Chapter 5: Smells Like Teen Spirit.

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Clara slept hard, like hard enough that the woman hadn't even realized Mirage had left during the night, the Witwicky's guest bed was like sleeping on marshmallows to the doctor. Not that him leaving would bother her, she could always call him or find another ride home. However, she was most definitely awake when she heard the familiar roar of Bumblebee's engine. "What the fuck...Bumblebee?" She breathed confused when she heard the high-pitched shouting of Sam echoing through the house and Clara jumped out of bed, quickly snatching up her clothes from the ground and pulling them and her shoes on. She rushed outside to spot Sam fleeing away from Bumblebee on his mother's bike and Mirage was nowhere to be seen. Fuck. Clara cursed loudly and began sprinting after the autobot and Sam. The good thing at this point is that Sam was not only easy to spot on that pink bike, Bumblebee was as well. She was just lucky that her years as an archeologist were a workout in itself. Though she had no idea why the scout was driving after Sam into the town. Clara was panting heavy breaths as she pulled out her cell phone and dialed Mirage but of course voicemail. "Mirage, I don't where the hell you are, but you better come and get me. Bumblebee is chasing Sam out into the town and I have no idea why! So call me back or come and get me!" She shouted breathlessly through the phone before hanging up and shoving it in her pocket. Un-fucking-believable. Relief flooded through her when she spotted Sam lying on the ground and the bike across from him, he must've crashed.

"Are you okay?" She heard the voice of Mikaela ask concerned when she finally made it over to Sam. "Doctor Grey!" the teenage girl exclaimed surprised while Clara moved around Sam and gripped under his armpit to help him stand.

"Why didn't you say anything to me?" Clara demanded through gritted teeth and Sam groaned in pain.

"I'm sorry but it's stalking me." Sam squealed quietly in fear, Clara knowing that Bumblebee wasn't meaning him any harm, she just didn't what the hell the scout autobot was up to. However, Sam was so frightened he completely ignored her and spared a glance in Mikaela's direction as he rushed to his bike, Clara sighing and following him. "I'm not okay, all right? I'm losing my mind a little bit. I'm getting chased by my car right now. Got to go." He rambled off anxiously to the teenage girl while Clara shot her an apologetic look. Sam climbed back onto the bike and Clara stepped onto the pegs of the bicycle, gripping around Sam's upper chest as he began pedaling away in panic with Clara standing up behind him. She glanced back at the sound of Bumblebee's engines confused while Sam kept pedaling until he finally made it underneath the highway bridge above. Sam went as fast as he could and came to a screeching stop behind a truck, Clara climbing off the pegs of the bike onto the ground and grimacing. That was not comfortable, she definitely not doing that again.

"This is getting ridiculous, Sam." Clara huffed breathlessly when suddenly she heard a whoop of a police siren. "Oh, you've got to be shitting me. Ugh." She growled in irritation, this was just her luck.

"Oh, great. Cops." Sam breathed in disbelief, sharing the same irritation as Clara regarding the situation. The police car whooped its sirens once more before revving its engines and Clara's brows furrowed with confusion. This was feeling like an aggressive threat. However, she moved her gaze when she saw Sam climbing back onto the bike and he started pedaling towards the police car.

"Sam, wait! Stop!" Clara shouted after him, but the teenager ignored her and headed towards the police car. "No one ever listens to me, do I just have a face no one listens to?!" She exclaimed with an irritated growl, peeking around the truck.

"Officer! Listen!" Sam yelled, getting close to the car and near the driver's side door when it suddenly swung out and knocked him off the bike and onto the ground. That made Clara's eyes widen, oh fuck, that is not a regular police car. Clara cursed quietly to herself and sprinted out of her hiding spot and over to Sam to help him up. That's when her eyes stopped on the writing on the side of the police car, it didn't say protect and serve, it said punish and enslave. No way in hell that was an autobot like Mirage and Bumblebee. "Ah- oh. Oh that hurt." the boy groaned in pain when Clara steadied him on his feet, her eyes flickering to the holomatter avatar in the car. "Listen to me! Thank God you're here! I've had the worst day ever! I've been, I've been followed here on my mother's bike! Right? And my car's right there and it's been following me here! So get out of the car!" Sam ranted to the 'police officer' as he rested against the hood of the vehicle, making wild gestures with his hands about his story. Clara knew this was not going to go well and Mirage was not here to help.

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