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The soft hum of the machines filled the air of the hospital room, a fragile staleness filled the silence. Kara's eyelids fluttered, consciousness slowly seeping back into her. The world was a haze of blurred shapes and muted colors, a disorienting mix of reality and dreams.

As her senses sharpened, she became aware of a figure at her side. Kurenai Yuhi sat in a chair, her face buried in her hands, shoulders trembling with silent sobs. Her once vibrant red eyes were now dulled with grief.

Kara's heart clenched in her chest. The pieces began to fall into place, memories of her and Sasuke's fight, the torture she'd endured from Orochimaru, and ... Kabuto, was slowly surfacing through the fog. The weight of the heartache settled heavily on her chest, a crushing sorrow that threatened to suffocate her.

With great effort, Kara managed to croak out Kurenai's name. It was barely a whisper, but it was enough to draw Kurenai's attention. She looked up, tear-streaked face contorted with a mixture of relief and grief.

"Kara..." Her voice was hoarse, a raw reflection of her pain. She reached out, gently clasping Kara's hand in her own. "You're awake."

Kara nodded, her throat still raw from disuse. She tried to speak, but words eluded her. Instead, she mustered a small, comforting smile. It was a feeble attempt to offer solace in the face of overwhelming loss.

Kurenai's tears fell anew, a silent testament to the depths of her sorrow. She leaned forward, throwing her arms around Kara's bed bound body. As the minutes passed, the room seemed to grow heavier with the weight of their emotions. The silence was broken only by the soft sounds of Kurenai's tears.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Kara asked, her voice still straining.

"It's Asuma.." Kurenai started, chocking back the tears that streamed down her face.

"What's Asuma?" She asked with concern.

Kurenai hesitated before she spoke, still refusing to admit the fact that Asuma was gone. "He's... he's.." she struggled to get the words out. "He's dead" she emotionally exhaled the words.

Kara's heart plummeted as she saw her friend cry out her tears over losing the one she loves.

"What? No! How?" Kara struggled to form more than one word sentences in her shock. She slowly pushed her self up, a struggle as her muscles cried out from within her.

Kurenai tried to calm herself before telling Kara the events of what's happened while she's been asleep. Every word took all of Kurenai strength to say as she described what happened between Hidan and Asuma. Kara hugged her friend through every word, comforting her in any way she could.

"I'm soo sorry Kurenai! I can't imagine how you must be feeling." Kara softly spoke.

"I'm pregnant" Kurenai abruptly said. Loosing the will to hold in the words.

Kara's eyes widen as she took in what she just hears "What?!... you're pregnant?!" She asked, thinking she must not have heard it right. Kurenai only nodded in return, tears dripping off her chin.

"Oh my god.." Kara's, who has only just woken up, struggled to comprehend the information that's been given to her. "It will be okay, I'm here for you." She said grabbing Kurenai's hand.

"Thank you, but it's not just the baby I'm worried about.. it's Shikamaru.. he's gone to get revenge on the Akatsuki."

"What? What do you mean he's gone?" Kara asked.

"Him, Kakashi and the rest of team 10 are hunting the Akatsuki members that's killed Asuma... Shikamaru won't rest until he's killed Hidan!" Kurenai sobbed.

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