He Must Stay

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I sit here and watch the clock, there is one more minute before midnight and Granger is still not here, if she does not show up by midnight, I will leave with or without her. I stand up and grab the cloak. I put it on as I rush to the wall, manifesting the door. After the door appears I open it and see Granger running toward it "You're late Granger, let's go" I put the hood on and start to walk, she quickly catches up with me "You promise you will not do anything stupid out here?"
"I can't promise you, but I promise her I won't" we speed to the Hospital Wing "There was something we were supposed to do with her tonight, did she tell you?"
"She told me she needed my help with something yes, do you know what it is?" I say "Yes, she told me she needed to get a book from the restricted section of the library, something about horcruxes, apparently that is what we need to destroy to kill Voldemort for good"
"Horcruxes? That is what it is? well, I never thought about that, I mean it could be possible, Voldemort is very old"
"Wait, you know about them?"
"Yes, I used to spend all my days reading in the restricted section, I have come across the book, basically the wizard or witch who wants to live forever will put their soul in different objects and when the objects are destroyed, they will die blah blah blah, something like that" 
"Brillant Draco, I never thought you knew such a thing"
"I am smart you know, you are just too busy trying to be smarter than everyone else to realize"
"Hey, don't get all rude, I do not do that......well, maybe a little" she giggles "Exactly" I roll my eyes and shake my head. "I will look inside first before you go in, just in case there are people"
"Granger, I don't care, I need to be with her"
"She cares, remember that" Hermione walks over to the doors of the Hospital Wing and opens them, she quietly walks in. She is gone for a minute or so, I stand here, hiding my face under the hood in case people walk by  "Alright, come in" Hermione peeps her head out the door, I don't waste time, I rush through the doors and bolt to Rhiannon's bedside. I pull my hood off slowly "Draco keep that on" Hermione stands behind me "Shut it Granger" I sit here and look at her, she looks pale and her skin is cold, my eyes instantly start to water and I grab her frail hand and kiss it "Please be okay" I whisper. "Granger, how long has she been asleep?" I turn my head to face Hermione "At least 5 hours, maybe more" I rest my head on Rhiannon's lap, I cry, soaking the blanket covering her body. Hermione walks next to me, she puts her hand on my shoulder "She will be okay Draco, she is strong". Me and Hermione stay with Rhiannon for a while, I did not move from where I am sitting. I cry on and off, checking for her pulse once in awhile to make sure she is still alive. Then we hear the doors open, Hermione can see  Dumbledore "Draco get under the bed" I quickly get under the bed, and Hermione hides under the bed next to Rhiannon's. We lay here, trying to hold our breath.  Dumbledore approaches Rhiannon's bed, he stands at the foot end of the bed. I peek through my feet to look at his, I try to stay very still and quiet. I wonder what Dumbledore is doing. "You can come out" Both of their hearts stopped, how did he know? Hermione is the first to get out from under the bed, of course, she listens "You too Malfoy"
"Fuck" I whisper, I get out from under the bed and stand next to Hermione "I am very shocked to see you two, together, well, I must ask, Draco what are you doing here?"
"I was going to speak with you, I came back because I was having issues with my home life and I needed to see Rhiannon"
"Ah yes, it has come to my attention that you and Miss Black are a couple they call it, young love, it is very strong indeed" my eyes widen "Sir, how do you know that?"
"Well, just like I knew you two were hiding under the beds, what a very terrible hiding spot by the way, I am sorry Draco but you must leave the school"
"Sir-" I try to speak "Professor, he must stay, Draco can't leave, you told us our first year that we were welcomed and protected under your wing under any circumstances, Draco belongs here, plus you can't split up young love, it is very strong as you said" Hermione butt in, this time I don't mind that she did. Dumbledore stands there, squinting his eyes
"That is true, I did say that and Draco did nothing, after all, I suppose he could stay....under one condition, you stay in your own dorm at night, I better not catch you in Rhiannon's dorm" he chuckles "Yes sir" I smile. Dumbledore starts to walk away "Wait sir, I have suspicions that someone did this to Rhiannon" Dumbledore turns around and walks back
"And what do you think happened to her?" He asks 
"Well, with her symptoms, deep sleep with no signs of waking up, I have a feeling someone must of slipped her some sort of potion" Hermione tries to think what potion would do such a thing "It couldn't be.....it has to be draught of living death, that would explain her symptoms" Hermione says "And how can that possibly happen, I need evidence of this"
"Can't you check her blood? Or something to prove it is what I said it could be?"
"That is a possibility yes, I will need to extract her blood, it will be a very easy procedure"
"Will it hurt her" I step in "We have no idea if she could feel pain in this sleep, it is a possibility but I highly doubt it" Dumbledore walks over to the bedside and looks down at Rhiannon "You don't have to watch Draco. He needs her blood to prove she was poisoned" Hermione says 
"I'll be fine" Dumbledore lifts her sleeve and holds her arm and lifts his hand from his side, he hovers his finger over top of her arm, as his finger went down there is a cut being formed on her forearm. I wince as I watch blood leak down her arm. Rhiannon twitches as the cut bleeds "Stop it you're hurting her" I shout as I step closer "Draco he needs to do this" Hermione says as she pulls me back. I just turn away and close my eyes. Dumbledore touches the blood and taps it onto his tongue, he smacks his lips to saver what he is tasting "You were right Granger, it is draught of living death" he looks over at Hermione and I turn back around "So how will we save her?" Hermione asks "I know just the thing, you two stay here and I will be back" Dumbledore walks out of the Hospital Wing."Well, you are welcome Malfoy, I just bloody saved your girlfriend and I also saved your ass as well"
"She is not saved yet but as much as I hate to say this Granger, thank you" I feel disgusted that I just said thank you
"Of course, I did it for Rhiannon though, I know how much she loves you. I still despise you after all the years of bullying and being called mud blood"
"Yeah, im sorry for that, Rhiannon really helped me change you know"
"I noticed way before you two noticed your feelings for each other, it was very obvious you changed"
"I really do love her, I never really had those feelings for someone, it's weird, sometimes I feel like I shouldn't be loved, like I don't deserve it"
"Everyone deserves love, even people like you, no one is as cold as they may seem, you aren't a bad guy Draco, you just needed someone to help you see that"
"She did" I look over at Rhiannon and smile.

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