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Team Kakashi, Team Guy, and Kara all slowly embarked on the gates the the leaf village. Well, all but Guy and his student Rock Lee who saw the journey back as training and decided to run the whole way back. Guy had been carrying an unconscious Kakashi on his back, who ended up having to use this Kamui for a second time during their battle, this time it took a larger toll on him as Kara couldn't provide aid with her Sharingan. 

After a few days of much-needed rest Kara and Kakashi were summoned to give a detailed report on their mission in the Sand. They briefed the Hokage on how the Akatsuki's ruthless pursuit of jinchurikis, resulting in the extraction of the tailed beasts and the subsequent demise of the hosts. They also recounted how Chiyo, an elder from the sand, sacrificed herself to resurrect Gaara.

Exiting the tower together, Kakashi turned to Kara, hoping that recent events might have softened her stance following their earlier confrontation. Kara, while maintaining professionalism during the mission, now met him with a fierce glare.

"So Kara.." Kakashi began cautiously.

"DONT think I've forgotten the crap you said Hatake" Kara retorted, her gaze sharp enough to cut through steel.

Puzzled by her sudden change in demeanour, Kakashi pressed on. "What's with the sudden attitude? You've been fine this past week?!"

"We were on a mission, any personal feelings are shut off during said mission. You know that or do I need to remind you of your old rank CAPTAIN"
Kara's emphasis on the last word was impossible to miss.

Did he really think I would forgive and forget everything he said. He's more of an arrogant ass than I thought. Kara continued to glare him down before turning away from the jonin in front of her.

Kakashi could see that Kara was not ready to let go of her resentment. He tried to reason with her, "Seriously, you can't hate me forever Kara! I'm sorry for what I said. I snapped okay, it's not an excuse but it is what happened."

"I can and I will" Kara declared, crossing her arms at her statement and avoiding to meet Kakashi's one visible eye.

"Fine, what's the point?! Why bother? You're a lost cause! Here I was trying to apologise but what's the point? You are always looking for a reason to hate me. It's been years since we have were in the academy and for some reason I thought you would have at least matured a little. It's time to grow up Kara!" With that Kakashi turned and walked away from the auburn haired jonin, his fists clenched in his pockets.

Kakashi was someone that only ever showed a calm demeanour. His face and the tone of voice never showcased his true emotions, he liked to keep them buried deep down. His composure was always neutral with his signature bored look but for some unbeknownst reason to him, whenever something involved Kara he would easily snap and loose his patience. If anyone else showed their dislike for him or attempted to argue with him, he simply didn't care and would walk away but that wasn't the case with Kara, she had a unique ability to provoke strong reactions from him. Unlike others, she had a way of breaking through his typically calm façade.

Kara stood there dumbfounded by his words as she watched him walk away. This was not how she planned for this to happen. Honestly she wanted to be the one walking away while he stood pale face and jaw hitting the floor.
Fuck you Hatake.

Kara stormed in the direction of her home, luckily for her she didn't run into anyone on her way.


Back at her flat, Kara replayed the conversation in her mind, struggling to understand how she ended up being labelled as the immature one.

Seriously how can he tell me to grow up when he spent his entire adolescence blaming the world for everything.

The Double Dojutsu Kunoichi.  [Kakashi x OC]Where stories live. Discover now