Chakra Nature

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The steady beep of the heart monitor was the only sound in the dimly lit room. Kara lay still, her face peaceful in slumber, oblivious to the world around her. Kakashi sat in the chair beside her bed, his gaze fixed on her features, his fingers absently tracing patterns on the edge of the blanket.

The hospital room felt suffused with a quiet intimacy, a space where unspoken emotions lingered in the air. He watched Kara's steady breathing, her chest rising and falling in a rhythmic cadence. She looked so fragile in this moment.

As the days passed, with no change in Kara's condition. Kakashi's thoughts drifted to their shared history. He recalled their many arguments, their countless mission and more importantly their kiss when undercover. Each memory was a thread that wove them together, creating a tapestry of experiences that bound them in ways he couldn't fully articulate.

Somewhere along the way, his feelings had transformed into something deeper, something he had long tried to deny. It was a love born from hidden feelings he's felt for her for many years, going back to their times at the academy, feelings he's always mistaken for hate.

Yet, he couldn't bring himself to voice it. The specter of loss loomed too large, a shadow that threatened to engulf him. He couldn't bear the thought of adding Kara's name to the list of those he had loved and lost. And so, he kept his feelings locked away, hidden behind a mask of stoicism.

His thoughts were soon interrupted by a knock at the door. "Sensei?" Naruto peered his head from behind the door.

"Naruto." He softly said, standing from his chair. Naruto slowly entered the room, Sakura in toe. "What can I do for you two?"

"Umm.." Sakura hesitated before continuing. "You've been in this room for days. Kara-sensei is in a coma, we don't know when she will wake."

"You can't stay here sensei" Naruto interjected.
Kakashi sighed looking down at Kara.

"I know, I just.." he couldn't bring himself to finish.

"We get it, we're worried to, but she will wake up Kakashi-Sensei, have faith!" Naruto attempted to comfort him. Lady Tsunade soon entered the room, drawing the rooms attention to her.

"Ah you are all here, good." She spoke with authority. "Kakashi, I need you to resume Naruto's training immediately, I understand you're worried about Kara however sitting at her bedside isn't going to stop the Akatsuki rounding up the jinchurikis."

He turned his attention to her and simply nodded. "Very well, Naruto find Captain Yamato and meet me at the training ground in an hour. I have a plan to accelerate your training." The three turned and walked out the door, leaving Kakashi alone with a comatose Kara.

He focused his gaze on her sleeping features, she eyelids fluttering every so often, giving him sense shes in a deep dream. He crouched down to her, stroking her face with his gloved thumb.
Please wake up soon. He gave her forehead a masked kiss before leaving the room.


Kakashi strolled through the village street, orange Icha Icha book in hand, ignoring the world around him as he headed to the training ground to meet Naruto and Yamato. He was lost in this book when his feet were suddenly taken out from under him and a large lump falling on top of him.

"MY ETERNAL RIVAL!" Guy exclaimed pulling Kakashi off the ground as he stood himself up. "We are long over.. due.. for one ... of our.. matches" he said in between multiple taijutsu kicks and slashes in the air.

Kakashi have him a bored side eye look. "Why?" He said bluntly.

Guy rubbed his chin, "Why? Because you and I are enteral rivals, what's why!" He announced shaking Kakashi by his flack jacket. "We've had over 100 matches up till now. Let's add another!" He continued with exaggerated movements.

The Double Dojutsu Kunoichi.  [Kakashi x OC]Where stories live. Discover now