You Can't Protect Her Forever

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"Where did Malfoy take you? And what happened to you?" Hermione asks as she sits down next to me as I eat lunch. "I honestly have no idea, lately I have just been having awful nightmares that are completely taking over so Draco took me to the prefect's bathroom to calm down" I drag my fork in my food "Oh, I am sorry you are going through that. That is good you have someone like Malfoy to help you, I do my best but I know there are certain things Malfoy needs to do for you" I giggle and nod my head "You got that right" I wink at her "Ew Rhainnon" she slaps my arm and starts to fill her plate. "Hermione tonight I am thinking of doing that special date for Draco, I am kind of nervous but I think it will be perfect" I smile and look over at Draco sitting across the Great Hall, talking to Goyle and Blaise. "Why be nervous? you two are made for each other you know, I bet he will love anything you do!" I watch Draco run his hand through his icy white hair, his white dress shirt is slightly unbuttoned and he surprisingly has his sleeves rolled up, letting his dark mark be seen, I mean everyone knows he is a death eater now so there is really no reason to hide it. I could never openly show my scar, my reminder of who I am, the curse of being a mud blood to the pure bloods. "Rhiannon?" Hermione's soft voice knocks into me and I snap out of it "Yeah sorry, I know he will love it, I just am scared for what happens after that" Hermione knows what I mean so she doesn't respond. "Rhiannon, everything will be okay" Her hand reaches my shoulder and she gently rubs it "We will win, especially if you are the one fighting him"
"What if I am not what everyone thinks I am, my powers have been odd lately, I don't feel the same. I feel weak. These visions I keep happening are distracting me from who I am, what if I let everyone die because of some silly nightmares." I look down at my late and stab my fork into my steak "You are not weak! don't be silly" She really doesn't understand the pain I am going through, the fears that creep up on me, the visions I keep having and the ones I don't speak of are the worst ones. I choose to push those deep down and never say a thing about them. I look back up and make eye contact with Draco, his gaze softens as his eyes meet mine, god he is so beautiful. I have always wondered how life would be if me and him never met, or started hating each other. It all started with us hating each other. Pansy comes into my view, she walks to sit down but Draco stands up and whispers something to her and then they both walk out of the Great Hall together. Without hesitation I stand up and follow them, staying far behind them so they don't see me, I watch them walk into the corner and I creep up with my back pressed onto the wall "I need to understand why you did this?" Draco asks her "The same reason you did Draco. I proved myself to the Drak Lord and he gifted me the mark. But now I have a far more important duty to take care of and nothing is stopping me from achieving that" my head starts to race, my stomach starts to feel the sharp pain that I am very familiar with. "What exactly is that?" I peep my head around the corner and see Draco crossed his arms "I can't tell you, you will tell your little mud-blood girlfriend and that will ruin my plan, I can't let you spoil my fun" I watch her start to walk toward me, I quickly lean back on the wall as she stands in front of me "Speaking of the mud blood girlfriend, here she is, spying are we?" Draco quickly walks over and stands between me and Pansy "Back off, like you said you don't want me to ruin your fun so I suggest you leave" Pansy starts to laugh and looks me up and down, then she begins to walk away "Don't go near her anymore okay" he asks me but before I could answer Pansy starts to laugh again "You know Draco, you can't protect her forever. One day or even for a minute you won't be there to save her and I will love every second of it" her laugh echos the corridor "What exactly does that mean Pansy?!" Draco walks a few steps toward her and Pansy just turns around and walks away "It's okay Draco, she doesn't bother me" Draco walks back up to me and grabs my hand "It bothers me hearing people talk about you, that is why I carried you out of potions, I couldn't bear hearing them make fun of you" I look down at his hand grabbing mine, in front of other students, I can hear their whispers when they walk by, the shock me and him bring to people just by holding hands. Me and him will always be seen as forbidden. "Draco people are looking at us" I whisper to him, trying to avoid eye contact with the piercing eyes of others "I know. You're starting to grow on me I think"  he smirks and lowers down, kissing me on the lips, some gasps were heard in the distance, right now I don't care, I want people to see how much we love each other, two separate people, two separate lives and two separate blood types. "I love you Rhiannon and with what Pansy said, I will always protect you, every second I wake to the moment I sleep, your safety will always be my number one priority" I wanted to believe him but Pansy did have a point, he can't always be there for me, one day I will be alone and have to fight for myself, his aid can only be given so very often. "Do you have anything planned for today?" I ask him "Maybe why?" I smile "No reason, just wondering"
"Oh really? and if I do have something planned?"
"I just won't bother you then"
"You could never bother me, I do have a plan for tonight, do you?" I hide my face, I do not want to accidentally tell him my plans for him "I do not" I look back up at him and try to hide any suspicion on my face but he can read me like a book "Lies" he smirks and starts to walk with him still holding my hand "Well I do but its a secret, girl stuff with Hermione" I have to lie. "Ah I see, well will you be with her all night?" I quickly answer "Yes..." We walk back into the Great Hall and heads turn to us, we just stand here and everyone starts to whisper and some kids even point. "Are you okay?" Draco asks me as he rubs his thumb on my hand "Yes, I am okay" I smile and we part ways and sit back down at our tables.

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