Chapter 29: Something To Hide.

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[Title: Something To Hide - grandson.]

"I understand your grief, Clara." Primus's voice echoed in her ears, his figure loomed over the Priestess who stared at the tears that surrounded her in the distance. Time and time again in the past years she had found herself alone here, guiding and ferrying deceased cybertronians to the other side, to the Allspark. Not a single sight of Alpha Trion or Primus. "Clara..." the lonely god sighed as he kneeled down next to the woman. "I have not been here because you did not truly need me, not until now, and Alpha Trion...feels much the same." He tells her calmly and Clara glances down at her hands wordlessly.

"I'm not angry at either of you, but I need one of you now." She sighed, rubbing her hands together. "Why isn't he here?" Clara suddenly asks, speaking of Alpha Trion.

"Because the truth of the matter is, you are my responsibility," Primus tells her with a small sigh. "You will see him again, always, but you are growing into a power I placed within you. The majority of the burden must rest on my back. He has not abandoned you, he will be here, always." He explains coolly the woman who pressed her lips together in thought. Primus observed as her expression morphed into a distressed one and she turned to him.

"My mom...I don't know what to do." She utters with a small breath and Primus glances down for a moment.

"Clara, grief is a flowing river. It is strong but slow and marred by debris and rocks." Primus wisely tells her as he kneels down in front of the hybrid who gazes up at him. "It is a long process as you well know, but it is not one that must be traveled alone." He reminds her quietly. He knew he did not need to tell her this but she wanted to hear it.

"It's my mom...and I haven't even told Optimus." She confessed which made Primus' brows raise with some surprise. At this point in time, he could see they told each other just about anything because they trusted each other so deeply. However, he could see with this how different it was. It was her mother, someone she had fought to keep alive for years.

"I did not have a father or mother. I had my creations, my children. They are who I gave everything to." Primus began to tell her, he had grown used to and fond of the human terms for parents. "Your mother gave you and Mirage everything possible. Her love, her life. She gave her words when you needed them. Honoring her is what seems to be her greatest wish and desire. Among that is celebrating her and one cannot celebrate a life in the dark without others." He wisely tells Clara who inhaled deeply. She stared straight ahead at the tear settled in the distance and found herself accepting his words. Because she understood them, had felt them before. Before Mirage, Optimus, and the bots, all she was her mom and her grandparents and they were her entire world. She had Sam, Judy, and Ron but her mom and grandparents understood her so deeply, they meant everything, and then she lost her grandparents. And now she was slowly losing her mother and in a way, it made her feel so lonely. She'd never felt as alone in her life as she did now.

"Do you ever feel lonely?" Clara asked out of nowhere. Primus blinked and brought his optics to her before tilting his helm.

"Being a god is the most lonely thing to ever exist, even with my children around me." Primus confessed with a small sigh while a sad frown grew on Clara's face. "It's immortality, my child. You exist to watch those around you die and you are left with what feels like an eternal loneliness." He tells her softly and she takes a deep breath while tugging on her finger.

"My grandparents died and I felt alone, even with my mother there." Clara says with a shaky breath as she swallows hard. "I have so many people there but I fear the crippling loneliness that will swallow me whole without her." She admits to Primus whose expression morphs into a kind and understanding one.

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