Chapter 28: Nothing Else Matters.

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[Title: Nothing Else Matters - Phoebe Bridgers.]

"So what did he exactly major in school anyway?" Will asked curiously as he stood in the kitchen with Clara. Optimus and Sarah were chatting away while setting everything up for when Sam and Carly arrived. According to Clara, there was good news for the kid today, he had finally gotten a job. Honestly, Will applauded him on finding something because he knew from Sarah and a few friends, that shit was tough. Of course, Optimus was still in a bit of a funk after everything earlier at base but he was still trying to put on a good mood. However, the autobots were getting their spacecraft prepped to head out tomorrow to get to the Ark and retrieve whatever was left there.

"Uh...originally his mom thought it was telecommunications, but he did geopolitics and tech studies." Clara answered her friend who let out a small 'huh'. "He did great, he graduated with a really good GPA. I tried to get him to do some internships but..." She trailed off with a small sigh and Will let out a chuckle.

"Well, congrats to him."

"Yep." She nodded and he glanced at her.

"You know, I never thought to ask, but I notice you're always so focused on understanding the tears and your vibration manipulation...but I know you have that energy-sucking power or whatever." Will started to say and Clara hummed before turning to him calmly.

"The gist of it is Ratchet and I understand a pretty good deal about it." She told him which made him tilt his head up curiously. "Once I started letting him run tests, we learned, there's still parts of that power I understand, but we understand the basics of it. And it's a gift I like to use even less than my telepathy because it takes and gives. It almost killed me using it against Megatron in Mission City. I try to use it incredibly sparingly." Clara explained before letting out a light humorless chuckle. However, Will could understand her logic.

"Yeah, I'd rather you stay alive." Will commented and she smirked.

"You know I have energon and blood running through my veins. That's part of the reason that gift can be dangerous for me." Clara hums and crosses her arms as she looks at him. "Ratchet is still trying to figure out so much of me. How I really fit in as a half-cybertronian. It'll be a long process." She smiled slightly and Will nodded understandingly.

"I get it."

However, their conversation was suddenly interrupted by Clara's phone ringing and she glanced at it to see her mom's contact pop up before looking at Will. "You know exactly what I'm making can you keep an eye on it and keep it moving? It's my mom." She asked the man who stood up straight at the mention of Rose.

"Yeah, absolutely. Go talk to your mom." Will told her. She sent him a thankful smile before grabbing her phone and heading outside to the front porch.

"Hey, mom." Clara answered the phone with a smile.

"Hey, baby. How's the dinner going so far?" Rose tiredly asked her daughter, but she wore a smile in her voice.

"Well, we're waiting on Carly and Sam. Sam said Carly was getting off work a little later than usual." She replied, a small chuckle leaving her lips. According to Sam, he had so much to tell her about his job and then Carly's boss. He seemed more insistent to speak about Carly's boss more than anything. "Sam apparently has so much to tell me about Carly's boss." Clara added with a hum.

"Yes, he told me about it when I was with the boys yesterday." Her mother chuckled, she had shown up at the house around noon. Mirage and Sideswipe had been smacked upside the head, got yelled at in Spanish, and then she helped them recover before they went to base. Well, Mirage got smacked and yelled at and Sideswipe got out of it. "He was on the phone quite a bit especially about Ron and Judy suddenly showing up early." She told her daughter who grimaced at the reminder.

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