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The day went by so fast, I haven't left the library since I got here, I even almost finished the book I am reading. It is time for supper. I close my book, and put it in my robe pocket and walk to the Great Hall, sitting with Hermione. "There you are, you have to stop disappearing like this" she laughs "Im sorry, I didn't feel like going to classes today so I stayed in the library" I want to tell her about Cormac and that we kissed but I know she won't be very happy with me. As I sit at the table eating, I look up and see Draco staring at me, he looks angry. I just look away, not wanting to deal with his attitude right now. Throughout supper, I keep looking up at him and he still kept giving the same angry look, then I see Draco stand up as he held eye contact with me, he walks toward the doors and leaves. "I'll be back okay" I whisper to Hermione. I make sure no one is watching me chase after him, I walk out of the door and see no sign of him. I walk down the hall searching each corner, I stop in the middle of the hall and sigh, with no luck
"psst" I hear next to me "Spying on me I see" It is Draco, he comes out from the corner "You are one to talk" he grabs my arm and pulls me into the corner "Ouch, what the hell Malfoy"
"Why am I hearing you kissed Cormac huh?" Draco glares deep into my eyes, pushing me up against the wall as he leans over me, placing his hand on the wall above my head "Who told you?"
"He is a idiot, he is telling all his little buddies and I overheard, are you really this stupid Rhiannon"
"Why do you care" I look up into his eyes, making him lick the inside of his cheek "Your'e joking right, I didn't kick his ass for you to just start kissing him"
"I didn't ask for you to do that you know" I get in his face "What are you fucking thinking, you are supposed the most intelligent witch, but your letting Cormac stick his tongue down your throat"
"People deserve a second chance you know, and what are you jealous of him?" I bite my lip "Me? jealous of him kissing you, I might vomit" he backs up from me, putting his hands in his pockets "Sure Malfoy, that is totally believable"
"Just stop being so difficult"
"Me? being difficult, Draco you are the definition of difficult, one second you are all over me then the next you hate me"
"All over you? wow you really must me stupid, no wonder Cormac likes you"
"Honestly Draco, I don't regret kissing him, it was kinda nice for my first kiss" I tilt my head and cross my arms, I could tell this ticked him off
"He was your first kiss? oh he is not getting away with this" he is clearly starting to get jealous "If I ever see him lay a finger on you, I will kill him"
"Why so?" I step closer to him, making him nervous and flustered "Just shut it and take the warning, got it?"
"Whatever" I start to walk away, he grabs my arm "Draco, let go"
"Stay away from him, I mean it"
"Make me" he looks down at my lips and bit his, twitching his neck "I hate you, you know that" 
"Of course you do" I walk away. I return back to the Great Hall, sitting down next to Hermione "Where did you go this time?"
"I had to pee"
"Why don't I believe that" she giggles.


Fuck Rhiannon is stupid for letting that prick touch her, how dare he even think he has a chance, well, knowing how dumb she is he probably does. She does have a point, my emotions with her are off, I can never have one emotion with her, either I hate her or I want her.
I understand I can't do anything about her but Cormac is a different story, she is a very emotional mess and Cormac is taking advantage of that, maybe she isn't dumb she is just too valuable, I am so confused.
I need to do something to fuck Cormac over, I know just the thing. I snuck into the Quidditch locker room to find his locker where he keeps his broom, I mess with Cormac's broom, I make it so that when it gets checked the broom will show it has been enchanted to make him the best player, after many years of fooling around with people, it is easy to learn that. I walk to Dumbledore's office, with my story laid out ready to fuck Cormac over. I knock on the door
"Come in"
"Hello Draco, what can I do for you?"
"I have a complaint, about a student on the quidditch team"
"And who may that be?"
"Cormac McLaggen, the keeper"
"What exactly did he do? he is the best keeper on the team"
"I was overhearing his conversation, I do not know with whom but I heard he fooled with his broom before each game to be the best player" I smirk
"Is this true Malfoy?" I know how to outsmart Dumbledore
"Yes Headmaster"
"Well, I need you to come with me to speak with the coach to check this broom, then I will talk to Cormac, alone"
"Of course sir"As we walk to the coach's office, Dumbledore keeps trying to get more information out of me, asking if I am lying, he will believe it when he checks the broom, he has to.
Dumbledore knocks on the door, and all I feel is excitement to take him down until he is nothing, Rhiannon won't want him when he cries about being kicked from the team. She needs a strong man, someone like me. "Come in" we walk in "Oh, Headmaster, what can I do for yah?"
"I got a tip from Malfoy here that one of your students has used magic to fool with his broom during the matches"
"Cormac McLaggen" I but in "I see, well I must say he isn't that type of person, Headmaster"
"All I need to do is check the broom, and go from there"
"Alright, but my point still stands, he is a great keeper and teammate"
"We will see about that," I raise my eyebrow. We go to the locker room, Dumbledore grabs the broom, he slowly waves his hand overtop of it
"Its been enchanted" 
"Seems like he isn't so good as you thought" I snap at the coach
"There is no way, I check the brooms"
"Maybe you forgot, I don't blame you," Dumbledore says
"So does this mean he will be kicked from the team?" I ask the coach
"Im afraid so, I am disappointed in him," the coach shook his head
Hearing those words sounded like music to my ears, fuck him, he thought he could touch her and get away with it, not on my watch, he doesn't deserve her.


"Hermione I think Im going to call it a night, Im tired of studying"
"Okay, I'll see you tomorrow ,right?"
"Yes" I roll my eyes "You promise?" 
"Yes, I promise Hermione"
"Okay see you," she shoves her face back into her book, I walk down the stairs of the dorm into the common room
"Oh, I didn't know you were here" Cormac is sitting on the sofa
"Yeah, I was with Hermione, studying"
"Yeah, she is quite the book worm eh?" he got up and smiles "Yeah she needs more hobbies I think"
"Well, I got some bad news this afternoon"
"What is it?"
"I got kicked from the team"
"Like, the quidditch thing?"
"Yeah, someone told Dumbledore something and they accused me of cheating, said my broom was enchanted, but I would never do that you know"
"I believe you"
"Really?" he said, stepping closer to me "Totally"
"You have such a pretty smile you know"
"Thank you" I get nervous "Do you want to get out of here?"
"And do what?"
"I don't know, whatever happens, happens I guess"
"It's pretty late Cormac, I should go rest"
"So, I'll protect you from the night" I laugh "Im not scared"
"Then, let's go, a late-night swim perhaps?"
"I don't have a swimsuit"
"Don't need one" he smirks, looking at my body
"I suppose it's not a bad idea" I wink "Great, let's go" he grabs my hand, walking me out of the school. We arrive at the lake in the forest, the same one me and Hermione were at "It's so beautiful out" 
"Not as pretty as you"
"You know how to charm a girl don't you"
"I've had lots of practice" This kind of turned me off a bit, I like how Draco knew what to do with no practice, why am I thinking of Draco, I am tired of that boy and how he is so overprotective when I'm not even his to protect. Cormac starts to get undressed, he slowly pulls his shirt up, he has such a nice body, it is fit. He enters the water and looks over at me "Are you getting in or what?" he smirks, as I  start to take my clothes off "Wow, your body is amazing"
"Thank you" I walk into the water, he grabs me and pulls me closer to him "I want you Rhiannon"
"Really?" I am stunned "Yes, I can't stop thinking about you, and how beautiful you are, I need you"
"I don't know what to say Cormac"
"You do not have to say anything right now, just please know I want you so bad right now, I thought this would be a good place to explore each other more"
"In what way?" I bite my lip "In every way" he wraps his arm around my waist, and I wrap my legs around his waist "Do you want me right now?"
"Yes, I think so" I whisper, but deep down I really don't know if I want him. He starts to kiss me, he uses his other hand to grab my thigh as he holds me onto him. I put my arms around his neck and try to enjoy this, but something keeps telling me to stop and leave, but I just can't. I am so desperate for touch. I feel his hand travel up my back and he un hooks my bra, he tosses it onto the grass close by the water, he travels  lower to my underwear and slips his hand down the front, touching my vagina. He kisses me, I let out a soft moan from his touch, and start to feel anxious about what is happening, but it feels so good. 
"Do you want more?" he asks 
"What do you mean?"
"You know what I mean"
"I don't know Cormac"
"Come one, it will be fine, just let me do it"
"WHAT THE FUCK" we both freeze and look over, it is Draco.

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