Draught Of Living Death

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Me and Hermione wait for Dumbledore to return with who knows what to save Rhiannon. "I need to use the lavatory, I will be back" Hermione sits up and walks out of the room. I look over at Rhiannon, her skin is still cold to the touch, I have to remove my hand a few times so it doesn't freeze. With each second that passes, Rhiannon looks worse. I don't understand how she can still be living from how frail she looks, she looks like a skeleton. I feel useless just watching her slowly fade away, I don't know what is happening to her, I am certain she will be dead by morning. "Who do you think did this?" Hermione asks as she walks back over to me, time is going so fast for me, it just feels like she just left "What" I flinch at her words, bringing me out of my thoughts "I said who do you think did this?"
"Oh, I have no idea" Hermione sits there and picks at her nails. Dumbledore interrupts our conversion as he walks back into the room "This should work, wiggenweld potion, it will cure her" he walks over with a large dusty vile "Are you sure?" I stand up "Yes, you need to put it on your lips and kiss her, can you do that Malfoy?" I grab the vile from him with no hesitation and pop it open, I pour some onto my fingers, rubbing my lips with the minty hit liquid and pass the vile to Hermione. I walk over to Rhiannon and put my one knee on the bed, I lean down, lowering my face to hers, I put my hand on her cheek and admire her face for a second before kissing her. After a few seconds, I feel the warmth come back into her skin and she is less pale. I stop and just look at her, she isn't waking up "You said it would work" I start to panic "Give it time Malfoy" I look back at her face "Rhiannon?" I say softly as I rub her cheek with my thumb, her eyes start to slowly open "Draco" she opens her eyes and I back up, letting her sit up  "What happened to me?" she asks "Someone slipped you a potion somehow, draught of living death," Hermione says
"What is that?"
"It is a potion that makes the person who drank it sleep forever, almost like you are dead"
"That explains it, it was terrible, I was in so much pain, not just physical but mental pain, it was like I was stuck in my nightmares and it kept playing over and over" Rhiannon wipes her eyes "Rhiannon, do you know who did this to you?" Dumbledore asks "No"
"Do you want to find out?"
"Not really, I know I can find out with my powers, but I simply won't"
"Rhiannon, they need to be stopped," Hermione says
"Hermione it's fine"
"Very well, If you find out who did it, come to me and they will be dealt with" Dumbledore leaves. "Rhiannon, why don't you want to know who did this?" I sit down on her bed
"Because I have greater worries than that, I feel so much better, we need to get that book now" Hermione and me look at each other "Rhiannon, you should rest, we can do it tomorrow"
"No, I am fine, I was just resting, we will do it now....and Draco why did Dumbledore not even care you were back?"
"Well, Granger here helped me out and told him why I need to be here"
"Oh really? and what did you say" Rhainnon laughs and looks over at Hermione "I told him that Draco belongs here and that he shouldn't split you two up, you need each other"
"Thank you, Hermione, did Draco say thank you?" she glares at me "Yes Rhiannon, I did" I smirk "Good...can you give me and Hermione a minute please"


"Of course" he kissed her "I will wait outside" he walks out of the Hospital wing "What is it?" Hermione sits on the bed with me "It was Pansy"
"What? She did this?" Hermione's jaw hits the floor in disbelief "Yes, I didn't want to say anything in front of Draco or Dumebldore, so please don't tell them"
"How do you know?"
"Well, in my "sleep", I could still think somehow and I saw her do it when she fell on me in the Great Hall"
"Oh my god, why would she do such a thing"
"It's Pansy, she wants me dead because she thinks it is my fault Draco was taken out of the school, just imagine how she will react to me and him being in a relationship now"
"It won't be pretty that is for sure, maybe you and him should keep it on the down low. What will you do now that you know it was her?"
"I have no idea". Hermione helps me stand, I grab my book bag and we walk out of the Hospital Wing "Everything alright?" Draco asks as he grabs my hand to hold, I look up at him and smile "Yes" all three of us walk to the library. As we walk to the library, I did a lot of thinking in my coma state. How will everyone react to me and Draco dating? how will Pansy try to kill me next? Was it even a good idea to let Draco love me? he had too much on his plate and now he had to deal with my problems, again. I love him so much, more than words could describe, I am just scared he will eventually give up on me. We get to the library
"I will go in and check if anyone is in here" Hermione bolts in "Hey, are you feeling okay?" Draco asks as he travels his hand to my cheek "Yeah, just tired" 
"How is that possible, you have been sleeping for hours"
"I know, it didn't feel like sleep, it was the opposite of relaxing"
"Did you see anything that upset you?"
"Yes, a lot of things, things I don't want to say" I look down but he lifts my chin with his thumb "Hey, whatever it was, I promise it is okay and I'm always going to be here for you, okay? forever and always"
"Forever and always" I smile and he leans down and kisses me, the butterflies enter my stomach, I miss that feeling, that feeling reminds me how much I care for him, how much I love kissing his lips and feeling how much love he has for me.
"Okay, it is all clear....oh, sorry am I interrupting something?" Hermione crosses her arms, catching us kissing, she covers her eyes from how weird it is to see this "Sorry Granger, you better get used to it, I don't mind public spaces" he winks at me, hinting he would be down for any sort of fun, even in public. We walk into the library and I instantly head to the restricted section, I scan the books, looking for the horcrux book, but it is impossible to find anything in here, books flying on each side of the room which spooked me
"Hermione can you shine a light over here" Hermione grabs her wand "Lumos," she said, pointing her wand to where I am "It's over here" Draco pulls out a fairly large book that is at least 500 years old it seems, it has never been touched. I walk over and grab it "Thank you" I stuff it into my book bag "This should help with what we need to do to stop Voldemort.
"Wait, does this mean I get to actually be a student here again? I can sleep in my dorm" Draco says "I guess you do yeah"
"I like the secret room better though, I might just sleep in there, to be honest"
"Yeah and if we want to spend the night together, we won't be found"
"Ew, I'm going to call it a night, I will see you tomorrow Rhiannon" Hermione starts to walk away "Wow, I guess I don't exist to Granger" Draco laughs, raising his voice so Hermione can hear "You too Malfoy, see you tomorrow" she shouts back as she keeps walking "Now that we are alone, I must ask, how are we going to do this, you know, me and you?" Draco asks "Well, could be public about it and act like we have always been a thing or we could hide it until everything goes normal, like after taking down Voldemort and the death eaters"
"I don't think I could keep it hidden, I have kept my feelings a secret for almost a year, I can't bear another minute being away from you"
"Draco, you will always see me, we just can't be romantic around others, not yet anyway"
"If that is what you want, I will agree, I won't force you to do anything you do not want to do" Draco put his hands on my waist "I know, that's one of the things I really like about you, you understand me, more than anyone could. You truly care for me don't you?" he moves closer to me, pulling my body to his "Rhiannon, I would rip out my heart and tell you to study it and you would see how much love I have for you" my eyes begin to tear, hearing those words makes me scared I will hurt him by how complicated I am, but I am so weak for him. I can't help but allow him to love me, even to allow myself to love him.

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