Emptiness 🍋🍋

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The apartment door slammed behind Kara as she stormed in, her heart pounding with anger and heartbreak as she threw her satchel to the floor and quickly discarding her clothes as tears welled up in her eyes. She made her way to the bathroom, each step she took she could feel the cracks in her heart break further.

The hot water from the shower cascaded over her, mixing with her tears as she sobbed uncontrollably. Her knees gave out from her overwhelming emotions and she slid to the floor, her body shaking with each sob. Clasping her hands to her mouth, she tried to stifle the sound of her anguish, but the walls of tears and wails filled the bathroom. Time slipped by as she sat there, wrapping her arms around her legs, letting the water run down her body.

Finally after what seemed liked hours, the last of her tears had trickled away, she stumbled to her feet, her eyes red-rimmed and puffy. She stumbled out of the tub, wrapping a towel around her body. Kara stopped for a moment in front of the fogged up mirror, whipping it with her hand, her gaze falling on her reflection. The face looking back at her was one of pain and heart break, a face she hadn't seen for a while. She tried to compose herself, but her eyes refused to cooperate, so she quickly left the bathroom, slamming the door shut behind her.

She headed to the kitchen, most of the cupboards were empty from when her and Kakashi packed up her belongings when she moved in with him. But she continued to search, until finding what it was she needed. A half empty bottle of vodka, she needed something to numb the pain in her chest. She unscrewed the lid and took a long swig, the burning sensation in her throat not even bothering her at this point. She continued to drink, not even noticing the bitter taste of the cheap vodka, as she slid to the floor, wearing nothing but the damp towel wrapped around her.

As she sat there, her emptiness began to fade with each sip. She could feel the numbness spreading throughout her body, drowning out the heartache that had always followed her around.

The tears that had been streaming down her face earlier had now dried, leaving her skin feeling tight and stiff. She knew she shouldn't be drinking, but at that moment, she didn't care. The only thing that mattered was the pain that was slowly leaving her chest, being replaced by the warmth of the alcohol.

Kara took another swig, and that's when the vision appeared. She saw herself walking away from Kakashi and everything she had ever known. She saw her future, a life without the man she loved, without the one who held her heart in his hands. It was cold and lonely, where she buried herself into mission after mission, killing after killing. She saw herself becoming the cold-hearted version of her past self, with neither of her brothers or Kakashi to bring light or warmth into her life.

She took another long swig basically finishing the bottle before setting it to the side, Kara's mind raced with memories of Kakashi - his aloof demeanour, his piercing gaze that softened when he looked at her, the way his hand felt intertwined with hers.

But amidst the haze of alcohol and swirling memories, a sudden knock on the door jolted Kara out of her reverie. She froze, the bottle slipping from her hand and rolling across the floor, forgotten. Her heart raced in her chest as she hesitated, unsure if she wanted to face whoever was on the other side. Swallowing hard, she wrapped the towel tighter around herself and slowly made her way to the door.

With trembling hands, she unlocked the door, not knowing who to expect. Naruto? Sakura maybe? Nah they wouldn't be back yet, would they..? Wait what time is it? She hesitated in her drunken state before turning the knob. She didn't think it would be Kakashi after-all she had basically broken up with him in front of his students.

As she partly opened the door, to her surprise, there he was, his usually stoic expression softened with a hint of worry in his dark grey eyes. He took in her dishevelled appearance, red-rimmed eyes, and the empty bottle lying on the floor. For a moment, neither of them spoke as they simply stared at each other.

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