and I cannot offer you the answers," Primus confessed with a deep sigh and Clara's face morphed into one of confusion. "It is why Alpha Trion is not here, he believed it best you hear it from me. He believed you would listen to me more." He told the woman who shook her head in refusal.

"Optimus is dead and the Fallen is hunting me and Sam down for some reason and that's all you can offer me! Bullshit excuses!" She said with an angry shout as she pointed her finger at him accusingly. "You knew all this was going to happen, Optimus dying and the Fallen returning, but you didn't do anything!"

"To give you every single answer in existence would be a disservice to a woman like you. You are beyond that, your mind is above that." the god recited words that Alpha Trion had once spoken to her. That made Clara stop in her tracks and stare at him. "I cannot tell you what to do next, Clara, nor can I explain why Optimus had to die and the Fallen had to return." He sighed and Clara's anger faded, her face softening while looking at someone she considered an old friend by now.

"Just tell me what you can, it's better than nothing. Please." She begged with a whisper. His optics looked into her eyes and he could see the desperation. He could also see how much she loved Optimus.

"I can start with the symbols, they are the way. I cannot tell you exactly what they lead to." He began to tell her and Clara nodded desperately, she would take whatever he could offer at this point. "However, in this case, Sam is the path and the door, but you are the key to what they lead to. You cannot open the door without the key. You must find out the answers that lead to what that means." Primus explains to her calmly and she lets out a breath.

"Okay, okay."

"The a different story, my child." Primus continues and Clara frowns when she looks at him. "He was originally a Prime, Megatronus, but he betrayed his brothers for power. The Fallen betrayed what I gave life to the cybertronians for, compassion. He lacked compassion and only held greed and for that, his siblings stopped him." He vaguely tells her as her eyes go wide at the revelation. It looked like Mirage was close to right.

"He was one of the original primes Megatron named himself after in the gladiator arenas." Clara breathed in realization, her eyes still wide with shock.

"I brought my children to breath with the mind of compassion, I often find myself saddened when I see that fails." Primus sighs deeply, looking at the planet in the purple sky that was Cybertron, and her face falls to a sympathetic one. "Megatronus and Megatron are just a few of my failures and examples of my limits. I limited myself first unlike my brother, I am the very being who keeps their home alive. I cannot do anything from here. The Prime's and Hiereiai conduct my will to keep all life safe." He frowned in disappointment and Clara looked down at her feet for a moment.

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