Chapter 17: You Were Afraid.

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[A/N: There's nothing more annoying than decepticon being autocorrected to deception every time you write and you don't notice until after. Anyway, I want to state that there will, of course, be a difference in how the romance between Clara and Optimus is played out in the knightverse/rebootverse versus bayverse (as it should, don't want them to be entirely identical). I'm not sure if this is a weird way to phrase it, but it'll be more of an asexual-like romance versus how in the bayverse there is a more sexually mature element you can bring in or play with because bayverse films are a bit more mature compared to the reboot films. Let's all bring up the first scene between Carly and Sam in the third movie and various other scenes. Also the stark age difference between this version of Clara and the reboot Clara too, they're at totally different points in life and their lives play out differently. Both will play out differently as they should. That's not to say bayverse!Clara and Optimus is this only completely sexually mature relationship, that's just one element of their relationship. There's more in each version. Anyway, I wanted to get those thoughts noted out for clarification I suppose. Enjoy the update!]

The four burst into the library's doors and scattered with panic to find a hiding spot. Clara was quick to grab Sam and Mikaela's arms and drag them to hiding spots underneath a few tables near a wall. Leo scampered after the doctor and two others. Clara pulled out her phone while the other three were taking deep breaths to calm themselves and their hearts from the fear and anxiety currently racing through them. The doctor tried even texting autobots instead of calling, so she wouldn't give away where they were, but she still got nothing. What the hell was going on? "Okay, we stay here as long as possible until she's gone and then we make a run for my car and get the hell out of here." Clara whispered firmly to the other three from where she sat between Mikaela and Leo. Mikaela and Sam nodded but Leo looked like he was on the verge of a panic attack.

"Oh, my God! Oh, my God! I can't believe I almost had sex with her in my dream!" Leo squeals quietly with panic to the three. Clara rolled her eyes at Leo and shook her head, she failed to see how that was relevant.

"I can tell that you really missed me a lot, Sam!" Mikaela hissed angrily.

"Look, it's not my fault, okay?" Sam attempted to defend himself and Clara sighed while dragging a hand down her face. These two had fantastic timing when it came to fighting.

"Oh, it's not your fault?" the brunette scoffed.

"Listen! Listen, I'm a victim!" He tried to tell her his side of it. Personally, Clara didn't think Mikaela was going to let it slide regardless of Sam's explanation.

"You were a victim? Of what?" Mikaela asked haughtily, she couldn't believe the bullshit she was hearing.

"Guys..." Clara sighed annoyed.

"Yeah." Sam nodded at Mikaela's words.

"Of what, a little eighty-pound girl?" She replied mockingly

"Of, of, of molestation. It was like getting humped in the neck by a mountain ox!" He stammered out his excuse and Clara glanced over at Leo who was watching the two with confusion.

"Guys, now's not the time while we're being hunted for this." the doctor tried to calm things down and get them to be quiet but the couple wasn't having it.

"Are they serious right now?" Leo couldn't help but mouth to the doctor who shook her head.

"Sadly, they are very serious." She grumbled annoyed. Leo had many questions but right now he was deflecting to the doctor in the room.

"You didn't have to put your tongue in her mouth!" Mikaela accused him.

"I didn't! Look-" Sam vehemently began to deny.

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