September, 2023 | 011

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Carson's POV

I've been looking forward to this day the minute I got to Florida. As much as I loved it here, it's time to go home. My real home.

I'm moving back to LA today.

I've gotten to a financially stable point in my life to live out there, so I bought an apartment which my girlfriend is helping me move into today. We're about to leave for the airport.

And you're probably wondering who my girlfriend is, and it's Kassie.

We've been dating for 7 months so far and I'm super happy. We have to do long distance since she can't move to California right now which was understandable, but we can do it.

I finally got my job as a YouTuber. I started my channel last year and it's doing really good right now. I have almost a million subscribers which is absolutely crazy and I didn't expect to get this far.

"Baby, are you ready to go?" Kassie asks me.

"Mhm! Let me grab my phone and keys and then we can go." I tell her.

We've packed up all my stuff in my apartment here in Florida and it's all managed to fit in 3 suitcases since I sold most of my furniture to get new stuff at my new apartment.

I grab my keys and phone and walk back over to her. "Alright, let's go." I smile at her. We walk to the elevator and go down to the lobby. All of my stuff is packed in the car right now, so that's all set.

We walk out into the parking lot and we get into my car and start to drive to the airport. "Ugh, I'm so excited to go back to LA, I'm gonna miss you so much, though, baby." I frown.

"It's okay, we're gonna call as much as we can." She smiles and I nod.

After about 30 minutes, we get to Orlando Airport and we unload the car. Kassie brought a suitcase as well since she's going to be staying with me for a few days while I get settled in, so we have 4 suitcases and a carry on bag to bring in.

Shit's gonna be expensive, but whatever.

Kassie and I go inside and we get to the baggage check. We go through TSA and all that shit and we walk to our gate while we wait for our plane to come.

"Fuck, my legs are tired." I laugh as I sit down.

"Same, we were standing for so long." She giggles.

I lay my head on her shoulder and we watch TikToks on her phone for a while.

After 2 hours of waiting, our plane finally gets ready to board, so we walk over to our gate entrance and I hand the flight attendant our tickets.

We find our seats on the plane and we sit down.

"Kass, do you remember when they said we would land?" I turn to Kassie.

"In a few hours I think." She says and I nod.



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cars0nbak3r finally moving back to la 🫶🏻

View all 21.6k comments

^ cars0nbak3r YES OFC WE WILL

nicolassturniolo Omg we need to meet
^ cars0nbak3r YESSS

claudiasulewski omg you're coming back? i miss you so much!
^ cars0nbak3r i miss you too!!

user363 such a pretty sunset

erikamtitus i bet you screamed at kassie for the window seat
^ cars0nbak3r i did indeed

user290 i miss her and billie

user.378 Maybe she's gonna see Billie?

debsmikle come to canada 😡
^ cars0nbak3r i don't have my passport yet 😞

larray okay but collab when
^ cars0nbak3r TEXT ME

user42 can't wait for la vlogs


Hours later, we finally landed at L.A.X and we got off the plane. Kassie and I waited for a while to get our bags at baggage claim, but they finally showed up.

"Can you grab two and I'll grab the other two?" Kassie asks me and I nod.

We get all of the suitcases and walk outside. My car is getting shipped down here at some point, so we have to get an Uber.

I pull out my phone and I order us an Uber to take us to my new apartment. "I think it's gonna start raining." Kassie says, looking up at the gray sky.

"Yeah, it's super windy. Nothing like LA rain." I laugh.

After 15 minutes, the car driver pulls up and we back our bags in the trunk. We get in and I tell the driver the address to my apartment building.


We get to the apartment building which is super pretty. My apartment is on the thirteenth floor, so there's gonna be a nice view.

"Thank you, sir." I tell the driver as I pay him.

"No problem, have a nice day, girls." He smiles at us.

"You too." We both say as we get out. We grab our stuff from the trunk and we walk inside.

I get to the office in the lobby and I walk to the receptionist's desk. "Hi, I'm Carson Baker. I'm moving in here today. I need the keys for apartment 57B." I tell her.

"Alright, Carson Baker, you said?" She asks and I nod. She looks through her files and she finds my name. "Okay, let me go grab those for you." She says before standing up and walking to the back room.

She comes back with two keys, one main key and one spare. "Thank you so much." I smile at her and she returns one.

Me and Kassie get in the elevator and we go up to the floor my apartment is on. I pull out the keys and unlock the door. The apartment is high ceiling and it's a modern type of place. "Woah." I laugh.

"Damn, babe, I'm jealous." Kassie giggles.

"This is so nice." I say, looking around. We walk throughout the apartment which is fairly big. It has 2 bathrooms and two bedrooms, a nice kitchen and a big living room.

"I'm so happy for you, baby. This is a good place." Kassie says, hugging me and I kiss her forehead.

"I love you." I smile at her.

"I love you, too." She says.

"Now, wanna start unpacking?" I ask her.

"Yeah, let's do it!" She smiles.

We spend the rest of the night unloading all of my stuff. We start with my closet since it's a good amount of space and I don't have any furniture right now. We literally have to sleep on the floor with blankets because of it, but we're going to go shopping for new stuff tomorrow.

While we're unpacking one of my suitcases, I pull out an unfamiliar hoodie. "Kassie, did you pack this?" I furrow my eyebrows.

"Oh yeah, I found it at the back of your closet." She laughs.

"I don't remember buying this, that's weird." I say and she shrugs.

"I don't know, maybe you forgot about it." She says and I hum in response. "Hm, maybe."


a/n 🤍

long story short, billie's hoodie was in the back of her closet and billie was in the back of her mind 🤷🏼‍♀️

once again, womp womp

anyways im tired so no more updates for tonight 😭

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