Crystal Style User

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Tsunade's stern expression softened as she handed the mission file to Kakashi. It was a delicate situation - one of Orochimaru's hidden hideouts had been reported by an ANBU team, and they needed to act fast. "Kakashi, I need you to form a search team for this location," she instructed firmly.

Kakashi's single visible eye widened slightly as he scanned the file, taking in the details and potential dangers that awaited them. "Understood. I'll take Team Kurenai - Kiba, Shino, and Hinata will be perfect for a mission like this."

Tsunade nodded in approval. "Good choice. Gather your team and head out as soon as possible."

With a quick bow, Kakashi turned and swiftly left her office, his mind already racing with strategies and plans for what lay ahead for his team. The safety of the village depended on their success, and he was determined to see it through.


"Come on, let's move." Kakashi commanded, his voice echoing through the dense forest. The team crouched in the treetops, their keen eyes scanning for any sign of their target - a crystal-style user linked to Orochimaru.

"Hold on," Shino interrupted abruptly.

"What is it?" Kiba turned to him, concerned.

"The Parasitic insects... they're acting strangely." Shino's brow furrowed in confusion.

"What do you mean?" Kiba pressed for more information.

"It's hard to explain... but they seem disoriented, like they can't find their way out." Shino's usually stoic face showed signs of worry.

"That's not good," Kakashi interjected, his tone serious. "We need those insects to lead us to our target."

"Yes, and that's not all," Shino continued, his voice tense with unease. "They seem to have lost all sense of direction... just wandering aimlessly."

Kiba and Hinata exchanged worried glances as they processed this new information. Their mission just got a lot more complicated.

Hinata spoke up, her voice laced with curiosity and a hint of fear. "Could it be some type of genjutsu?"

Kakashi's dark eyes sharpened as he quickly assessed the situation. "Hinata, check to see if there is a sealing jutsu or a barrier."

With a determined nod, Hinata focused her Byakugan prowess on the area surrounding them. But as she peered into the distance, her eyes were bombarded with countless mirrored versions of herself and her team. The sheer number and disorientation of the images caused her head to pound with confusion, forcing her to drop to one knee and clutch her head in pain.

Concern etched onto his usually stoic face, Kakashi asked urgently, "What is it, Hinata?"

Struggling to speak through the pain, Hinata managed to gasp out, "Infinite... images... of us..."

A sense of alarm rose within Kakashi as he realized that even Hinata's powerful Byakugan was overpowered by this unknown force. This is no ordinary genjutsu, he thought gravely.

The sound of fluttering wings filled the air as Shino's insects returned to his side. Their glossy exoskeletons glistened in the sunlight, a small army seemingly at their command. Kakashi watched them closely, trying to piece together what had happened.

"It appears they were trapped in some kind of barrier." He spoke aloud, his mind racing with possibilities. Suddenly, Akamaru began barking furiously, alerting the group to danger ahead.

"The enemy!" Kiba exclaimed, drawing his blade in anticipation.

And then it came - a dazzling flash of light, blinding and beautiful at first before quickly transforming into a barrage of razor-sharp crystal shards hurtling towards them. Each one glinted malevolently in the sun, promising pain and destruction upon impact. The team braced themselves for the attack, ready to defend against this unexpected threat.

The Double Dojutsu Kunoichi.  [Kakashi x OC]Where stories live. Discover now