Chapter 26: Time for Some Mayhem.

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[Title: Time for Some Mayhem - Arre!Arre!.]

We were once a peaceful race of intelligent, mechanical beings. But then... came the war, between the Autobots who fought for freedom... and the Decepticons who dreamed of tyranny. Overmatched and outnumbered, our defeat was all but certain. But in the war's final days, one Autobot ship escaped the battle. It was carrying a secret cargo which would have changed our planet's fate. A desperate mission. Our final hope. A hope... that vanished.

Life had been as close to normal as possible for Clara since Egypt. Three years later she was a full-fledged doctor and surgeon. NEST and the autobots had moved their base to Washington D.C and Clara had gone with them while her mother opted to move to Virginia nearby for retirement. She was thriving, they were thriving, but there were still difficulties. Clara had nightmares, strange dreams, mainly of the Fallen and Megatron, what they had done to her, to Sam, to Optimus. They were gone or dead and they still haunted her. The Irij thrived because of Clara's attentiveness, but Primus and Alpha Trion often warned it could still be a burden. Ratchet and she still stewed and tried to figure out the tears appearing in the waking world she could manipulate. Optimus had also decided, along with Jazz and Ironhide, that Clara needed to learn how to use her powers more to defend herself. Mirage, Bumblebee, and Sideswipe admittedly were excited the moment they heard that. They wanted to witness the extent of Clara's gifts. Arcee warned caution which Optimus and Ratchet agreed was wise. Clara was glad that Arcee opted to be the voice of reason. She knew Optimus usually was but this was him being worried for her, wanting her to be able to be safe. Of course, safety was relative when it came to her life. That was for sure.

Sam was another story. The kid had graduated college but he and Mikaela broke up. Clara didn't know the reason and neither had told her. She decided she wanted to keep it that way and didn't push. However, he struggled to find a job after college but he did find someone. Carly was his new girlfriend and honestly, Clara liked her very much. She was sweet and kind, and she had a good heart. She took all of the autobots and them knowing the autobots information incredibly well. "Clara..." the voice echoed and whispered in her mind. Flashes of visions came into her vision. A ship, a red arm, the autobot symbol, strange pillars. "Beware of the apostate, he is not who he seems. His wise words are false and echo betrayal. Don't let your guard down. Protect him, let him protect you." the words crackled before Clara's shot open with a small gasp. She sat up in her bed and placed a hand on her chest where her heart raced and her breathing was heavy. Her eyes moved to her phone on the nightstand and she reached over. Clara turned it on to see the time read 5:25...well, she'd have to get up anyway soon for work.

She felt the bed sink slightly as Optimus shifted next to her. "Teddy? What's wrong?" His deep baritone voice reached her ears and she looked over at him. Optimus rarely slept, honestly, he found himself only able to sleep in her presence, and he always wanted to be around if she ever had a nightmare or dream.

"Nothing." Clara shook her head before turning away and pulling the covers off, letting her legs hang over the side of the bed. Optimus frowned and sat up, reaching a handover and placing it on the small of her back.

"You had another nightmare didn't you?" He uttered and her breath hitched at that as she tensed. Optimus could feel her tense and he knew he had been right. "What happened?" Optimus asked her. She swallowed hard and licked her lips anxiously.

"It wasn't...exactly a nightmare but it still...startled me." She cleared her throat and told him which made him frown deeply. "I just heard a voice, it whispered to me. It wasn't a voice I knew...I think." Clara trailed off as she started to explain to him. That only caused Optimus's frown to deepen even more. She wasn't sure if she'd ever seen him frown that much.

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