Chapter 31: Snakes.

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[Title: Snakes - PVRIS.]

Good news was good news, especially in this time and era. Clara and Optimus had agreed that the autobots had to know as soon as possible or she'd never hear the end of it. Of course, then Mirage, Sam, and Bumblebee would have to know and her mother. And Clara knew to herself, she wanted to speak with Sentinel one on-one, not necessarily about herself and Optimus but many things. She had an inkling he knew more about the Priestess of Primus than Optimus had before they met. She wanted to talk. Clara was internally grateful that when they arrived at the base, her mother was there. Apparently, she was there to chew Sideswipe's audio receptors off for the other day, after coincidentally he escaped her ire. Other than that, besides Bumblebee and Mirage, all the bots were here. Well, plus Will, no one could forget him. "I want you to know, Teddy. I am very proud of you for earning the chief position." Optimus praised her, smiling down at the small hybrid who smiled back.

"It's nice to hear, thank you." She replies gently before her gaze returns to those ahead. "Wow, what a bonding session I'm observing." Clara remarked sarcastically when she and Optimus walked into the hangar. Will sat over to the side with Ironhide, Jazz, and Dino, laughing as Sideswipe was chastised. Arcee just shook her head and watched, her lips twitching in amusement.

"I think I know where you got it from." Sideswipe grimaced while Clara raised a brow and Optimus looked mildly amused. "Her." He whispered as if she couldn't hear him. Clara rolled her eyes and shook her head.

"You missed out on the best part, Clara. Sideswipe was shaking in his pedes." Jazz practically cackled much to her amusement.

"Or when she cornered him and he could've walked away," Ironhide added and Jazz and Dino nodded.

"She was teaching him a lesson he deserved to hear." Arcee dryly stated.

"Well, deserved lesson." Will muttered.

"So small yet so fearsome," Dino declared which made Clara chuckle. The sound of steps reached her ears when Ratchet and Sentinel stepped into the room. That was when Clara and Optimus shared a look and nodded.

"Hold on, you guys know something?" Sideswipe narrowed his optics at them. That made everyone's gazes turn right to them. Clara sighed, great this was going well, now they were all staring at them, not exactly what she wanted before she even spoke a word about it. "Tell us-well, tell me. I wanna know." He grinned widely, it had to be something good. Arcee rolled her optics and Jazz shook his head, he was a gossip.

Ratchet knew, however, what it was. He didn't need to be told. "Sideswipe, give them a moment for Primus's sake." the grumpy medical officer huffed and shot the young bot a look. He was still so impatient, even after all these years.

"It is alright, Ratchet. He is merely curious." Optimus intercepted with a cool and calm hand.

"Okay, but the kids right. You have something." Arcee piped up coolly. Clara let out a small sigh and exchanged a look with Ratchet who nodded encouragingly before she looked at Optimus who smiled.

" Optimus and I have news." She drawled slightly as she cleared her throat. +"You mean you becoming chief of general at work?" Jazz blurted out and interrupted which made Clara roll her eyes annoyed.

"No." She bluntly corrects before adding. "But that is a good news for me."

"The news Teddy and I have is different." Optimus calmly interceded while shaking his head. Clara could read that Optimus wanted to announce with more excitement than bluntness, which was what she decided, but Clara did not want oohs and aws for more than a few minutes.

"He asked me to be his sparkmate and I said yes." She bluntly announced which made him sigh but he smiled still. Everyone gasped and Ratchet smiled knowingly while Sentinel was silent and kept his face passive. Rose walked over to her daughter excitedly and engulfed her in a hug. Everyone else offered their congratulations while Ratchet nodded pleased.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07 ⏰

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