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"You in position?" Kara asked over the wireless radio from the cafe across the street from the izakaya.

"Yes, at the bar with a clear vision of the door." Kakashi responded. "The mercenaries are already here, same table as last time."

"Okay, no sign of the Akatsuki yet. I'll keep you posted."

"Right, we still need to talk about last night, you know."

"No we don't Hatake. It's a different day, move on." Kara bluntly responded. "Let's just get this over with and get back to the leaf."

"We need to talk Kara. This is ridiculous." Kakashi was frustrated. When Kara returned from her walk the previous night, she refused to speak or even look at him, she simply walked in and went straight to bed. Today she had only spoken to him if it was mission related and would simply ignore him when he attempted to speak of the previous night. He prayed she would move on and stop blaming him for what happened to Sasuke, but it seemed he had no such luck.

"Just focus on the mission." His constant plead was getting on her nerves. She couldn't wait for this to be over so she could finally get some space from him. "Be ready, I see black cloaks with red clouds walking in this direction."

"Okay, keep you head down incase it's Itachi."

Kara was wearing a full disguise which hid her identity well. Her blonde wig, complimented her blue eyes well, though she still wore a traditional kasa hat to hide much of her face.
"It's him and shark dude, be weary, they are walking in now." She whispered through the mic. "Give me word once they are sat and I'll send Gemini in."

Kakashi braced himself as he saw the two cloaked ninjas walk into the establishment. Kakashi was in his full Sukea disguise of a mud brunette wig, scarf and long green trench coat. He was sat at the end of the bar, suppressing his chakra, with a clear visual of the table in which Itachi and Kisame joined.

"Okay, they're here, send Gemini in, there's a free table behind them if you are quick. It's packed in here so my hearing maybe compromised."

"Copy that." Kara quickly hurried from her table to an alley behind the tea shop she was sat in. "Celestial Spirit Art Summon: Gemini" Kara slammed her hands on the ground. In a golden puff, the twin celestial spirits emerged in a golden glisten. The two celestial beings stood in front of her taking the forms which can only be compared to as goddesses from a Greek methodology. One with long golden hair, flowing down her back wearing a white dress incrusted with golden embroidery, the other with dark hair which had been delicately tied back when a back and silver version of her twin. An embodiment of Ying and yang, light and dark.

"Right Castor, Pullox, you know the plan. I need you to use your transformation to turn into a couple and ease drop on a meeting which is happening in that izakaya, use your telepathic abilities to relay important information back to me okay."
The two spirits nodded, closing their eyes and using their abilities to turn into what can only be described as standard towns people, and headed towards to izakaya.

"Gemini are heading your way Hatake" Kara stated through the mic, watching the spirits from the corner of the alley, then returning to her seat outside the tea shop.

"Okay, what do they look like so I know?" Kakashi asked.

"Like normal towns folk, what do you think? Dumbass"

"Well a bit of a description would be nice seeings as this place is full of town folk."

"Urgh, well it's two early 20s women, one blonde, one with black hair. Blonde is wearing a blue dress and the other is wearing a red one. Is that simple enough for you?"

The Double Dojutsu Kunoichi.  [Kakashi x OC]Where stories live. Discover now