Chapter 11: Never Let Me Down Again.

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Clara and Sam didn't hesitate to race into an abandoned building, Sam hoping naively that this would give them more time against Megatron. The two glanced back as they ran, to see how far Megatron was, Clara slowing slightly while Sam staggered. Clara didn't doubt that Megatron would catch up to them, he was relentless and desperate to get his hand on the Allspark. Her alive or dead would probably be a bonus for him. She grasped Sam's shoulder and gently pushed him forward to move. "You're not gonna get me. You're not gonna get me!" Sam repeated under his breath like a chant, the two running further into the building. However, the sound of shattering glass made Sam flinch and Clara's heart race.

"Don't hesitate! Don't stop! Keep moving, Sam!" Clara hissed lowly, urging him to keep moving. Hesitating or stopping would get one or both of them killed.

"I smell you, boy!" Megatron's voice echoed through the building with an angry snarl as they finally reached a staircase and began climbing it to a higher floor. "And your smell, half-breed! Reeks of human and Prime! I will have you dead or alive, regardless of your attack on me!" He swore fervently, he was sure in both choices she'd be useful still. Sam was stunned, however, and looked over at her questioningly.

"Explain, please?" Sam begged breathlessly while they ran.

"I saved Jazz! Used the power of the lexicon! That's it!" Clara replied shortly, this wasn't really important. In the end, her actions kept Jazz alive, even if it put a target on her back.

"What about the dead or alive bit, Clara!?" He exclaimed with wide eyes, huffing and puffing while he and Clara traversed the stairs.

"I was going to surrender to him to save Mirage and Jazz, he could have my power for whatever." Clara openly grimaced while she explained to the boy. Sam feeling like she would've said more if they weren't being hunted down by Megatron. "It's graduated to dead or alive for him, but he can choke. Me, a small being, knocked his ass to the ground to save Jazz!" She said pleased with herself and Sam suddenly let out a small laugh.

"You are crazy and pretty cool sometimes!" Sam was stupefied by her telling him what she did, but he couldn't help but laugh. The fact she had the balls to attack Megatron to save Jazz despite her size, that was amazing.

"Thanks, but genuinely nothing is new about what you just said, Sam!" Clara retorted, rolling her eyes slightly but accepting the compliment. Once they made it to the second floor, the two sprinted across the room towards the staircase when she heard a growl emit from below. "MOVE!" She screamed to Sam who was in front of her. All of a sudden the floorboards beneath burst upwards as Megatron ripped them open. The decepticon warlord lashed out his hand to claw at the two humans. However, he just barely managed to miss Clara who leaped forward and fell to the ground. She rolled on her side while Sam rushed over and helped her up. "Go, go, go, go!" Clara urged him, the two escaped as Megatron let out an animalistic roar.

Clara and Sam made it to the second staircase, halting for a second when Megatron screamed angrily. "Maggot!" Clara's eyes flickered upwards at the stairs, Sam following the same action before she shook her head.

"Let's go, come on." She hushedly hurried the teen to move again. Soon they reach the end of the stairs, Clara climbs the ladder to the roof first followed by Sam. She holds out a hand for Sam and helps him the rest of the way onto the roof, the boy placing the Allspark on the ground for a moment. "Give me the flare," Clara ordered and Sam immediately passed it over before he picked up the Allspark again. The moment they had everything, they began to run forward and Clara ignited the flare against the coarse side of its cap when she heard the helicopters. She started waving the flare around in the air as the smoke rose in the sky, hoping the military helicopters nearby noticed it.

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