Chapter 18: Already Gone.

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Clara and Sam couldn't do anything but watch as Megatron charged for them and Optimus, right as the said Prime transformed. Optimus keeps Clara and Sam tight and safe within the grip of one hand, turning to face the decepticon warlord. Megatron collides and tackles right into Optimus, crashing them and the two humans into the ground and rolling down the forest slope. Optimus's hand slammed onto the ground and he released Clara and Sam who rolled and tumbled away from the fight. "Hide!" He ordered the two and Clara quickly jumped to her feet, and grabbed Sam's hand as the two raced for cover. She pulled him further into the trees and they hid there away from the battle.

"No, stop." Clara exclaimed as she gripped Sam's collar and forced him behind one of the trees. She could feel her heart racing with worry when she heard the fighting, the crashing and grunts from Optimus and Megatron. However, she knew Optimus could handle himself and he'd want her to keep all her focus on Sam and herself. He wouldn't want her to fight Megatron yet.

"Weak!" She heard him shout when she and Sam peered around the tree to see him ripping a tree out from the ground and slamming it right over Megatron's head. She and Sam ducked down when the weaponized tree crashed into the trees they hid behind. "Puny!" Optimus spat, swinging his fist directly into Megatron's back and Megatron growled with pain. "Waste of metal!" He swiftly dodged a backhand from Megatron and slammed his arm into the warlord's head, throwing the decepticon to the ground. The decepticon leader tumbled around on the ground before regaining his footing as Optimus unsheathed his orange glinting sword on his arm and charged at Megatron. "Junkyard..." the Prime grunted and stabbed his blade through the base of Megatron's shoulder and then struck the flat side of the blade against his head. "Scrap!" Optimus shouted before launching the warlord over his shoulder and slamming him into the hard ground that splintered underneath their weight.

Clara found herself mildly surprised by how aggressive Optimus was fighting Megatron this time around. He was pissed, that was clear as day, if the flurry of insults he threw at Megatron meant something. "We can't stay here for much longer, Sam. It's too open." Clara warned the teenager lowly and Sam nodded anxiously.

"Decepticons!" Megatron hollered out and Clara's head whipped around when she heard a helicopter. She cursed to herself when she spotted the same helicopter that had kidnapped them. The doctor didn't hesitate to turn to Sam and start pushing for him to run away. The two started fleeing when Starscream crashed into the trees behind them and began hungrily gazing around them.

"Come here, fleshlings." Starscream called ominously.

"Go, go, go! Move faster!" Clara hissed at the boy to move faster. She had a lot of names on the list for Starscream, creep was one of the top ones. Stiletto-heeled creep probably worked well enough in another universe. They both fled as Starscream stormed after them when she noticed Megatron chasing after them as well. Shit, shit, shit, was the only word Clara could repeat in her mind over and over again. However, Megatron was quickly knocked off his feet when Optimus tackled him to the ground. Megatron attempted to kick the Prime who swiftly caught his foot and jammed his elbow into his knee. Optimus then kneed him in the face, knocking him down, when Starscream attempted to attack the Prime only for him to swiftly deflect the attack and punch him. The warlord rose and Optimus didn't waste any time kicking him down. He then lifted Starscream from the ground and swung him around before kicking Starscream hard in the face. The forcing hurled the seeker back some feet and he crashed into the ground. "Down! Down!" She quietly shouted as she and Sam jumped over a downed tree and ducked behind it, dirt flying overtop the two humans.

"There is another source of Energon hidden on this planet!" Megatron revealed to Optimus with a shout as he attacked him, trying to sway him with the information he had, but she knew that would never work with Optimus. "The boy could lead us to it and the half-breed will give it to us." He claimed and Clara looked at Sam calmly, though she was trying to catch her breath.

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