Chapter 14: Trouble.

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Ron and Sam somehow simultaneously looked like they were on the verge of a mental breakdown at the sight in front of them. Meanwhile, Clara and Mirage winced and felt bad for Bumblebee because they knew Sam was going to blow up about it. However, the positive was that mini-cons hadn't murdered them all and they were alive and breathing. Negative, Judy was probably gonna implode and go on some rant about Bumblebee being in the garage. "Oh- Nine- Nine-one-one!" Ron breathlessly hollered to his wife as he stood up and ran inside. Clara popped up from her spot behind the fountain.

"This does not look good." Mirage visibly grimaced and Clara let out a sigh.

"Bumblebee! Get in the garage. Go!" Sam shouts at the young scout who shrugs his shoulders and lets out an electronic buzzing as if to say 'It was an accident but I saved everyone' before he gestured to the house. Yeah, that wouldn't make Sam freak any less.

"You should into the garage with Bee," Clara told Mirage who trilled his lips.

"Alright, I mean, I didn't do anything. Technically neither of us did." the silver-blue bot grumbled and Clara just gave him a look not to argue. "Right, right, humans will be coming soon got it." He nodded, waving his hand to Bumblebee.

"What the freak just happened?" Judy exclaimed with a high-pitched voice.

"Bee, Mirage will go with you into the garage. Go, please." Clara told him calmly.

"I'm about to have a nervous breakdown. Just go in the garage quietly with Mirage, please." Sam called beggingly, this was not looking good. Part of his room was on fire and it looked like a damn earthquake happened again. Bumblebee made some noises of protest at the idea, the scout wondering why he was getting the blame. He didn't mean to damage anything, he was trying to help.

"Holy Mother! Oh, my God!" Judy shouted and Clara watched Bumblebee stomp his foot like a toddler and squeal in protest while walking past them towards the garage with Mirage.

"Whatever." Bumblebee waved them off.

"Bee, dude, this is not helping your case. Just relax, man." Mirage sighed, patting the young autobot's shoulder as Bumblebee got down on his knees to crawl into the garage.

"Get in the garage now!" Sam ordered and Bumblebee slapped back the TV lying on the ground, he was having a temper tantrum and that wasn't helping his case.

"Bumblebee, stop with the tantrum and relax. Humans are coming that can't see you!" Clara yelled sternly to him and Bumblebee pouted when he crawled into the garage

"Guys, don't worry. I'll keep an eye on him." Mirage assured Sam and Clara before joining the scout in the garage as Sam shot him a thankful look. Mirage had gotten better over the past couple of years. For a little bit, he let loose regarding his maturity because more autobots were around, which influenced Bumblebee and Sideswipe. Yeah, the two were grown but it didn't mean Mirage couldn't influence them and out of the three of them, he was the oldest. That was until Clara and Optimus got through his thick helm to grow up.

"Alright, come on." Clara stepped over and grabbed Sam's arm. "We gotta get that sliver of the Allspark before anyone else grabs it." She reminded him, Sam nodding before the two turned and headed inside. Clara grabbed some pliers from the junk drawer in their kitchen and Sam grabbed a small tube container to place the piece in when a firefighter walked in and past the two of them. The doctor held the pliers behind her back, so she wouldn't get any questions, and once the firefighter left she moved over to the countertop. "You said it fell down directly this way, right?" Clara asked for clarification from the young adult who nodded.

"Yeah, like shocked my hand and I dropped it. It burned through the entire floor before landing here I think." Sam nodded with a deep breath and Clara hummed.

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