Pervy Sage

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"So how are things with Kakashi, now that you have been living together for a couple of weeks?" Kurenai asked while taking a sip of her coffee.

Kara blushed, with memories quickly flowing through her mind of her and Kakashi's antics, Let just say, the guy keeps his word of mind-blowing sex... every day. "Good, like really... really good" She gave Kurenai a cheeky wink. The two were currently sitting outside a coffee shop, chatting and enjoying the warm breeze of the day. "But it's not just that," Kara continued, her smile softening as she thought about Kakashi. "He's been so... caring. I never expected him to be this attentive and sweet."

Kurenai raised an eyebrow, a knowing look in her eyes. "Are you sure we're talking about the same Kakashi here?" she teased.

Kara chuckled, nodding. "I know, I know. He has this whole aloof and mysterious persona, but underneath it all, he's really something else. Like since we started dating and living together, I've realised he's not as cold and distant as he leads people to believe, honestly, he's a complete goofball."

Kurenai chuckled, amused by Kara's revelation about Kakashi. "A goofball, huh? That's hard to picture," she said, taking another sip of her coffee. "But I'm glad to hear that things are going well between you two."

"Me too, and how's my baby niece doing in there?" Kara asked hinting at how big Kurenai's belly has gotten.

Kurenai chuckled at Kara's inquiry about her pregnancy, placing a hand on her large belly. "She's definitely making her presence known, that's for sure. Flipping and kicking all the time," she said with a fond smile. "But I can't wait to meet her, Shikamaru barely leaves our side, its like he's worried she just going to slip out of me one day."

Kara laughed at Kurenai's description of Shikamaru's protective behavior. "Well, she's lucky to have such a caring brother like- figure already," she remarked, reaching over to gently place a hand on Kurenai's belly. The baby kicked in response, causing both women to share a knowing look of excitement. "And I can't wait to spoil her rotten."

"Do you think you and Kakashi will have children some day?" Kurenai asked, catching Kara off guard as she spat out her coffee from Kurenai's abrupt question. She looked at her with wide eyes, while Kurenai simple chuckled at her reaction.

"Urrr... its a bit soon to be thinking about kids," Kara stammered, trying to regain her composure after the unexpected question. She shifted in her seat, suddenly feeling a bit flustered at the thought of having children with Kakashi. "I mean, we've only been together for what, a month? We haven't talked about that stuff yet," she finally managed to say, avoiding Kurenai's gaze.

Kurenai gave her a knowing smile, clearly enjoying Kara's discomfort. "Just imagine little ones running around with silver hair and that signature Kakashi attitude," she teased, causing Kara to blush even more.

Kara couldn't deny the image that Kurenai painted in her mind - tiny children with silver hair, maybe even a little beauty mark under their mouths, running around with mischievous grins. It was a strangely endearing thought, one that sent warmth blooming in her chest. She imagined Kakashi as a father, calm yet protective, guiding their children with the same careful attention he gave everything else in his life.

Shaking her head to clear her thoughts, Kara laughed nervously. "Let's slow down, as adorable it would be to have little Kakashi's running around the place... let's not get ahead of ourselves. We've just started dating."

"Well, that didn't stop you two from moving in together within what? Two days?"

"Touche," Kara replied with a chuckle, realising that Kurenai had a point. Their relationship had progressed quickly, going from enemies to lovers in what felt like a blink of an eye to now living together. "But kids is still somewhere far into the future... that's if he even wants kids..." Kara said with a hint of solemn to her tone as she quickly remembered Kakashi saying he never wanted to settle down and have a family, back when they were on that mission together.

The Double Dojutsu Kunoichi.  [Kakashi x OC]Where stories live. Discover now