Chapter 22: Space Junk.

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[Title: Space Junk - Wang Chung.]

"Okay, let's go over it again." Sam spoke up while the autobots raced down the road toward the Daggers Tip, they wanted to get there as fast as possible before any of the decepticons caught up to them. They really didn't need to go over everything again, but Clara wouldn't say anything. "When the dawn alights the Dagger's Tip, the Three Kings...will reveal the doorway." the Witwicky boy recited with Simmons while Clara glanced back at him from the front passenger's seat; the three young adults were in the back seats with Leo in the middle, Mikaela behind her with Wheelie, and Sam behind Simmons who sat in the driver's seat.

"That's what he said." Simmons nodded and pointed at Sam before asking the young adult. "You know what that means?"

"No, what does it mean?" He replied with a frown and Simmons shook his head.

"I have no idea." the former agent stated which made Clara roll her eyes. "What about you, doc? Any thoughts?" He turned to the doctor and questioned.

"No, but none of us do, not yet. This is why we gotta figure it out and get to the Matrix." Clara curtly cut in with an annoyed look. Her words made Mirage snicker over the radio and Mikaela smiled amused while Simmons and Sam ignored her. However, they were quickly interrupted by the sight of a checkpoint ahead and the panicking breaths of Leo in the backseat. "Oh boy. Roadblock ahead, slow down, Bee." She sighed deeply and the scout rolled to a slow stop with Mirage and the other two behind him.

"Oh my God. Oh my God." Leo panicked when the Camaro stopped in front of the checkpoint barrier. "Checkpoint. Checkpoint. I don't have my passport."

"Passport!" the checkpoint administrator shouted, looking at the four cars, before she heard him speaking Egyptian Arabic while another leaned over the front to look inside.

"They got cameras at the top." Sam pointed out nervously from behind Simmons. Clara sees the cameras zooming in on them and the others behind them.

"Okay, just relax. Keep calm. We got this." Clara calmly instructed while holding up a hand.

"All right, chill. This is espionage now." Simmons said lowly while Wheelie leaned over Clara's shoulder from behind. "I can handle it. These are my people." He assured them and Clara looked over at the man with an unconvinced look.

"Yeah," Wheelie murmured

"Well, then. If you can handle it, come up with something." Clara brightly said with an unimpressed expression on her face. Wheelie snorted while the young adults looked nervous and Simmons rolled his eyes at her.

"I'm one-thirty-sixth Arab." Simmons clarified which made her look at him strangely. He was a weird guy. Her gaze moves when she spots the short administrator walk from the watch tower above and make his way over toward them.

"Simmons, I fail to see how that'll make that man your best friend." Clara dryly stated.

"Oh great, a frickin' munchkin. Little people are mean. Tell him he's tall." Wheelie groaned and Clara ignored his complaining while pushing him down to hide, the others seemed to do the same.

"Wheelie, just keep low and keep quiet until we're in the clear." She ordered firmly and the mini-bot nodded. The administrator walked over to the driver's side of Bumblebee and dragged his finger across the side before he stopped next to Simmons's window. He pointed to Simmons as he began speaking in Egyptian Arabic and Simmons wore a wide smile.

"Ashu-fanah... The Dagger's...Tip? Right? Egypt, Jordan." Simmons began to say in Arabic before he gave up and made gestures to try and tell the man what they were looking for. Clara tried not to make any faces and opted to just wear a smile.

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