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Kara's heart raced as she approached Kurenai's house, the memories of their past friendship flooding her mind. She hesitated for a moment before knocking on the door, unsure of how her old friend would receive her after all this time. She hasn't seen Kurenai since she first left on her 5-month mission of self-discovery. Back then Asuma had just died and Kurenai found out she was a few weeks pregnant.

When Kurenai opened the door, Kara could see the fatigue and sadness etched into her face, but it was the look of betrayal in her eyes that cut Kara to the core.

"What do you want Kara?" Kurenia asked bluntly.

"Kurenai, please, let me explain," Kara pleaded, her voice barely above a whisper.

Kurenai crossed her arms over her swollen belly and shook her head. "Explain what, Kara? How you left me when I needed you the most? When Asuma... when he..." Her voice cracked with emotion as tears welled up in her eyes.

Kara felt a lump form in her throat as she tried to find the right words to say. She had regretted leaving without even saying bye to her friend, but it was a journey she had to take.

"And now you show up at my door? You've been back what a week? And haven't even thought to check in until now? Some friend you are!"

Kara's eyes glistened with unshed tears as she listened to Kurenai's words, each one a sharp stab to her already guilt-ridden heart. She took a step closer, her hands trembling at her sides as she searched for the courage to speak.

"Kurenai, please... I know I made a mistake. I should have been here for you, I should have stayed," Kara's voice wavered with emotion, her gaze pleading for forgiveness. "But I needed to find myself, to come to terms with everything that happened with Sasuke. I thought... I thought you would understand."

Kurenai's expression softened slightly at Kara's words, a flicker of hurt still lingering in her eyes. She let out a heavy sigh and rubbed her temple wearily, the weight of her loneliness and loss pressing down on her.

"I understand that you needed to go on your journey, Kara. But that doesn't change the fact that you left me when I needed you most. Asuma... he was everything to me, and now I have our child to think about," Kurenai's voice wavered as she spoke, a mix of sorrow and anger bubbling beneath the surface. She could see the genuine regret in Kara's eyes, but it didn't erase the pain of abandonment she had felt during her darkest days.

Kara felt tears slipping down her cheeks, her heart aching with the knowledge of the hurt she had caused her friend. She reached out a trembling hand towards Kurenai, silently pleading for a chance to make things right.

"I'm so sorry, Kurenai. I can't take back what I did, but I want to be here for you now. Let me be the friend I should have been from the beginning," Kara's voice was filled with determination and a deep sense of remorse.

Kurenai gazed into Kara's eyes, seeing the sincerity and regret reflected back at her. After a moment of tense silence, Kurenai let out a heavy sigh, her expression softening as she looked at Kara. The weight of her grief and loneliness seemed to momentarily lift as she saw the genuine remorse in her friend's eyes. With a shaky breath, Kurenai finally spoke, her voice tired but filled with a glimmer of hope.

Kurenai's voice trembled with emotion as she spoke, "Kara, I'm not sure if I can forgive you so easily. It hurt deeply when you left without a word." Her hand automatically went to her swelling stomach. "But... I can't deny that I've missed you." With those words, she pulled Kara into a tight embrace.

Kara felt a surge of relief as Kurenai wrapped her arms around her, the warmth of their embrace melting away some of the guilt and pain that had burdened her for so long. She held onto Kurenai tightly, tears streaming down her cheeks as she whispered, "Thank you, Kurenai. I promise I won't let you down again."

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