The breakup | 007

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Carson's POV

Q went home and once his flight landed, Billie broke up with him over the phone. It was hard for her to do, but she knew it was for the best.

"It's okay, Bil, it's okay." I tell her as she lays her head in my lap while she cries and I stroke her hair to comfort her.

"You're gonna be okay, B. We're here for you." Zoe, sitting next to me, says to her.

"I just loved him, guys, and he wasn't who I thought he was. I'm so sorry that I didn't listen." She cries.

"Don't be sorry, you're okay. I promise." I say.

Me and Zoe give each other a sad look. It hurts to see our best friend so sad over someone so stupid.

Her cries get a bit louder and I rub her back. "Shh, don't cry." I say in a comforting voice.

She sits up and hugs Zoe and I. When she pulls away, I reach my hand to her face and wipe away the tears dripping down her cheeks and she frowns.

"I love you, guys." She says to us.

"We love you, too." Me and Zoe say to her.

"I know it's hard, B, but you're going to be okay. Men are stupid and he was dumb to treat you badly. You're an amazing person, Billie. You deserve someone who loves you so much." I smile at her.

"Thanks, Car." She gives me a small smile.

"Honestly, men like him are the reason I'm gay. Girls are much better." I joke and shrug which makes Billie and Zoe laugh.

"Who knows, maybe I'll end up liking girls because of him." Billie laughs and Zoe shoots a glare that says 'What the fuck?' and we laugh along so she doesn't notice.

"Yeah.. maybe." I nod with a small laugh.

"Can we watch The Office?" Billie asks us and I nod.

"I'll go grab my laptop." I tell them as I get up and I walk over to my bed to grab it. We're in another hotel tonight, so the three of us are sharing a room together since we have an uneven number of people now that Q left the tour.

I walk back with my laptop and I sit between the two of them and I open it. Billie lays her head on my shoulder and I smile at her. I turn on the show and start an episode.

We watch The Office for a few hours until there's a knock at the door. "I'll get it." Zoe says, getting up.

She walks over to the door and she walks back to us with Finneas next to her. "Hey, Bil. How are you doing?" Finneas asks her.

"Could be better, I guess. But Zoe and Carson have been making me feel better." She tells him.

"That's good! So, Claudia and I are gonna watch a movie in our room and we wanted to see if y'all wanted to watch with us." He says.

"Is it a horror movie?" I ask.

"Yup." He nods and I jump up from the bed. "I'm in if you guys are." I say and he laughs.

"You're obsessed with horror movies, Carson." He rolls his eyes.

"Okay, and what about it?" I shrug.

"Yeah, sure, we'll watch." Billie answers as she gets up from the bed. We walk down the hall to his room he shares with Claudia and we walk in.

"Hi, guys!" Claudia says with a smile.

We all say hi to her and we sit down on one of the beds. They asked for a one bed room since they'd share a bed, but they got two, so they sat on the other one and the three of us sat on this one.

He turns on The Babadook to cheer Billie up since it's one of her favorites.

"Claudia, I think we're the same size. Do you have a hoodie I can borrow? It's freezing in here and I only have a tank top on." I laugh.

"Umm.. I don't think so, I'm sorry." She tells me.

"That's okay." I nod.

"Here, Car. You can have mine. I have a shirt under this and I'm kind of getting hot." Billie says.

"Are you sure?" I ask and she nods and takes it off.

She hands it to me and I put it on and thank her.

Zoe nudges my shoulder and I look over at her and she has a smirk on her face and I roll my eyes.

We watch the whole movie for a while before it starts to get late, so when it's finished, we get up to go back to our room.

"Thanks for letting us watch with you. We're gonna go to bed." I tell Finn and Claudia.

"Of course!" Claudia says.

"Goodnight, girls." Finneas says.

"You sound like a dad." Billie laughs and Finneas flips her off.

"Goodnight." Me and Zoe say to him and we walk back to our room.

I lay on my bed and get under the comforter before going on my phone.

Zoe and Billie get into the other bed and Billie starts talking to her. "Zoe, move over!"

"No, you move over! You have so much room." Zoe says back.

I laugh as I watch them argue. "You guys both roll around so much in your sleep, I wouldn't be surprised if you kick each other off the bed." I say.

"Carson, can I sleep with you?" Billie sighs.

"Why do you always want to sleep with me?" I laugh.

"Because you don't trample me like a fucking elephant in your sleep unlike someone." She glares at Zoe.

"I do not do such things!" Zoe gasps.

"Yes you do!" Billie says.

"Jesus, just get over here and stop arguing with her." I roll my eyes and scoot over for Billie. She gets up and comes over to my bed and gets in.

"Thank you, she moves too much in her sleep." Zoe says.

Billie gets ready to say something but I nudge her. "Just go to sleep, dumbass." I laugh.

"Rude, but fine." She shrugs and lays down.

"Goodnight, guys. Love you." I tell the both of them and they say it back.

We all fall asleep and I guess I was too tired to realize I fell asleep still in Billie's hoodie. Oh well.

a/n 🤍

this book is gonna get better just trust the process 🙏

love youuuu

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