I Want To Marry Her

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I tap my fork onto the table, shaking my leg "Stop" Hermione holds my leg still "Is something wrong" I exit my thoughts "I want to have the date tomorrow night. After that, I think we should plan our attack on Voldemort. I want the date to be perfect in case we fail" I look at her "So we are really doing this, I didn't expect it to happen so fast" Now her leg starts to shake, I put my hand on her thigh to still it "Hermione I have held this back for a long time now and I think it is time to do it. But it is odd I haven't had any weird feelings or visions of him in days, maybe he finally is leaving me be" I giggle, sounding hopeful "Maybe, or he is already done planning his attack that he feels no need to show you it anymore" my eyes travel back to my plate, Hermione could be right, it wouldn't surprise me of that is the case, I just need to be on high alert now. "So what is the plan then?" Hermione asks "Well, we all need to come together after mine and Draco's date and...." I get lost in my thoughts, thinking about what if they die, what if I die, I can't let anyone good die "Hermione, I think I should do this alone"
"No, no way! we are a team remember?" she grabs my hand and squeezes it "I know, I just can't bear to see anyone I love die, not again. You should have never been brought into my mess, you are too good" Hermione hugs me "Rhiannon, I would rather die by your side than watch you die alone" My eyes close as I soak in this embrace, she always has such a comforting smell, lavender and mint. "Okay" Hermione let go and continued eating, I looked up and saw silver eyes from across the room, Draco staring into my soul with a smile on his face.


My eyes meet Rhianno's beautiful green ones, my lord she is stunning. How am I so lucky, so lucky to be able to touch her, look at her, smell her and call her mine. "Goyle" I whisper next to me as Goyle shoves his face with food "What?" food starts spilling out of his mouth, "I think I am going to ask her to marry me tomorrow night" I dont break eye contact with Rhiannon "Who?" he swallows his food "Are you a fucking idiot, Rhiannon of course" I punch his arm "Oh yeah sorry, do you think she will say yes?" that thought has passed through my mind but I get to scared to finish the thought "I don't know, I have asked her if she would say yes if I did ask and she said I will just have to ask it then"
"That is a good sign. Uhm Draco do you really think it is a good idea to marry her?" I break the eye contact with Rhiannon to glare at him "Why wouldn't it?" I shift my body to his "I just worry it might not be the best idea, how do you think Pansy will react?" I laugh "Why should I care what she thinks?" I raise an eyebrow while I sip my coffee "Let's just say she is very emotional lately and you know how I warned you about watching out for her" I roll my eyes "Yeah?"
"I mean it" Goyle moves his head closer to my ear "Goyle you really are scaring me with this, what kinda of spell does she have on you?"
"Draco please just stop not taking my words seriously, she is acting strange and crazy just watch out, especially Rhiannon" Goyle stands up and leaves, leaving me with the worry that Rhiannon is in danger. I look over back to Rhiannon, she is smiling and laughing, she told me she is her own person and needs to deal with her own issues, I need to respect that but if anyone hurts her I will do what I need to.


"Goyle!" I run into him in the corridor as he leaves the Great Hall "What now Pansy?" I grab his arm and pull him into the corner "Have you found anything out for me?" I make sure to intimidate him with my gaze "No I don't" he's lying to  me "You are lying, I know you are. Tell me now" I step closer to him "Pansy I can't keep doing this, Draco is my best friend and me saying anything is betrayal. You will have too kill me because I am done" he walks away, how dare he talk to me like that, I will just have to find information on my own.

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