Chapter 25: I Know The End.

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[Title: I Know The End - Phoebe Bridgers.]

Clara's eyes shot open to the familiar space she always ended up in. The limbo. However, she wondered, why was she here of all places? She was dead, she knew that. She and Sam died. She slowly rose to her feet and peered around for any sign of Primus or Alpha Trion like always. That was when she was greeted by the familiar purple optics of Primus. "Well, glad you decided to show up. Where's Alpha Trion?" She remarked and asked curiously.

"Busy, but you are aware you are dead." Primus points out to her and she crosses her arms.

"Yeah, I sort of gathered that after Megatron blasted us," Clara replies wryly and the creator lets out a low chuckle. Well, she was handling this better than he thought. She must've put a lot of focus into coming to terms with it. "I thought I'd see the Primes too, I mean Sam and I died getting their Matrix. And where is Sam?" She questioned confused, holding her arms out and looking around for the familiar Witwicky boy.

"You will see Sam and the Primes soon enough, but you must pass through here first." Primus calmly informs her which makes her brow raise. Now she had even more questions.

"Why here?" Clara scoffed with a chuckle.

"Because through here is the path to the other side." Primus began to explain to the young woman who blinked in a mixture of confusion and surprise. Was she saying her time and work within the limbo helped others pass on? "This isn't just a limbo, it's a world between worlds. The living and the dead. It's a convergence of time and space where those ready for the other side pass through. Irij is the correct name for this place." He told her and Clara listened quietly stunned. So...she was the guide between life and death. It made sense now, after everything they talked about.

"And can humans pass through?" She asks and Primus nods.

"Irij was created for cybertronians, but a select few such as yourself and Sam who prove themselves may pass," Primus says as he looks up at the sky and she takes a deep breath, but what happens when the Hiereiai of Primus and Irij dies?

"What happens when the guide dies?" Clara wondered aloud which made his optics turn from the sky to her.

"Who says it's time for the guide to die?" He vaguely replies and that makes her confusion grow even further.

"But you said..." She starts to say confused.

"We all have to die one day, Clara, but today is not your time." Primus tells her softly and Clara's mind begins to spin with more questions and confusion. "You are still needed for the Matrix, for Optimus, but the Matrix turned to dust and needed to return with a sacrifice. Yours and Sam's." He explains to her, but she can't find the right words. This whole time she was prepared to die for good, unless...there was a reason they spoke to her as such.

"You were preparing me for this and much more." She breathed in realization and the cybertronian creator nodded.


"Then I need to speak with the Primes, get to Sam." Clara nodded determinedly and Primus smiled, but that was when something sunk in her chest. "Before..." She cleared her throat and struggled to speak which made Primus tilt his helm curiously. Was something else wrong? "Before Megatron killed Optimus he said 'of course, I shouldn't be surprised that the last Prime and the Hiereiai of Primus should find the fleshlings say...intimate. Almost fate, wouldn't you say?'"" She repeated the words the decepticon warlord had uttered to her. She had this discussion with Mirage already and he soothed her worries, but she couldn't help but bring it up with the one person who made her existence a reality.

"And what worries you about his words, child?" Primus softly inquires.

"What if the only reason he loved me and I loved him was because fate dictated it?" Clara frowned and found her lips trembling slightly. Primus let out a small breath and kneeled down on one knee, looking down at the young hybrid.

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