A Dream?

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Kara stirred awake, her head aching from the vodka she drank the previous night. Her eyes pained as she slowly opened them, the light like daggers as her eyes tried to focus in the morning glow. She reached her hand out, expecting to feel Kakashi asleep next to her, but her hand fell onto the coldness of the floor.

Wait? I thought I fell asleep in the bed? She thought as she opened her eyes more but only to see she wasn't in the bed, nor in the bedroom at all. Instead she was lying on the kitchen floor, her damp towel from her shower last night still wrapped around her.

She pushed herself up slightly, looking around the room. "Kashi?" she called out but only silence responded. Her heart raced, and her mind was spinning, her bones felt bruised from lying on the hard floor all night as she pushed herself off the floor, kicking the empty bottle of vodka next to her.

She limped over the sink, turning the tap on to splash some water on her face. "Kakashi?" She called out again, but still no response. She staggered through to the bedroom, thinking maybe he was still asleep, but as she opened the door, she was surprised to see it empty and unused. The bed still made, as if their night of passion didn't happen.

She stepped back into the kitchen, feeling a sense of dread wash over her. What the fuck?  Had her drinking been so much that she blacked out and imagined the whole thing? The thought made her heart sink. The desire to believe that her night with Kakashi had been real was too strong to be pushed aside by the cold hard truth.

Kara stumbled into the living room, trying to piece together the events of the previous night. Her head was still spinning from the alcohol, and her vision was blurry. She grabbed the counter for support as she walked, her body feeling weak and unsteady.

She sat down on the couch, running her hands through her hair. I could have sworn Kakashi was here? That we talked, we fixed things.

Kara's heart sank as she came to the horrifying realisation that the entire night had been nothing more than a vodka-fuelled fantasy. Tears filled her eyes as she realised that her drunken memory had tricked her into believing that her and Kakashi fixed their issues but instead, no sweet words were said, no promises were made and their relationship was still in limbo.

Kara's tears fell onto the soft fabric of the couch, her heart aching with disappointment. She wished that last night had really happened, that she didn't have to continue feeling this pain of heart break. But instead, she was faced with the harsh reality that her relationship was still hanging by a thread.

Kara wiped her tears from her cheeks, feeling more alone than ever, grabbing a glass of water before heading into the bedroom to get changed. Only all the clothes she has in that flat was the ones she was wearing yesterday, covered in dirt and blood from the mission. All her other clothes were at the house she shared with Kakashi. The thought made her chest ache, knowing she would have to go home and potentially confront him still.

She got herself dressed in her dirty clothes, thankfully she found an old pair of sunglasses in Sasuke's room which she put on to shield her hungover eyes from the glaring sun before stepping out of her flat and heading towards Kakashi's house.

As she made her way to his house, she felt a mixture of emotions, heartbreak, disappointment, and frustration with herself. She had been so desperate to forget their issues, to bury them in a haze of alcohol, but now all she was left was a hangover and still the pain she was feeling yesterday.

She arrived at Kakashi's and used her key to unlock and push the door open, "Kakashi?" she called out but only met with more silence. She searched around the house, expecting to find him at least still lying in bed asleep. But instead, the bed was left untouched, and unslept in.

Kara's heart sank further, realising that last night had been a drunken fantasy, and that her relationship with Kakashi was far from fixed. Her tears flowed freely, pooling on the floor as she collapsed onto the bed.



"Huh?" he turned his head to see Naruto standing next to him.

"How long have you been standing here?" Naruto asked as he stared at the memorial stone of all the K.I.A ninjas that served the leaf.

"A while." Kakashi muttered, turning his gaze back to the stone. In fact he had been here since returning back to the village.

"What are you thinking about?" Naruto asked.

"I dunno," Kakashi replied, his voice low.

"Is it about Kara-Sensei? Have you spoken to her yet?"


"You know, I get why she's mad. I was mad at you to but I understand why you were willing sacrifice yourself. We're ninja, it's our duty. But that doesn't make it easier on the ones around you, you know." Naruto's words hung in the air for a moment, Kakashi's face remained impassive, but he couldn't deny the truth in them.

"Like, she's lost a lot of people. I know I never knew my parents, but imagine loosing two sets, and your whole clan. Like how many people can someone loose without reaching a breaking point. So I get why she's so angry that you would be so willing to die." Naruto's words stung, but Kakashi knew his words were true.

He understood why Kara felt the way she did, why she was so angry and hurt. He had put his own life on the line, willing to sacrifice himself without a second thought. And though it was his duty, he couldn't help but feel guilty for the pain he had caused her.

"I've been wanting to go and talk to her since getting back, but I cannot find the words that would fix things." Kakashi admitted. "Plus it doesn't help, that she gets so angry and starts yelling like she does."

"Oh yeah!" Naruto laughed, "She sure get loud when she's angry."

"Oh, it's worse when she goes quite" Kakashi joked, "Best to run for cover when she's so angry she goes quiet."

Naruto couldn't help but chuckle at his sensei's wit. "I guess it's just hard to find the right words when you're dealing with emotions like that, huh?" he said sympathetically.

Kakashi nodded, a sigh escaping him. "I dunno, maybe its best to call it quits. That way she won't be hurt, if I ever do die on a mission."

"Woah! Sensei, you can't just end the relationship altogether just because things got a little rocky." Naruto urged, waving his hands above his head in a frenzy.

"You heard her yesterday, she's already rethinking this whole relationship, but it's not just that, Naruto," Kakashi sighed, running a hand through his silver hair. "I can't promise I'll always come back, This job... its dangerous. And I don't want to be the reason she hits that breaking point. Stepping away is probably the best way to protect her from that."

"But, Sensei.."

"No Naruto, this has nothing to do with you. This is about Kara and me." Kakashi said cutting Naruto off.

Naruto's brow furrowed, "I know, but sensei-"

"-No Naruto" he cut him off again.

"But Sensei..." Naruto tried again, but Kakashi held up a hand, stopping him.

"Naruto, I appreciate your concern, but this is not about you. I want what's best for Kara, even if it's not what's best for me," Kakashi explained. "We both know how dangerous this job is, and I can't keep putting her through the pain and heartache of constantly wondering if I'll come back from a mission." Kakashi turned and walked away leaving Naruto standing alone at the memorial stone. 

As he left, Naruto's mind was racing with thoughts. Kakashi was right, Ninja life wasn't easy, it was dangerous and heart wrenching. But he couldn't help but think about the love between Kakashi and Kara. Was it really worth throwing away? 

He had never seen his Sensei so happy since he started dating Kara, he was less reserved, made more jokes, and Kara always made sure that Kakashi showed up to training on time. Naruto didn't want to see them break up, he didn't want things to change.

So in that moment, he knew what he had to do.

Naruto set off, in hopes to find Sakura so they could hatch a plan to save Kakashi's relationship. 

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