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The early morning air kissed Kara's cheeks as she followed her familiar route on her morning run, the one that always led past Kakashi's training grounds. She told herself it was for the scenery, but deep down, she sought a glimpse of him, though she'd never admit it. Sometimes, a pang of disappointment clenched her stomach if he wasn't there, coaching either Naruto or Sakura.

In the distance, a flash of green and silver caught her eye, and in an instant, a puff of smoke materialized before her. Kara collided with Kakashi's chest, the impact reverberating through her nose, cushioned only by his flak jacket.

"What's your problem?" She scowled nursing her slightly flattened nose.

"Lady Tsunade wishes to see us" he retorted, his one onyx eye focused on her blue orbs.

"Like right this second?" She asked hoping she would have time to change from her running clothes.

"Yes it's urgent apparently"

"Urgh fine, lead the way" she waved gesturing with her hand for him to walk slightly in front of her.

The journey to the Hokage's tower was a tense one. They strode in silence, neither daring to glance in the other's direction.

Inside Tsunade's office, the atmosphere crackled with tension. They stook in a standoff, hands buried in their pockets. The weight of Tsunade's gaze bore down on them until she let out a loud sigh.

"What am I going to do with the two of you?" Her tone was a blend of anger and disappointment.

The two jonin in front her remained silence, having a slight inclination that this summon was regarding the state of their relationship and not actually about a mission.

"The two of you are my strongest jonins in this village and with the Akatsuki gaining power, rounding up the tailed-beasts, I don't have time for you two to be having petty arguments or screaming matches outside my office building. The pair of you need to sort your crap out. I've had enough! The whole village has had enough."

Kakashi remained silence, he knew Tsunade better than Kara and also knew of the Hokage's short temper. Kara on the other hand did not...

"All due respect my lady... I don't see how this is an issue" Kara spoke up.

"ENOUGH! You can keep your tongue behind your teeth while I'm speaking!" Tsunade's temper flared, and Kara shot a quick side-eye dagger at Kakashi, knowing he was smirking behind his mask.

"In a matter of fact it is an issue! I need to be able to trust that two can successfully carry out missions when I place the two of you together! I need to be able to trust that you won't let your anger or hatred for one another compromise any missions where your comrades get caught in the cross fire! So therefore it is an issue!" Tsunade's voice had been growing in volume during her scolding.

"You two both need to grow up! Your are ninjas of the hidden leaf for Christ sake! And yet you are both acting like children therefore I'm going to start treating you like children. And what do you do with children that don't get on? You lock them in a room with each other until they've worked through their crap. And believe me the two of you need to work through your crap so help me god!
I have therefore decided you will officially be joined together. Kara as of now, you are co-captain of Team Kakashi and you two are partners on all missions until further notice. Hopefully being in constant close quarters means you will finally gain an understanding of each other."

"But.. my lady..." Kara attempted to speak up again but was quickly silenced by Kakashi elbowing her side. Owww Kara rubbed the spot where he'd jabbed her.

"See point proven! Children!" Tsunade rolled her eyes loud enough for the rest of the village to hear.

"I won't entertain any 'buts' Kara, my word is final! Now you better get ready, the two of you have your first co-op mission and I expect you to be gone by sun down. Now go! I don't want to see or hear a peep out of either of you until you're back from your mission!" She handed Kakashi a folder detailing the mission and waved them out of her office. They both quickly walked with their tails between their legs from being scolded.

Kakashi barely shut the door when Kara broke the silence between them.
"Great so now we're stuck with each other" she scoffed rolling her eyes.

"Yeah guess so! So you better drop that attitude of yours Kara because I'm sick of it!"

They both jumped at a sudden large object hitting the door behind them!
"WHAT DID I JUST SAY!" Tsunade voice boomed from the other side of the door. With that the two jonins quickly scuttled down the hall, escaping the wrath of their Hokage.

"Well I guess we better get ready to go" Kara mentioned sheepishly.

"Yeah, I'll meet you at the front gate in two hours" Kakashi said staring into her orbs. He struggled breaking the contact. There was something about her eyes that drew him in.

"Okay, see you later" Kara quickly looked away from his onyx eye and headed in the direction of her home to get ready.

The Double Dojutsu Kunoichi.  [Kakashi x OC]Where stories live. Discover now