Infirmaries and Feelings - Choso part 3

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Word count: 1819

Warning: gojo is a little shit, mentions of blood loss, choso might be a little ooc, i think that's it if i missed anything please let me know.

Summary: Waking up in the Infirmary of Jujutsu Tech you are faced with more questions than answers. After getting the answers you get something a little extra.

A/n: Sorry it took so long to get this out, if you've seen my previous posts, I've been dealing with some stuff but hopefully soon I'll be able to write more. Anyways, please enjoy.

I could feel my senses coming back to me slowly. It was chilly wherever I was, it also smelled sterile, almost like a hospital. I slowly opened my eyes only to close them quickly as the lights in the room blinded me. I let out a groan as I tried again to open my eyes and adjust to the bright room.

Hearing my groan of discomfort, whoever was in the room with me moved closer to the bed. It didn't take long to figure out that the person was the resident doctor of Jujutsu Tech, Shoko. I figured out from the faint scent of cigarettes that entered my senses as she got closer.

"Finally you wake up. Those two have given me a headache about whether you were going to wake up or not." She said with a roll of her eyes. "How are you feeling? You lost a lot of blood." Shoko asked, reaching to check the bandages on my arm.

It took me a second to register what she said but instead of answering her question, I asked my own. "How did I get here? Last thing I remember was the curse slicing my wrist, and crushing my phone." I was really confused, I was fighting a curse that was stronger than I expected and had called Choso for help only for the curse to break my phone. Choso didn't know where my mission was so there was no way he found me.

Shoko just chuckled before unwrapping my wrist to clean and rebandage it. "That boyfriend of yours made Gojo send him to you because he was scared for you." I looked at her even more confused. One I don't have a boyfriend and two why did Gojo know where I was. Sensing my confusion she explained further. "Apparently after your call with Choso cut off abruptly, he ran off to ask Gojo for help finding you. No surprise to anyone Gojo already snuck the information about your mission from the higher ups and agreed to send Choso to you."

After taking a moment to process what she said, more questions arose. "Why did Gojo want the information about my mission? Also you expect me to believe Choso asked Gojo for help? Gojo extremely dislikes Choso, and he knows it." I rambled as she moved from the fresh bandage on my wrist to the smaller bandage wrapped around my head. "But if what you are saying is true and Gojo helped Choso, How did they get me back alive? If I lost a lot of blood like you said I would be dead. Neither Gojo or Choso can use reverse curse technique on other people, so they couldn't have healed me." I was so perplexed by everything.

Before Shoko could respond the door to the infirmary opened to reveal the messy haired half curse. It took him a moment to realize I was awake, and when he did he froze in his spot. Noticing Choso, Shoko quickly excused herself. "Well I'll leave you two to talk. I need a cigarette anyway." And with that left us alone in the room.

Once the door was closed behind Shoko, Choso stayed frozen by it, unsure of what to do. I gave him a gentle smile before speaking to him. "Hey Choso, how are you doing?" I tried to play it cool and not scare him off, by asking questions too quickly.

He shifted slightly on his feet before responding. "Okay, How are you?" Choso still hadn't moved from his spot at the door. It was weird seeing him nervous, but I don't understand why. Sure he can be quiet and closed off but he's never been this way around me.

I smiled at him as I answered his question. "I'm okay, all things considered. Why don't you take a seat?" I motioned to the chair placed by the bed I was on. He slowly nodded his head before making his way to the chair. After he sat down I decided to start asking questions. "Can I ask how you found me, no one was supposed to know where I was going except the higher ups and me."

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