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Severus sat me down on the chair in front of Dumbledore's desk, Dumbledore walked toward his desk and took a seat
"Rhiannon, how are you feeling?" Dumbledore asked
"Very aware with myself and I understand who I am now, but I know I need help with my powers still"
"Indeed you do, Im going to be honest with you Rhiannon, what happened tonight was an attempt to murder you because of your powers and your genetic history"
"Who is trying to murder me?"
"The Dark Lord, also known as Voldemort, he fears you may be too strong and that you will get in his way, or he will use you as a weapon against others"
"Why would I go with him after finding out he tried to kill me"
"You would be surprised what he can do"
"Well, clearly he failed to kill me. What exactly is that, is that what I touched?" I looked over at the ball of light that was trapped in a jar "I studied this orb, this was a curse he tried to put on you, but you were too strong to be killed by it, this orb holds so much power, It's incredible how you survived," Dumbledore walked toward the jar "Well, me and Professor Snape were talking about my powers and my past and I don't know if you know about it so-" Dumbledore cut me off
"I know everything, Miss Black" I gave a shocked look and just stayed silent. How could he know all about me? how did everyone already know my life before I could say anything to anyone, this made me wonder if my parents really did send me here. I was starting to get freaked out by everything all over again.


I walked back into the common room, flustered from Severus pushing me over the edge by telling me to watch over that mud blood freak of a girl, then expecting me to watch her every move like I was some babysitter. I sit down on the sofa in front of the fireplace with my thoughts
"Draco is that you?" I heard a girl's voice from behind me so I turn around and see Pansy, this is such a bad time. She walked over and sat next to me "Why so flustered Draco? is there something I can do" she got closer "Not now Pansy" then out of nowhere, she put her hand on my cheek, turning my head toward her, she slowly moved closer to me and I looked down at her lips, maybe this would help me stop thinking about that girl. Her lips touched mine and I let them, she got on top of me, straddling her legs around me. We started to make out, I started to unbutton her shirt, but this just didn't seem right, I couldn't do this, I didn't know why I ever would agree to this, I didn't feel anything for her, I just thought maybe she could distract me but this made things worse. "I can't do this" I whispered as I pushed Pansy off me and got up "Draco please" Pansy yells as I walk up the stairs, leaving her on the sofa. I walk into the dorm room, fixing my tie to see Goyle looking through my side drawer,  quickly I panic because I remember the note was in there from earlier "Draco care to explain this" Goyle said as he held the note up
"Why are you looking through my things Goyle? Are you in love with me or something"
"Is this from the new girl? the Mud blood? what exactly made her feel better, maybe you're the one in love"
"It's not her you idiot, give me that" I  tried to grab for it, Goyle backed away and ripped it into pieces
"What is your problem!" I yell, grabbing him by his collar
"What is going on with you lately Malfoy, first this note, then you were spying on Severus with that Mud blood, then I followed you to the Hospital Wing where she was"
"What the fuck, I told you I needed to see what was going on to tell my father, are you deaf and also an idiot"
"Draco stop lying, I can smell bullshit, you're being soft, I can tell"
"You don't know shit, I won't say this again, stay out of my stuff and stop following me, got it," I released his collar, making Goyle fall into the bed post
"We will see about that," Goyle walked out of the dorm room. I looked down at the ground and saw the ripped-up note, I picked the pieces up and put them into an envelope then grabbed out my wand and placed the envelope on the table
"Reparo," I said, pointing my wand toward the envelope, green light sparkled from my wand and shot at the envelope. I toss the wand on the bed and picked up the envelope, I opened it, revealing everything put back together, there were still cracks on the paper but it was fixed.
I put it back in the drawer and decide to leave to go for a walk around the castle to clear my head.

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