Chapter 24: Face the Raven.

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[Title: Face the Raven - Murray Gold.]

The group of humans had rushed off after the two autobots had killed the con and hid between some buildings. Clara knew she and Sam could trust Mirage and Bumblebee to cover them and have their backs while they went on to get to Optimus and the others. Everyone quickly hid when the sound of gunshots being fired in the distance reached their ears, the sound made them jerk around for a place to hide. Clara didn't know how many decepticons Megatron and the Fallen had on their side, but they no doubt outnumbered the autobots and human soldiers. However, she trusted Will, Jazz, and Ironhide to lead them and keep everything together until they got there. "I don't know what's going on, but we've got to move!" Ron spoke up and stated, looking back at his family, Clara, and Rose. Her mother and Judy were clutching to each other in fear, being stuck on a battlefield like this. The hybrid could see Ron was trying to remain calm and lead them to safety. Missile suddenly crashed into a few buildings not that far away, causing the ground to shake, and they ducked away from the debris, dust, and smoke as it spattered behind them.

They stumbled forward as Ron grabbed Judy and Mikaela and Clara grabbed Rose, pulling her to safety. "Ron, we get you all out of here, but Sam and I have to stay," Clara told him calmly but the man shook his head. He didn't wanna hear that, they all were leaving, everyone.

"There's got to be a way out of here! Come on!" He claimed insistently as they tried to flee but another missile landed in front of them not too far away and the explosion caused Ron to fall back.

"Judy! Ron! Quick, get back!" Rose called for them when Judy rushed to help her husband to his feet.

"Judy, get back, get back, get back." Ron shouted and urged, everyone rushed back for cover where they had been hiding before.

"Against the wall! Against the wall! Against the wall. Against the wall." Sam ushered his parents and the others, helping his father as Clara pulled Rose over to Judy's side and the two women stayed by each other. Their parents couldn't stay here, Bumblebee and Mirage had to get them out of here. "Bee! Bumblebee!" He screamed for his guardian while Clara's eyes flickered around for Mirage.

"Mirage! Get over here!" Clara hollered through the explosions and gunfire. The two autobots appeared moments later and looked down at them.

"What is it?" Mirage asked worriedly.

"I need you to get Mom out of here to safety, okay?" Clara told him breathlessly and Mirage blinked surprised. He didn't like that, it would mean he would have to leave Clara, leave her at risk. "Please." She begged him and he swallowed hard before nodding. He would do whatever she asked to keep her and Rose safe.

"You get them somewhere safe, all right?" Sam told Bumblebee before he turned to his father. "You've got to get in the car. Get to safety." He ordered his father and Ron shook his head.

"Wha-no! Not without you!" Rose shook her head in refusal and moved over to her daughter's side.

"Mom, please. I can't focus, I can't bring him back with you here in danger." Clara cried desperately, she couldn't face having her mother here in the middle of a battle. She couldn't cope with the idea of her being here and witnessing her dying. Everything needed to be on Optimus and bringing him back.

"No, no, this isn't up for discussion! You're my son!" Ron argued, feeling the same way as Rose. "And I'm not leaving Clara. Rose wouldn't leave you." He jabbed his finger at Sam, but neither she nor Sam would accept them staying.

"I know!" Sam told him breathlessly.

"Clara, I can't leave you. You or Mirage or Sam. You're my little girl." Rose sniffled and put her hands on her cheeks.

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