The rain | 026

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Billie's POV

"No, I'm serious! She was totally checking you out!" Carson laughs as she tells me that the cashier at the restaurant we were picking up food from earlier was apparently 'checking me out', but I don't think so.

"Car, she was literally just doing her job." I chuckle and she shrugs. "I have excellent gaydar, thank you very much. I'm an expert." She flips her hair, making me laugh even more.

It's pretty late right now and we've been up for a while, so we get a little.. crazy when we're sleep deprived. Carson and I have been like this since we were literally 3 years old.

"Yeah, okay," I scoff. "I get it, you're gay." I say to Carson and she flips me off.

"Oh my God, I wonder if I can still do a backflip." Carson jumps up from the couch. "Carson, don't do that. You quit gymnastics fucking years ago." I laugh.

"No, no, let me try it." She whines and I roll my eyes. "Fine, but when you break your back, don't come crying to me." I put my hands up in the air and shrug. "Be for real, you'd feel terrible if I got hurt." She tilts her head to the side.

"Whatever, do your shit, come on." I sigh and wave for her to try and do the backflip like she said.

She actually ends up doing the backflip, but she doesn't stick the landing and she falls straight on her ass. Why am I not even surprised?

"Ow, okay, I should've listened to you." She sighs, laying down on the floor. "Yeah, I know." I laugh at her and she glares at me.

"Don't be an ass," She rolls her eyes and sits up, Shark runs over to her and licks her face. "Hi, baby." She coos at him. "At least, someone cares that I got hurt." She side eyes me, making me laugh more.

"Um, I do care, you just never listen, Miss Baker." I stick my tongue out at her and she giggles. "Yeah, you're not wrong about that." She shrugs. "Now, help me up please." She reaches out her hand to me and I grab it, pulling her up.

I accidentally pull her close to me and she stands right in front of me, looking down at me. I look up at her for a minute and she clears her throat. "This is random, but do you wanna go for a walk?" She asks me, sitting back down on the couch.

"At 2am? In Los Angeles?" I laugh and she pulls something out of her purse. "I have a taser." She shrugs and turns it on, making me laugh. "Okay, okay, turn it off before you accidentally use it on me." I giggle and she puts it back in her bag.

"So, is that a yes?" She raises a brow and I shake my head, sighing. "Fine, let's go." We get up and walk to the door. I turn around and look at Shark. "We'll be back soon, buddy." I crouch down to him and kiss the top of his head. We walk out of the house and start walking down the street.

"Hold my hand," Carson says, reaching out her hand to me again. I furrow my eyebrows hesitantly, but obey. I interlace our fingers and she starts running, dragging me with her. "Carson, damn, slow down." I laugh and she keeps running. "Hold on, we're almost there!" She says.

I shrug and run with her, still holding her hand. We get to a clearer view where you can actually see the stars even in the polluted air of California, and we look up at the sky. "Oh, wow." I say, admiring the stars. "See, isn't it pretty?" She asks.

I look at her with a smile, watching her look up at the stars like a little kid. She notices me staring and she looks at me. "What?" She laughs.

"Nothing." I shake my head and look back up at the sky. She looks so beautiful.

Not even the stars look as beautiful as her. As cheesy as that sounds, it's completely true in my eyes.

We walk the streets a little bit more. It's almost completely empty because it's so late, so we can actually walk in the road.

I can't stand this anymore. She can't expect me to not have feelings for her when she's like this with me. I take a deep breath and spin her around to face me since I'm still holding her hand.

"I can't do this." I sigh and she furrows her eyebrows. "Can't do what?" She asks. "Pretend like we're just friends. Carson, I think about you all the time. All the time." I confess. "Do you ever think about me?"

"All the time." She nods, looking down at her shoes. I sigh and start to ramble. "Look, I know you have a girlfriend, but I can't ever get you off my mind. I think about you all the time and I think I'm in lo-"

She cuts me off by connecting her lips with mine, closing the gap between us. She cups my face in her hands and I hold her waist while we kiss. Before I know it, rain starts randomly pouring down on us, but that doesn't stop us.

The rain gets heavier and heavier, drenching our clothes as our lips move in sync. We both pull away, out of breath and we laugh. "I've wanted to do that for so long." I tell her.

"Try 10 years." She says and my eyes widen. "What?" I laugh in disbelief. "Billie, I've loved you ever since we were 11 and I've never stopped. Never." She admits. "Ten years? God, Carson," I laugh before connecting our lips once again.

She pulls away after a minute. "Can we go back to your house? The rain is fucking freezing." She giggles and I nod. "Here, it's soaked, but have my hoodie." I pull it off before she can protest and I hand it to her. She smiles and puts it on.

We start walking back to my house in the rain, hand in hand. I turn my head to her as we walk. "Carson, what about.. Kassie?" I ask.

"I'm gonna talk to her, Bil. She'll understand." She assures me and I nod.

I feel bad that I'm messing up her relationship, but I'm.. I think I'm in love with her. I can't help my feelings. Finally, I almost have the girl I've always loved, but I've been always too blind to see it.

But that's just how I am. It's nothing new.

a/n 🤍


you better love me for this 🙏

this may or may not be inspired a bit like one scene in on my block cause it's one of my favorite shows 😭

don't worry i'll have a new chapter up soon 😋

love you allll

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