Ball Of Light

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I figured I wasn't going to get a response so I went straight to bed, as I laid there still wondering who this secret writer was, could someone be watching me wondered, who ever it was must be a kind person. During the night I woke up, got out of bed and decided to go for a walk. I grabbed a lantern to begin my walk. I found myself walking near the Great Hall and  saw something odd, the door slightly opened and there was a bright light shining from the crack of the door. I walked closer, slowly opening the door, the light got too bright to handle, and it took over my whole eyesight. I jolted awake, sweating like crazy, it was just a dream I told myself or was it something serious. I quickly stood up and grabbed a lantern, trying to remember the steps I had taken in my dream to lead me to the Great Hall. I was starting to wonder what would happen if I got there and saw this mysterious light, there probably would be nothing, as it was just a dream I told myself over and over to try and get over the anxiety I was feeling. There was a feeling that this was the right way, as I got closer there was light shining on the floor from the bottom of the door, I started to  approach even closer, seeing the Great Hall lit up, I opened the door, it got so much brighter, it was so bright I started to slowly walk in with my eyes squinted, not thinking if this was safe or not. As I started to approach this ball of light in the middle of the Great Hall, it was a small ball that was shining white, it had a sparkle to it, it looked beautiful. It started to whisper to me, it kept saying my name, over and over, and something deep inside told me not to touch it but I  couldn't resist from its beauty. My hand stated to rise and reached out for it, as I was about to touch it there was footsteps behind me "Rhiannon, no!" A man's voice yelled, I looked back for a split second and saw someone running toward me, but it was too late. My finger touched the ball of light, it shot down my throat, suffocating me almost instantly. My body started to levitate and my eyes went solid white, there was no sight coming from my solid white eyes. My throat got tighter and tighter, I felt defenceless and I started to try and fight it out of me but didn't know how to save myself, let alone use my powers yet, if I even have any. As the pain got worse, I felt myself fading away, slowly. "Fight it....Rhiannon," the man told me as he stayed his distance in case this got any worse than it already has. He was terrified of what he was seeing, I could sense that. I built up the strength to put my hands in fists, trying to push whatever this was out of me, the pain was excruciating and my body started to turn white from this mysterious light that was trying to kill me. He stood there in shock, feeling terrible because he couldn't save me, he had to stand there and watch as I was dying. The tightness in my throat started to loosen up so I kept pushing the power through my body until there was nothing left to give anymore, all of a sudden I let out a scream, so loud it shook the room, it broke all the windows and all the tables flew to either side of the room, the man slide across the floor and hit his back into a table, the ball of light flew out of my mouth and I instantly collapsed onto the floor, unconscious. He got up and grabbed a cup and plate that were unbroken and ran toward the ball of light, trapping it inside the cup. The sound of my scream had woken up almost everyone in the castle, He sat on the floor holding the ball of light in the cup, he heard the hisses and snares the light was giving, he could barley look at it because of the brightness. He just placed it on the floor and moved over to the unconscious girl I was on the floor to check for a  pulse, I was alive, but I was covered in sweat and blood leaked from my nose, I looked dead to him. He sighed with relief. Dumbledore and all the other professors entered the Great Hall in their pj's confused about what had just happened "Severus is she alive? what happened?" Dumbledore asked as he ran toward Severus on the ground with me, holding my head up
"Yes she is...alive" Severus responded "What happened here?" McGonagall walked closer with a lantern in her hand, holding it down to see the scene "I had a...feeling something was wrong and I...walked past and noticed this...light, I opened the door and saw Rhiannon in front of that ball of light...I captured in there" Severus pointed to the cup covered by the plate
" completely took over her, suffocating...her, trying to kill...her" Severus's voice trembled with fear "How did she fight it off?" McGonagall asked, covering her mouth in disbelief
"I told fight it off and all of...a sudden she was covered in glowing...white...veins, a lot eventually she pushed it out of her...body, I had never seen something like this, and I was...terrified she wouldn't," Severus looked down at me again, but this time he had a comforting smile. Students started to pile into the Great Hall curiously, Draco pushed students out of the way to see what happened, but the Professors were blocking the view of my unconscious body. "Students, please go back to your common rooms, everything is alright here" McGonagall tried to round up all the students and push them out of the room so they don't see to panic."Severus take her to the hospital wing and watch over her until she wakes up, then bring her to my office. If she asks questions, answer them, she deserves to know. I didn't think her powers would progress so quickly," Dumbledore grabbed the trapped ball of light and left.
Severus picked me up and started to walk out of the Great Hall, Draco didn't leave so he hid behind the corner waiting to see who it was.


I woke up from hearing the most ear-piercing scream coming from somewhere in the castle, all the Slytherins left to go see what it was, I walked down the corridors with everyone else, some people were lost from not knowing where the scream came from. Eventually everyone piled around the Great Hall and all I knew was that it was a girl's scream, it wasn't a scared scream it was more of a in pain scream, a scream of death. I pushed my way to the front to see who it was and if she was alive "Hey, Draco I bet it's the mud blood, one of the ghosts probably spooked her into shock," Goyle giggled but I ignored his arrogance."Students, please go back to your common rooms, everything is alright!" As McGonagall tried to get all the students to leave, I wasn't having it so I walked down the hall and found a hiding spot so I could report anything I needed to my father of course. As I waited, I couldn't hear anything very well so I tried to creep closer to the door to hear what was going on. "I had a feeling something was wrong and I walked past and noticed this light, I opened the door and saw Rhiannon in front of that ball of light I captured in there" I heard Severus say to Dumbledore. I heard her name, suddenly I felt worried if she was alive or even what caused this, why do I care though, she is a mud blood. I felt like I shouldn't be allowed to care, not just about her but anyone in general. Dumbledore started to walk closer to the doors with this ball of light, I snapped out of my thoughts and rushed down the hall, hiding around the corner so I wouldn't be spotted, Dumbledore walked in the opposite direction, his robe flowed as he rushed down the corridor, the light from inside the cup lit up the corridor, hitting the walls as he walked, I heard the paintings complaining about the light disturbing their sleep. Then I saw Severus carrying her down the hall, she looked limp and lifeless, and deep down I hoped she would be okay.
"What are you doing Draco?" I heard from behind me, turning around quickly and saw Goyle
"Nothing, what are you doing out of the common room" I rubbed my chin trying to distract Goyle from being nosey "Well, I can ask you the same thing Malfoy, why are you spying on Severus taking the mud blood away?"
"Can you just mind your business, you are annoying you know" I walked past Goyle, bumping into his shoulder. 

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