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Billie's POV
5 months later...

"Billie, what the fuck are we gonna do with all this shit?" Carson sighs.

Last week, we had our baby shower and we got a shit ton of stuff for our baby boy.

And I mean a ton.

A bunch of baby toys, clothes, books, etc.

But either way, we're both very grateful. "Baby, I we need this shit anyways." I shrug. "I hate organizing." Carson groans, laying back on the floor. "The nursery has plenty of room, it'll be fine." I chuckle. "You're just dramatic. I'm 9 months pregnant and can still do more than you."

"Excuse me, Eilish? I'm practically your servant as of lately." She rolls her eyes playfully. "You know I appreciate you, mama. It's just hard when he's always kicking and shit." I sigh. "I know, princess, I'm just joking. I'll always take care of you." She smiles sweetly. "Thank you, baby girl." I grin and kiss her cheek.

"How's baby boy doing today?" She asks, putting her hand on my stomach. "He's definitely ready to come out soon. Probably another week." I laugh. "I can't wait to meet him." Carson smiles up at me and kisses my stomach. "Me too. I'm so excited to do this with you, baby." I agree. "So am I. We're gonna be fucking awesome parents." She chuckles.

"Hell yeah we are." I say in a 'duh' tone. "I love you." She giggles. "I love you more." I tell her. "Not possible." She rolls her eyes playfully. "Oh, but it is." I smirk.

She gives me a kiss before kissing my stomach again. "And I love you, little baby. Me and Mommy can't wait to meet you." Carson coos. "You're so cute." I laugh softly. "I'm just so excited." She grins. "Should we start organizing?"

"Let's do it." I nod my head. "Wait, baby, can you get me some water?"

"Of course, I'll be back in a second." She kisses the top of my head and walks downstairs.

Since his nursery is all done, we just have to put away toys and clothes. His crib is all built (Carson and I spent, like, 5 hours putting it together..) and so is the rest of the furniture.

We're both so excited to have our little baby.


"This kid is so lucky we love him or else I wouldn't have done this." Carson sighs. "It wasn't that bad." I roll my eyes at her. "Why are you so.. chipper? You were so sassy and moody in your first trimester." She chuckles. "First off, what are you? A British person in the 1800s with that 'chipper' bullshit?" I ask. "Fuck off." She laughs. "You're just, like, oddly productive and positive today."

"I got that pregnancy glow." I flip my hair dramatically. "Yeah, okay." She says sarcastically. "Also, I wasn't moody in my first trimester!" I add. "Um, yes you were." Carson says. "I wasn't!" I deny. "You literally started crying and yelling at me if I took an inch of the blanket off the bed." She tells me.


"Oh, right. My bad." I suck air through my teeth sheepishly. "I love you." I smile innocently.

"I love you more." She chuckles as she rolls her eyes. "Can we go to bed now? We spent literally 4 hours doing this."

"Let's go, baby." I chuckle and Carson helps me off the floor. We go to our bedroom and change into some pajamas.

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