Chapter 23: Daffodil.

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[Title: Daffodil - Florence + The Machine.]

"Oh my God. The symbols...." Sam breathed in awe as they stared at the metal claw and symbols. They were cybertronian, but clearly the old Prime symbols Sam had been seeing. The path led them here and the door opened because of Sam. Sam didn't give up on finding it and he figured out the path. Clara realized it was piecing together just like the words Primus told her. The others, except herself and Sam, stared at the new doorway speechless. They couldn't believe they'd actually found it.

"Language of the Primes," Clara murmured as she brushed her fingers against the symbols. She shined her flashlight on the claws and looked closed, this was it for sure.

"Well, looks like we found the tomb." Mirage commented smugly while giving Leo a pointed look. The young adult scowled at the autobot spy but said nothing.

"Bee! Shoot it." Sam suddenly ordered the autobot. Clara shut off her flashlight and Bumblebee buzzed as his cannon began warming up. All of them quickly rushed away and ducked down when the scout raised his cannon and blasted the claw into pieces.

"I could've done that," Clara grumbled lowly. Sam just gave her a look and she sighed, flickering her flashlight back on and going over to the entrance. The doctor shined her flashlight inside the tomb to see several crouched-over bodies of cybertronians huddled within the room, it was the Primes. Sam pulled out his own flashlight and turned it on, spotting the same thing Clara did inside. "Mirage, Bee, remain out here with the twins when we go on. Keep an eye on things." She calmly ordered them and they nodded.

"Will do, boss. Be careful." Mirage agreed but warned and Bumblebee saluted her which made her chuckle lightly. She turned her gaze to Sam and the others and nodded.

"See you on the other side." She hummed before turning and stepping into the dark room. Sam didn't hesitate to follow her and disappear into the room after her, with Mikaela right on his heels. Simmons and Leo shared a look before going after the other three in the tomb. That left the autobots behind to keep an eye on everything. Mirage and Bumblebee watched the five humans disappear into the darkness of the tomb.

"Check this out. Look at it." Sam breathed stunned while he shined his light around. The others pulled out their own flashlights as well.

"Wow!" Simmons gawked in awe. Clara peered up with her light to see the Prime's corpses looming over them, staring down at them. It was eerie.

"These are the bodies Jetfire was talking about," Sam uttered as he and Clara walked side by side.

"The tomb of the Primes." Simmons's eyes widened stunned.

"I can feel the Matrix, just the Matrix now." Clara announced as Sam, Mikaela, and Simmons glanced over at her, watching the hybrid reach out a hand and place it flat on the cool metal of one of the bodies. "These bodies are completely devoid of energon, not even an essence." She breathed and blinked in surprise. Most of the time, she felt an echo of energon when a cybertronian died. The only times she hadn't was when Megatron was torn apart by the Allspark and now with the Prime's bodies.

"I thought the only time that happened was with Megatron after the Allspark?" Mikaela frowned and questioned the woman who sighed and shrugged. The brunette let out a breath and gazed around before muttering. "They truly gave everything like Jetfire said then."

"The's gotta be around here somewhere then," Sam murmured.

"Yo! Yo!" She heard Leo yell as his voice echoed around the room. The doctor rolled her eyes and ignored him, opting to try and focus her energy on the Matrix. She felt like this magnetic force pulling her in this one direction ahead, she could hear the whispers again. They weren't as loud but they were telling her to follow.

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