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I stand up from the sofa "Draco we need to figure out something, something to take down Voldemort" Draco looks at me puzzled and confused about where this came from
"Why now, things are just starting to become good again, why do we have to worry about him and can't you just use your powers to kill him?"
"Draco I don't have a choice, I need to stop him, I can feel a pit in my stomach and something keeps telling me something bad is going to happen, well like it hasn't already but I feel something far more worse. I can't just use my powers...unless I know more to take him down, I could learn more to advance my powers"
"Well, what is in that diary that is useful? there has to be something right?"
"There could be yeah, but I am kind of scared to read more about it, what if I find out things that will hurt me"
"Rhiannon, you are strong, you have to remember those are just words written on paper, they can't hurt you" Draco stands up, grabbing my hands "I understand that but I might find out things I shouldn't find out, but I need to read it, it talks about my mother"
"Then you read it and find out what you need to protect yourself"
"I will, I have to go to class now but I will stop by later okay"
Draco places his hand on my face, softly rubbing his thumb across my cheek "You did say you would make it up to me for wearing that god-awful cloak" he used his other hand to touch her hair
"Yes I did say that and I will. Just stay put and I will see you after supper"
"Alright love, I'll wait, even though I'm desperately wanting to rip that skirt off you, it angers me that you are walking around like that, but I know that they don't get to touch you, I do" Draco put his hand on my thigh, trialing his fingers under it toward my hip "Draco, I have to go to class" I smile as I grab his arm that was under my skirt "Hey who said we can't have some fun first, or are you turning into a Granger, please don't tell me you are too good for some before-class fun?"
"As much as I would like to, I really need to go to class, I haven't been doing well in class, its been hard lately" Draco removes his hand from under my skirt and grabs my face with both hands "You are the smartest girl ever Rhiannon, I am sorry you doubt yourself like this, I wish I could show you how I see you through my eyes" he kisses me on the lips and I instantly melt when his lips touch mine. "Now get to class, okay, you come to see me whenever you want okay, no pressure my love"
"I will still come see you after supper, I will need your help with something" I walk to the door "What exactly do you need help with Rhiannon Black?" I turn to face him, grasping my book bag "You will see Draco Malfoy, now rest, we will be busy exploring tonight" I leave the room, quickly making my way to potions. I second-guess myself if my plans for tonight might be not a smart idea. I need to get back in the restricted section of the library since the mind-reading book did work, but it failed at the same time. I need to find something far more stronger. I start to overthink if bringing Draco along on this journey of stopping the man his family worshiped is a bad idea, what if they ran into his family and he was forced to choose, Rhainnon wouldn't be upset if he didn't choose her, it was his family after all. I do not care about his dark mark but I know he is still a death eater, active or not, he is still one of them, which means Voldemort has a tab on him if he really needs to find Draco he can. I find myself now worried if Draco is being followed or if they will find him and attack the castle again. I definitely need help defeating Voldemort, I know I have to bring along the trio, Harry, Ron, and Hermione, the golden trio they calls themselves. I always found it corny but it did work. I finally make it to potions and walk into the classroom "Miss Black, you are very late missy," Professor Slughorn said as he walks down through the desks
"Sorry sir, I had to grab my book bag, I will not be late again" I quickly sit down next to Hermione "So what did you and Draco talk about?" Hermione whispers, looking up from her study book "Oh, I asked him what he said to Goyle and I told him I needed his help tonight," I say, taking my books out of my book bag and placing them on the desk "And what do you need help with? can I join"
"Yes, of course, I need to get inside the restricted section again, for more books, the strongest ones in fact"
"Rhiannon, you remember what happened last time, he completely too over you like you said, dark magic isn't safe, there is a reason it is restricted"
"Listen, Hermione, I understand the risks, but I really need your help with fighting this okay, I will do my best to protect you in the process, but I need to know if you are willing to help me with this, taking Voldemort down once and for all" Hermione took a second to think if she was really willing to risk her life to stop him, she is terrified of the thought of death "Will it just be me, you, and Draco?" Hermione asks 
"Well, I was going to ask Harry and Ron if they would help, I need strong fighters and you are very smart and I need that" Hermione looks down at her lap and bounces her leg with anxiety "Yes I will help, I am willing to fight if I know he finally will die, he has caused you so much pain, he needs to be stopped, so I am in"
"Brilliant, I will ask the others at supper, hopefully, they say yes, Ron, I'm not so sure about but I know Harry will".
I grab the diary, I look around to make sure no one can see me with it, I know if I am caught with this, it will be taken. I start reading where I left off, I am just getting into the parts about my mother"When I started to study Rhiannon's powers, it felt like I was young again, fighting with Ezra and Lucius against the death eaters, against the Dark Lord, I want Rhiannon to stay away from what we had to fight, but the Dark Lord is far too strong and far too smart to stay away form her. When we fought him, we tried to destroy the things keeping him alive, but we never got to finish the quest because Lucius became a traitor to us. I do believe Rhiannon could beat him. I wish to tell Rhiannon one day about her history and who her mother was, her mother was the best fighter I knew, she carried me and Lucius through hell"
"Hermione I just read that my mother, Lucius and Severus fought death eaters and Voldemort, and they were on a quest to destroy the things that kept him alive"
"Does it say what exactly keeps him alive?" Hermione peeps over my shoulder, I flip the page and skim the pages, trying to find something useful "No, I don't see anything" Hermione grabbed the diary out of Rhiannon's hands "Hermione keep it down, don't let others see it" Hermione looks through the pages "I think I found something, it says here "The things Rhiannon needs to destroy are horcruxes, they are what is fueling the Dark Lord to survive all these years, destroy them and he dies" Maybe that is what we need to find" I grab the diary back and look at the page Hermione just read "What is a horcrux? Hermione do you know"
"I have no idea, I have never heard of that before" I try to think what a horcrux is. I also have never heard of such a thing and then it hit me. I remember when I was in the restricted section with George, I saw a book labelled "Horcruxes" that has to be it. "Hermione, I know where to look, the library, I saw a book labelled that in the restricted section, that has to be it"
"We will have to do this late at night to not get caught by Filch, plus Draco can't rome the halls with others awake"
"Alright, midnight we will go, we will have to wait it out in Draco's room"
"Yeah and watch you two snog, no thanks" Hermione laughs 
"Hermione we won't, not when you are in the room, I promise you but I can't promise he won't try anything" I start to put my books back into my bag.

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