Morning Serenity

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Kara woke up to the soft rays of the morning sun filtering through the curtains, casting a warm glow over the room. As she blinked her eyes open, she found herself enveloped in a sense of peace and contentment. The sound of birds chirping outside added to the serene atmosphere, and for a moment, she simply lay in bed, savouring the tranquillity of the early hours.

Beside her, Kakashi stirred slightly, his silver hair tousled from sleep. As he slowly opened his eyes, Kara couldn't help but admire how the sunlight danced in his single dark grey orb, making them appear softer than usual. His usual aloof expression softened in the gentle morning light, and Kara felt her heart swell with affection.

"Good morning," Kakashi murmured, his voice husky with sleep. He reached out to brush a strand of hair away from Kara's face, his touch gentle and warm.

"Good morning," Kara replied with a smile, leaning into his touch as she enjoyed the rare tenderness in his actions. The morning seemed to have a magical quality, wrapping them in a bubble of intimacy that felt almost surreal. Kakashi's eyes lingered on Kara's face, his gaze unusually soft and lingering.

Suddenly, a loud knock on the front door shattered the peaceful moment, startling them both. Kakashi's usual mask of indifference fell into place as he got up from the bed, his movements swift and practiced, getting dressed and pulling his mask to cover his face. Kara watched him leave the room with a pang of longing, wishing they could stay cocooned in that moment forever.

As Kakashi headed to the front door, the banding became persistent. "What" He bluntly said as he opened the door to an over-enthusiastic Guy.

"KAKASHI! My rival!" Guy exclaimed, his voice echoing through Kakashi's head. "How about another round to add to the books!".

"Guy, it's barely 8 am!" Kakashi replied with a hint of exasperation in his voice. He glanced back at Kara, who had now followed him out of the room, still wrapped in the soft comforter. Her presence beside him eased some of the tension that Guy's sudden appearance had brought.

Guy, undeterred by Kakashi's reluctance, and was none the wiser that Kara was standing behind Kakashi, flashed his trademark grin and struck a dramatic pose. "Come on, Kakashi! A true ninja never rests! It's the perfect time for a friendly sparring session, don't you think?"

Kakashi sighed, knowing there was no escaping Guy when he got into one of his enthusiastic moods. Glancing at Kara, he raised an eyebrow in question, silently asking if she minded the interruption to their peaceful morning.

Kara chuckled softly, shaking her head at the dynamic between the two shinobi. "It's fine, Kakashi. You go ahead and have your training session with Guy.

Guy quickly snapped the door further open, finally revealing the female nin dressed only in a bed comforter. Kara's eyes widened in surprise as she realized the situation, hastily pulling the comforter tighter around herself.

"WHAT A BEAUTY YOU ARE HIDING KAKASHI!" Kakashi's eye twitched at Guy's loud declaration, a rare flash of annoyance crossing his usually composed features. He shot a warning look at Guy, silently daring him to continue his boisterous antics. Guy took no notice of Kakashi's silent warning and proceeded to drop to one knee, suddenly holding a bouquet of flowers towards Kara. "No fear m'lady, I will save you from the cuff of this man!"

Kakashi deadpanned, "Guy what are you doing?"

"What am I doing? What you are doing holding this lovely lady hostage."

Kara couldn't help but laugh at the unexpected turn of events, her cheeks flushing with amusement and surprise. She took the bouquet from Guy with a gracious smile, trying to hide her laughter at the absurdity of the situation. Kakashi watched the exchange with a mix of exasperation and amusement, his lips quirking up in a rare half-smile.

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