Chapter 4: Starman.

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Plans had changed. Once Mirage had picked Clara up an hour later, they headed back to the house but Clara couldn't find sleep yet and the two ended up heading to the old trainyard a couple of hours early. Mirage hid out of sight in his alt mode with Clara which led to something that didn't surprise Mirage in the slightest, Clara fell asleep in the driver's side seat. He told her that would happen, but she denied it, he called it and he was right. It was good though, it might mean she would speak with Primus, Alpha Trion, or both, sometimes both of them weren't there. That also meant if he sensed Bumblebee and his signal popped up, he couldn't go to him until she woke up. Clara was a different story, after years of coming to her limbo, it was nothing, it was as easy as putting on your shoes. She could come and go when she pleased and see multiple universes. Clara could speak to the two who guided her here and more often it was Alpha Trion, Primus was a god, the heart of an entire species. He couldn't always afford to give her what she looked for or needed, that's why she had Alpha Trion to guide her too. She understood that. "It's funny how you can have the slightest difference in how you look in other worlds." Clara's chuckle echoed as the heavy steps of Alpha Trion came up behind her, still in the familiar space with the purple hue and the planets dotting the skyline.

"The one you are looking through are much younger in this one, but you have not met a cybertronian yet." Alpha Trion noted as his gaze pierced through the veil of the grey tear. "Your path has not quite...progressed as this one has." He hummed, Clara quietly nodding and taking a deep breath before raising her hands and forcing the tear closed with a strained grunt.

"I won't keep you long and I don't have too long," Clara told him, turning around and facing the old and deceased cybertronian. "I don't have time for making my questions complex and you giving me complex answers, I am going to ask them now." her voice was stern when she spoke, no faltering in the slightest, which made Alpha Trion chuckle. She had grown in the time she had come to speak to them, Clara had the strength to question. "I know I struggled at the beginning, I did not have the voice I do now." Clara exhaled and Alpha Trion was silent, keeping his optics strictly on her when the doctor demanded. "I've only had two gifts yet you both spoke of more to come, where are they?"

"Here." Alpha Trion gently pointed a digit at her chest which made Clara frown with furrowed brows and he chuckled lightly. "They have been in your blood the moment you became one with the lexicon, you just haven't recognized them, you haven't let them become. Your destiny was laid out and connected to Cybertron since before you became a thought. Why would Primus not prepare your very being?" He raised a questioning brow and Clara opened her mouth before closing it shut and she stared down at the floor in thought. She understood what he was saying, truly, but how long would it take for her to complete his riddle?

"That's a hell of a riddle there." Clara breathed and Alpha Trion hummed.

"Clara, to give you every single answer in existence would be a disservice to a woman like you. You are beyond that, your mind is above that." Alpha Trion told her gently and Clara's eyes flickered up to him, her mother once said something like that to her. Ironic. "You have grown to understand cybertronians inside and out within such a short time, you have come to understand this place in a short time. You will know what to do, it just takes the right situation." He instructs her and Clara takes steady breaths in thought, taking in every word that Alpha Trion spoke. However, it was just the current situation that made all of this difficult.

"I understand it's just...the current situation gives us little time." Clara swallowed hard and Alpha Trion nodded, he knew exactly what she was referring to but he wouldn't tell her anything.

"Yes, I'd imagine so, but you and Mirage know what to do." Alpha Trion assured her calmly and Clara paused, looking at him with a frown.

"You know? Can you tell me anything?" Clara stared at him stunned, stepping with desperation. Anything he could offer might help them when they speak to Bumblebee and afterward.

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