Chapter 6: Intergalactic.

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Clara and the two autobots wasted no time getting on the road to head out to where Bumblebee was leading, after grabbing Sam's pants and Mikaela's purse, of course. However, she began to grow an inkling of who they might be meeting which really she didn't know what to feel about that. All she'd ever heard was, that maybe he was coming soon or he is coming, not that he might already be here or be on his way. Optimus Prime was an enigma to Clara, with all the talk of them being each other's destiny, she still didn't know much about him. Mirage shared what he knew and what he recalled from fighting side by side with the autobot leader, but to her, it just wasn't the same as actually talking and meeting him. She guaranteed Bumblebee would say the same things as Mirage, but with a little more hero worship, and Clara felt her universe did not and should not revolve around Optimus Prime. Regardless of what Primus and Alpha Trion said. This was about her protecting her kids, Sam and Mikaela, Mirage, and now Bumblebee. "It's Optimus Prime, isn't it?" Clara blurted out and asked Mirage who was quiet as he drove down the road behind Bumblebee.

"I'm assuming so, given the autobot signal he sent out last night." Mirage's voice came through the radio and Clara let out a puff of air at his answer. "Decepticons though..." He breathed disbelief and Clara scoffed, shaking her head. Yeah, she couldn't believe it either. If Bumblebee hadn't told them about the Allspark, she would've questioned why the decepticons were here in the first place.

"Yeah, our biggest problem. They're looking for the Allspark and they know Sam has the way to lead them there." Clara commented, exhaling through her nose and crossing her arms. It was more important now than ever to not fuck this up in the slightest. "There's no chance it'll be safe for any of us, even if we get our hands on the Allspark because of the coordinates on the glasses." She hummed, rubbing her chin in thought. After everything Mirage had told her about the decepticons, they were not the type to back down, even if they didn't get what they needed. They just kept coming and coming. "Am I wrong to think this?" Clara asked Mirage with a quiet breath.

"No, I don't think so. We just need more than" Mirage replied through the dialing radio and there was no part of Clara that disagreed with that. They didn't know how many more decepticons were out there, Mirage and Bumblebee couldn't do this alone. If Optimus and other autobots were here, they would need them. "That lexicon power hasn't given you an inch of offensive power, mostly defensive, and it's that mindstorm shit." He pointed out and Clara sighed but knew he was right.

"I know, don't forget I did do a stint in the military even if it was as a medic." Clara cut in with a frown and Mirage went silent. He would never forget that. There were pictures of both her and Rose in their military uniforms on the wall. Neither took complete pride in their military involvement, except for the moments when they didn't just help their own but others. "Honestly, I have no idea what the hell to say at this point." She admitted with a slight scoff and Mirage snorted, it felt like until they got to the other autobots like she assumed they were doing, there weren't any more questions.

"You and me both, guess we'll just have to save it for the boss," Mirage spoke with a hint of amusement in his voice before a silence grew around them while he went down the road.

"This car's a pretty good driver." She suddenly heard the voice of Mikaela through the radio.

"Wait, can they hear us?" Clara's eyes widened, that was really just a discussion she wanted between herself and Mirage, if Bumblebee heard she couldn't care less.

"No, Bumblebee can hear us but not them. Our line isn't open to Bee's radio, only his radio is." Mirage calmly assured her, he was in the same boat. He didn't quite want the teenagers to hear the semi-depressing tone of their previous conversation.

"I know." Sam awkwardly replied which made Clara visibly grimace. "Why don't you go sit in that seat, there?" He suddenly asked and if Clara had to guess, he was talking about the driver's seat. They must be too anxious to have anyone sit in that seat while he was driving, it didn't bother Mirage when she did and she wouldn't doubt Bumblebee didn't care.

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