Chapter 30: For Better or Worse.

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[Title: For Better or Worse - Henry Jackman.]

Clara had found it in herself to return to the hospital for the rest that evening, in her mind she was avoiding Optimus some of her pain, a bad thing in Ratchet's mind. He wholeheartedly believed this would benefit her. She was working away in the ER, probably the first time it had been quiet the entire day. Clara, however, hadn't neglected to mention a certain someone who could help Sam until she got to his place, Simmons. She knew a little of what the crazy man had been up to the past years, mostly selling a book about himself, but she was sure he was still his alien-obsessed self, nothing would change that about him. Optimus had rolled up to the hospital where outside was Sideswipe and Arcee. The two had volunteered to keep an eye on her while at work as Mirage had been convinced by Sam to stay behind as the boy tried to figure out how to help. Mirage wanted to help with that. "Boss?" Arcee's alt mode flickered with surprise while Sideswipe rumbled his engine slightly. "You here to speak with Clara? She was in the ER, last Swipe and I went in there in our holomatter avatars." She informed him, but internally she was slightly concerned he just showed up.

"You...speak with Sentinel?" Sideswipe slowly asked him, partially for his own curiosity still. Yes, Optimus had spoken with Sentinel outside the base and told him about her, of course. Though he neglected to mention the extent of his relationship with Clara until Sentinel had rightly guessed it. Optimus was quiet for several moments as he recalled his conversation with his mentor.

Optimus had led Sentinel out into an open field in rural areas nearby. No one would disturb them here, no one would know where they were. They could speak in peace and Optimus could explain everything to his old mentor. The two transformed into their bipedal forms as Sentinel gazed out at the open landscape in awe. It was quite beautiful, he would not lie. "So majestic and peaceful, this planet. Unlike the final days of Cybertron." He stated coolly and Optimus recalled feeling much the same. Though some of it was Clara's influence, she had shown him much of this world and what it could offer. Things he hadn't completely seen before.

"I've wondered what might have been if you had fought the final battle, instead of me." Optimus speaks up and voices what would be seen as insecurity. Of course, he had once said this to Clara who had assured him that he did the best he could, that they were fighting those who didn't play by rules or morality as he did. And nothing was wrong with that, she said it made her admire, respect, and love him more.

"If I hadn't been the one to lead and fight the final battle on Cybertron, do you believe things might've turned out differently?" He had asked Clara once when they lay in bed at night, listening to the quiet rain outside thudding, and she offered him a small smile before shaking her head.

"I have no idea, but I do think the choices you made, you made them with the best intentions and heart. You did the best you could." She had told him with a soft voice, she didn't coddle him in her words, he appreciated that. She was compassionate, but she didn't belittle him. "Decepticons, Megatron, they fight with cruel rules and mortality. They aren't good like you. I find nothing wrong with that, it just makes me admire, respect, you so much more." Clara smiled at him and gave him a sweet kiss. Jazz, Ironhide, and Ratchet had been the first three to tell him she was right. Of course, she was right.

"Never mourn the past, young warrior." Sentinel's voice snapped him out of his thoughts. "Thanks to you, our race survives. And I suspect this friend, companion of yours, Doctor Grey has helped in that endeavor since you came here." He says knowingly, much to Optimus's surprise. However, part of him believed he shouldn't be too surprised Sentinel knew something. Sentinel had always been one of the few to know him the best.

"Yes, she has. Teddy has been a shoulder to lean on. She and Ratchet have been my greatest help, and Jazz has never failed in his command." Optimus bowed his head and Sentinel hummed before nodding for him to continue. "Clara Theodora Grey. She is the hiereiai of Primus. She found the Lexicon with Mirage and touched it and her destiny began." He began to reveal to Sentinel whose optics widened, even though he had correctly guessed.

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