Meeting Tsunade

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Kara approached the Hokage's office, a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach. The exchange with Izumo and Kotetsu had set her mind whirling with all the worst possible cases that could have befallen Sasuke.  Her heart raced as she ascended the steps of the tower, the village that had once been her sanctuary now held a tension she couldn't quite place. She was about the knock on the door when she suddenly remembered. Lord Third was gone, and she hadn't yet met the new Hokage in person. Kara has only had limited communication with the new leader while away from the village. All she knew was that she was the Granddaughter of Lord First and also one of the great Sannins.

Nervously, Kara knocked on the office door and awaited permission to enter. Her mind raced with all the questions she had regarding her brother. However, she knew she had to deliver her mission report first before interrogating the Hokage.

"Enter" she heard through the door and with that she pushed open the heavy doors, stepping through and immediately bowed to a knee.

"Ah, Kara Uchiha, it's nice to finally put a face to the name. You may stand and give your report." Tsunade stated with a neutral tone. Kara stood to attention. Tsunade, a women of both strength and wisdom, looked up from her desk with piercing eyes assessing Kara.
"It's an honour to meet you, Lady Fifth" Kara responded.

"Thank you, welcome back to the Leaf, you've been away for quite some time. I trust your mission went according to plan?" Tsunade inquired, her gaze never leaving Kara.

"Yes Hokage-sama, any threats my team came across have been neutralized," Kara responded, her tone steady.

Once Kara finished recounting the details of her mission a slight weight lifted from her shoulders though the pit in her stomach still remained.

"Good, you are a reliable asset to this village. Your mother would be proud," Tsunade said, a hint of nostalgia in her eyes. Kara's mother, a memory etched in her heart, she was a formidable ninja in her own right.

"Thank you Hokage-sama. It's an honour to serve the village," Kara replied, her voice tinged with emotion.

After a moment of silence, Tsunade's expression grew serious, "there's something I need to discuss with you Kara" The sudden change deepened the knot in Kara's stomach as she knew this would be in regards to Sasuke.

"I understand you are the adopted sister of Sasuke Uchiha" Tsunade said with a slight change in her tone.

"Yes I am, my uncle and aunt took me in when my parents died. They raised me like a daughter and I've always seen Sasuke as a little brother." Kara responded plainly keeping her emotions in check.

"Well then... you should know that Sasuke left the village two years ago"

"What! Why did he leave? Has anyone tried to bring him back? Why wasn't I told?" Kara's questions tumbled out in a torrent, her fists clenched in an attempt to contain her frustration.

"Please Kara, try to remain calm and I'll explain everything I know from the events over the past few years, please take a seat."

Tsunade provided Kara with a detailed account of everything that had transpired, from Orochimaru's appearance during the Chunin Exams to the cursed seal and Itachi's sudden return. With each revelation, Kara's heart shattered. Guilt surged within her as she questions if this would have happened had she not accepted the mission.

Maybe I could have stopped him. I could have supported him through this darkness if I hadn't left. It's all my fault.

Tears threatened to escape as guilt consumed her. When she left for her mission, Sasuke had already withdrawn into himself but Kara strongly believed that once he graduated as a Genin and started missions he would start to heal. She had to leave for her mission while he was still at the academy, Sasuke was always self-sufficient so she knew he would be okay looking after himself. Plus she didn't have a choice but the accept the mission from lord Third all those years ago. She cursed Hiruzen in that moment for appointing the mission to her and her ANBU team.

"Why wasn't I told when he left?" Kara spat, standing and slamming her hands on the Hokage's desk. Anger was boiling deep within her.

"Watch your tone with me!" Tsunade snapped. "I understand your anger and concern but try to understand that Sasuke left on his on accord. He made his choice. And the decision was made not to notify you until your return, so nothing would interfere or compromise your mission." Tsunade said sternly to remind Kara of her place.

"Who was his genin sensei? Shouldn't they have tried to stop him before it got to the point of him leaving? They should have done their job and guided him better!" Kara huffed crossing her arms and breaking away from Tsunade's glare.

"Kakashi Hatake. Know this, he did would he could as an instructor."

Kara scoffed at the name of the silver-haired jonin.

"Can't believe him of all people became a genin instructor.." Kara muttered under her breath, though Tsunade caught it.

"I don't care for your personal feelings towards Kakashi, however I will not tolerate you badmouthing or disrespecting a comrade in my presence." She scolded raising her voice at Kara.

There was no love lost between Kara and Kakashi, since they were at the academy together they never got on. From a bitter childish rivalry to nearly compromising a mission when both their ANBU teams were partnered together years ago, they seemed to have issues putting their detest for each other to the side. Their mutual dislike ran deep.

I'm going to kill him when I see him!

"Now before we end, I wanted to ask about your position in the ANBU. You've been in ANBU for 14 years and captain for 10. Now how do you feel about retiring from the ANBU and becoming a regular jonin?" Tsunade asked in a voice which suggested that she wasn't really asking Kara for her opinion but rather stating it's time to retire the fox mask she'd worn for 14 years.

"Actually, I thought about this a lot during my journey home, being away from home and Sasuke for the past 5 years has been difficult and I would agree that it is my time to retire from the ANBU." Kara responded. The thought had crossed her mind many times during her time away and she couldn't wait to return home and become a regular jonin. She had hopped it meant she should would be able to spend more time with Sasuke but that is now only a pipe dream...

"Very well then, you are officially relieved of your ANBU duties. I will contact you in due course for a mission. In the meantime, take the next few days as a well-deserved rest. You may go" Tsunade waved for her to leave.

Kara turned and headed for the door when Tsunade suddenly spoke up.

"Oh and I'd appreciate if you don't rough up my head jonin too much, if you don't mind.."

Kara quickly left the office thinking about how she was going to confront the silver-haired jonin after so many years.

He will be lucky if I don't kill him.

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