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Kara slowly stirred away to the day light pouring through the window. She held her heavy head which pounded with every blink she made.
I'm never drinking again. She finally looked around her surroundings and soon realised she wasn't in her bed, nor her room.

Where the fuck am I? Did I go home with a stranger again? I really need to lay off the double vodkas. She turned and saw the glass of water and headache tablets, quickly swilling them down. As soon as the liquid filled her throat, she realised how truly parched she was. She unsteadily rolled out of bed, falling to the floor and pulled herself to her feet and headed out the bedroom door quietly. She had no idea who's house she was in or even where she was, she was just focused on finding the kitchen to grab some more water.

She headed down the hallway, hugging the walls so she would not to fall on the floor, her balance was failing her and she could barely see from where's she was squinting to keep much of the light out. As she approached another door, she could hear the sound of plates clanging and the smell of cooked eggs. Oh please don't say that's for me, I cannot stomach food right now. She thought holding back a gag.

She slowly turned the door and and cautiously edged into the main open planed kitchen-living room. Her eyes struggled to adjust to the bright light that was pouring through the double glass doors leading to a garden.

"Morning, how's your head?" Kara's attention snatched to the tall jonin stood with his back to her in the kitchen scrambling some eggs.

"Kakashi? That you?" She asked slightly covering her eyes with her hand.

"Yes, who do you think it would be?" He chuckled, turning to see her sorry state.

"Did we..? You know..?"she inquired, rubbing her head, struggling to recount the previous night.

"Did we what?" He asked as he slowly approached her with another glass of water.

"You know" signalling her head to the bedroom. "Do it?"

He started chuckling, "no, I don't tend to have sex with unconscious women. Nothing happened, I just brought you here when you were too drunk to walk home." He handed her the glass of water which she soon gulped down. "I've made breakfast, you should really eat something." He said returning to the pan to dish up the food.

"Thanks, but I don't know if I can eat it." She said sitting down at the table.

"Just try and eat something, even if it's just the toast." He placed the plate of scrambled eggs on toast in front of her.

"Why are you being so nice to me? I thought you hated me after everything with Itachi?" She looked to him as he joined her at the table.

"I don't hate you Kara, I was angry. I still am." He was looking at her but rather the plate of food infront of her. "You could have died, you jumped in-between two deadly attacks! What were you playing at? Do you have some death wish or something? His voice was growing loudly at her.

"Owe please don't shout? I'm sorry but I had to. You two were going to kill each other and I couldn't allow that to happen!"

"You allowed a terrorist to go free, we could have bought him in, if you were on my side!" His voice still getting louder. "How can I trust you to have my back on any missions after that? Huh? How can I trust you full stop?" He was letting all his anger out before he had a chance to control it.

"Kash, I have my reasons okay! You need to understand that!"

"How you acted goes against everything we stand for as shinobie!"

"I don't want to argue with you kakashi." She pleaded with him to lower his voice as the pounding in her head was not easing.

"Well that's a first" he retorted sarcastically.

The Double Dojutsu Kunoichi.  [Kakashi x OC]Where stories live. Discover now