Chapter 21: Second Hand News.

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[Title: Second Hand News - Fleetwood Mac.]

Clara let out a shout when they were suddenly flung through the air, she could feel warm air blowing past her as she fell toward the ground below. The doctor let out a grunt when she slammed into the ground. She could feel warm sand beneath her touch and her eyes flickered down to see the golden sand beneath her. She grimaced in pain as she pushed herself up to her knees and glanced around the desert they landed in. Where the hell were they? Clara ruffled her hair to get the sand out of it when she heard footsteps and the sound of metal, the woman glanced up and spotted Mirage walking over to her. The large stature of the autobot shadowed her from the blazing sun above as he looked down concerned. "Hey, you okay? That looked like a rough fall." He frowned concerned, holding out a digit for Clara to steady herself with as she stood up.

"Yeah, yeah, just wish Jetfire had warned us about how bad this would be." Clara huffed in annoyance which made Mirage chuckle until his optics stopped on her arm.

"Ripley, your arm is bleeding." Mirage's optics widened with worry. Clara glanced down at her arm and pushed up the slightly torn sleeve of her jacket. She grimaced when she gently pressed against the long cut that went from her wrist to her elbow. Well, it wasn't deep so that was the good news.

"Get me the med kit." She told him and Mirage nodded. She was glad she'd taken that from the NEST base ages ago. Mirage reached into his chassis and pulled out the tan backpack medical kit. He used the tips of his digits to pass it over to Clara who dug through it and grabbed what she needed. "Any chance you know where we are?" Clara asked, letting out a small hiss of pain when she cleaned her cut.

"Looks like somewhere in Egypt according to my navigation systems," Mirage answered with a frown as he narrowed his optics at the surrounding terrain. "My systems are a little buzzed right now from whatever Jetfire did so I can't get an exact location." He added and Clara nodded while she wrapped her arm up with a bandage, slowly pulling her jacket down before she put everything away.

"Let's go get the others." Clara exhales and straps the medical kit on her back. The doctor takes a few wobbly steps before stopping herself so she wouldn't fall.

"You need any help?" the autobot spy asks, his optics again flickering with concern.

"No, no, it's okay. I got this, just give me a second." She shook her head and swallowed hard. She'd take a guess beings of her size or you know humans, half-human or not, were not typically thought of when doing whatever Jetfire did. Who knew what adverse effects that space hopping would have on humans?

"Sam! Clara!" Mikaela screamed from somewhere.

"Where are we? Simmons! Clara!" She heard Sam holler out somewhere in the distance. Good, he sounded okay.

"Hey! Yeah!" Simmons yells back. Clara and Mirage make their way over to Sam, who was the closest to her and Mirage, as the teenager calls out concerned.

"You guys okay?"

"Yeah!" Mikaela replies as she runs toward her boyfriend.

"Uh, I'm coping from being thrown like a ragdoll, but yeah." Clara commented sardonically when she made it to Sam who exhaled in relief that she looked mostly unharmed. She gave the boy a quick hug before she pulled away and looked him over. That was when her eyes stopped on his hand, it was injured. It looked like a pretty nasty burn. "Are you okay? That hand looks rough." She nodded to his hand and Sam sighed.

"Hurts, but other than that I'm okay." He answered her and his eyes noticed the torn opening in her jacket sleeve with the bandage beneath it. "Got injured during the trip like me then?" Sam grimaced while gesturing to her arm. Seems like they both got a nasty effect of this 'space hopping' Jetfire put them through.

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