Chapter 3: Space Oddity.

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[A/N: if you guys haven't caught on by now, but I'm quite sure you have, some stuff about Clara's gifts and such is inspired by Elizabeth from Bioshock Infinite. italics is for cybertronian.]

Once Clara and Mirage arrived home, Clara headed inside to get her mother while Mirage remained in the garage and transformed into his bipedal form. Sometimes it got cramped staying in his alt mode or his holomatter avatar, but it was to protect his true identity and he understood that and would deal with the annoyance of this. The autobot turned his head at the sound of the door opening and Clara and Rose stepped out into the garage. Clara had caught their mother up on everything that happened when they were with Sam and Ron and most importantly told her about Bumblebee. That made her mother waste no time in getting out to the garage to speak with Mirage and Clara together. "Clara told me basically everything, Mirage. Who is this Bumblebee?" Rose asks her surrogate son and Mirage glances at Clara who nods. She might be able to help like she always had, she needed to know everything.

"He was-is an autobot scout, now during the war. Optimus sent him here years ago, years before even I arrived." Mirage began to explain to the older woman while Clara crossed her arms and leaned against the wall. "I'm not sure why Optimus sent him here, it definitely wasn't the same reason I was sent here, which ended up being the lexicon." He reminded her and gestured to Clara as Rose's eyes flickered to her daughter for a moment. "I was with him for a little while when I first arrived but we did split up. I thought he might still be out there, but I had no idea he would be here." Mirage sighed and Rose hummed with a thoughtful frown on her face, it was just her luck her children would come across something like this and she had no doubt this might lead to trouble.

"And we don't know why he worked so hard to make sure Sam 'bought' him." Clara piped up with a shrug, the two tried to work through the possibilities, but they just couldn't find any solid reason why Sam. Bumblebee wouldn't know about herself and Mirage, until now at least, and her encounter with the lexicon of Primus. "I told Mirage he should send out an encrypted message to Bumblebee, for him to meet up at a location that would cover both of them in their bipedal forms." She informed her mother who rubbed her chin with her finger before shaking her head.

"We gotta lot of questions for him, he's gonna have a lot for us." Mirage commented.

"No." Rose suddenly said which made the autobot and doctor frown confused. What did she mean by no? They knew for sure it was Bumblebee, an autobot, so it would be mostly safe to meet with him without anyone else knowing who didn't need to know. However, when Rose noticed the baffled expressions on their face the woman sighed and moved to clarify. "I mean using an alien source of message, encrypted or not, might be unwise. It's one thing to use your channel out there." She pointed upwards, gesturing to space, and Clara was beginning to see what she was meaning. "But if humans catch a whiff of your channel as some strange signal, all three of you will be in danger. I have something better," Rose concluded and Clara raised a brow while Mirage frowned confused, the two watching the older woman walk over to the corner of the garage and begin digging through an old box.

"Um...should we be concerned she's going...?" Mirage trailed off and made circles near his temple while Clara rolled her eyes and shot him a look.

"She's ill, not insane, and knowing her, she's got something that can help." Clara firmly stated, but she wasn't completely sure what her mother was looking for yet. It would have to be something from her time during the airforce or right afterward. She still had plenty of things from that time.

"Old radio from the airforce, out of commission, no one uses these anymore. Except me and your godmother." Rose's voice echoes as they see her walking over with a large radio in her arms. "We use a frequency that used to be used during Vietnam and the gulf, it's defunct, but if Bumblebee has a radio and he's flipping through the channel frequencies, he should find you." She explained to the two of them who shared looks, that this was a good idea and that it would hopefully keep all of them safe.

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