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Kara anxiously paced outside the Hokage's office, her chest hung heavy with nerves as she slowly plucked up the courage to knock on the huge doors.

Knock knock!

"Enter!" Tsunade's commanding voice bellowed. With a deep breath, Kara stepped through the threshold.

"Oh Kara, I wasn't expecting you. Have you been taking it easy since your release from the hospital?" The Hokage asked with a raised brow.

"Yes Lady Tsunade, I have been."

"Great, then what can I do for you? Did you still wish to permanently suspend your co-captainship with Team Kakashi?" She asked.

Kara paused, choosing her words with care "Umm.. well.. I've actually come to request a leave of absence..?"

Tsunade's eyes widen in surprise "huh? A leave of absence? What for?"

"Well.. there's something I need to do Lady Tsunade.." Kara explained.

"Not something to do with Sasuke I hope?!" Tsunade asked sternly.

"... no m'lady... it's something I need to do for myself.." Kara took a deep breath before continuing. "You see, there's been a lot of locked doors to me, things kept from me for many years, secrets and whispers about me. There are things that I need to learn and uncover."

"Secrets? Truths? Regarding what Kara?

"Regarding my father, Lady Tsunade."

"Your father?" She asked Kara.

"Yes, my real father, there's a lot of unknowns surrounding him and about my Celestigan. I think it's time I finally uncovered the truth about who I am and where I come from."

"And where will you find this?"

"There's a journey to the stars I need to take."

"The stars? Are you sure you should be out of the hospital? Seems you've still got a concussion.." Tsunade sarcastically joked.

"No.. I'm fine. It's the connection I have to the stars which is guiding me to find the truth. It's like they are calling to me."

"Right.. and you promise this has nothing to do with Sasuke or bringing him back?"

"I promise Lady Tsunade, this is just for me."

"Okay, fine, I approve your request. I'll notify Kakashi and get him to meet you at the gates.. you both can leave when you're ready." Tsunade said.

"Actually.. I need to do this alone." Kara said softly

"Kara, I'm not overly happy sending you out on a long journey, on your own when you've only just been released from hospital!" Tsunade's concern was evident, her gaze fixed on Kara with a mixture of worry and consideration. "You've just recovered from a serious injury, Kara. Are you sure you're up for this?"

Kara met Tsunade's eyes with determination. "I need to do this, Lady Tsunade. It's something I have to face alone. Trust me, I'll be careful."

After a moment of silent contemplation, Tsunade sighed, relenting. "Very well, Kara. But promise me you'll take every precaution. And if you encounter any trouble, do not hesitate to return immediately."

"I promise, Lady Tsunade. Thank you for understanding," Kara replied with gratitude.

Tsunade nodded, her expression softening. "Take care, Kara. We'll be here if you need us."

With a final nod of assurance, Kara turned and left the Hokage's office, her heart pounding with a mix of anticipation and trepidation. She knew this journey was necessary, a step towards unravelling the mysteries that shrouded her past.

The Double Dojutsu Kunoichi.  [Kakashi x OC]Where stories live. Discover now