The Pain

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It is the last class of the day, Herbology. I spend my day reading the diary and worrying about what I will have to do in the future to fight Voldemort. I really don't want to put my friends in this sort of situation but according to the diary, you need a team. I need people I trust to help me, people I know won't turn on me as Lucius did to my mother. "Rhiannon my dear, do you know the name of this plant" Professor Sprout brought me out of my thoughts "Yes, a Mandrake Ma'am" I have a smile across my face "Very good Rhiannon, and I suppose you know what they can do?"
"Yes, when you pull them from their pot they let out a scream, so loud it sounds like a baby screaming, their screams are so powerful it could kill you, they are scary in my opinion"
"So scary" Pansy mocks me as she shakes her body in fear, all the Slytherins laugh "What is your issue with me Pansy?" I turn to my side and glare at Pansy who is standing next to me 
"Oh nothing, just the fact it was your fault Draco is gone, I will never forget that, I don't even know why he was involved with mud blood like you. Look at you, you are pathetic and I know one day someone will give you what you deserve" I just turn to face Hermione and ignore Pansy. It is after class and everyone went to the Great Hall for supper, Hermione and we are talking and eating our food, not paying attention to anything but each other. Pansy watches me from from across there room "What I'm about to do will reward me for life, I will not fail him" Pansy says to Goyle and Blaise as she stand ups. I walk over and pull out a vile draught of living death. I pretend to fall into me "Oh my god I am so sorry, I tripped on my heel" as she was leaning over she poured half the vile into my the drink "Pansy seriously, watch where you are going" Pansy stands back up and walks away, with a huge smile on her face."Hermione that was so on purpose I bet, gosh I hate her" I keep eating my food and then grab her cup, I take a sip and put it back on the table. Some time passes and I start to feel dizzy and shaken up. My eyesight starts to fade in and out "Rhiannon are you okay? You don't look so good" Hermione puts her hand on my arm "I'm...fine" my eyes roll back and I fall backwards onto the ground, unconscious. "Someone help me!" Hermione cries out, Professor McGonagall rushes over "Granger what happened to Black?"
"I don't know, she was just eating and talking then she passed out"
"Hagrid please carry Rhiannon to the Hospital Wing" she shouts across the room. Pansy sits at the table still smiling
"Now hopefully that bitch dies" she says to Goyle and Blaise, they are not as happy as she is, Goyle respects me now, he knew he needed to tell Draco she did this but he is terrified.
"Now boys, if I find out you told people about what I had to do, this might just slip in your juice at breakfast" she shows them the vile then puts it back in her pocket.


I sit on the sofa in front of the fireplace. I rub my bruised knuckles. I rub them so harshly they start to bleed. I look down and just watch the blood leak from my hand, something about the blood makes me feel calm. Violence brings somewhat peace to me. I worry I have become insane from how good the pain feels to me. I lean my head back on the sofa, looking up at the ceiling, last night keeps replaying in my head, the look on Lucius's face when I couldn't stop punching, the blood, there was so much blood. I feel happy knowing I finally stuck up to him, a smirk curls across my face. I do feel bad for my mother having to witness my freak out, I never wanted to hurt my mother, she always tries to make me happy and that is why she covered for me to leave that house to come back here, for the girl I love. My mother knew the trouble she could get in if someone found out she sent me back to her, she could be killed. I hear the door of the room start to form. I stand up and grab my wand. I stand here in the middle of the room, waiting to see who is there, the door starts to open and I hold up my wand. It is Granger.
"Draco are you decent?" Hermione walks in with her hand over her eyes "Yes Granger, what do you want?" I toss my wand on the bed and roll my eyes "I don't want to worry you but Rhiannon had an accident in the Great Hall" my  face goes blank and scenarios start to play in my head, I am worried sick already "What happened? Is she okay?" I walk closer "Well, we were just eating and talking like everyday, then she started to look off and pale, she fell unconscious, it doesn't look like she will wake up anytime soon" Hermione anxiously plays with her hands "I have to go to her" I try to walk to the door but Hermione stops him "Draco you can't go out there, she is still alive thankfully, she is unconscious, I will come to get you at midnight, so be ready"
"No, you can't come in here and tell me that she is hurt and dying basically from how you explained it and expect me to stay, get out of my way Granger" I try to move her
"She would want you to stay, and do this for her, Rhiannon would be furious if she found out you were out when people were awake. I promise I will be back when everyone is asleep" Draco knew she was right, he did say he would do anything for her, she would be angry if she found out, and he had to stay for her.
"Fine, if you are not here by midnight, I leave anyway to see her"
"Yes, just please don't be an idiot and leave early, it will cost you to ever see her again, understood?"
"Yes...I understand" Granger leaves and I sit back down on the sofa. I stare at the fire as it crackles and grows larger. I am terrified she isn't going to be okay. My arm starts to burn and send sharp pains through it, a lot like it is torturing me. I curl up on the sofa, crying from the pain. All I keep thinking about is the pain, the pain makes my stomach turn, I quickly rush to the lavatory that is in my room and puke into the toilet. I am filled with anxiety and pain, there is never a moment where I have a break.

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