Hidden In The Dungeons

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"Draco, do you think everything will be okay?" I ask as I lay down in the snow next to Draco, facing the half-frozen lake
"I can't promise anything with me, but I know you will be okay" he drags his arm across the snow to mine, I grasp his hand, his hand is soft and freezing cold and his skin is red from the melting snow that is on his hands, I look down at his hand and notice his knuckles are bruised and cut up, I choose to not ask what happened this time. We lay here together watching the sunrise, it is so beautiful and calming "Draco, do you like sunrises?" I ask "Well, I never care for them really, I don't pay attention to that stuff, why?" he rubs my hand with his thumb "I just find them amazing, the way the colours blend and how the sun slowly rises, it is effortlessly beautiful don't you think?" I smile as my eyes soak in the sun glaring on my skin, warming me up from the snowy weather. My skin is pale but the sun makes my skin look like gold  "I never saw it like that, you are smart you know"
"How does that make me smart Malfoy?" I turn my head to face him again and he does the same "I don't know exactly, maybe the way you just notice every little thing, it makes me feel like I do not have to pay attention because I know you will be there to do it for me" he smirks "Maybe we should head back to the school, you need to speak to Dumbledore" I stand up, dusting the snow off me "Rhiannon, I don't think I should stay, I mean I know I came back, but I didn't think where I would go" he stands up "Well, where else will you go? you belong here, you can't go back home, we need to find a place for you to stay" I try to think where I can keep him so no one else will know, he Isn't welcomed back by Dumbledore so I have to work on that so he can easily return to classes. "I think you should stay in the dungeons, I'll take some extra pillows and blankets for you"
"Like a prisoner? yeah no thanks"
"Well, Draco do you have any other ideas?" he just stares at me, knowing there is no other idea he has, he trusts me with this "Come on, we need to go, I will get you in, it's still fairly early so no one should be awake" I take his hand and guide him to the school "So, do you know why that diary was so important to my father?" Draco asks "It holds information about me and my past, it's odd because Severus also knew my mother, and so did your father, I was reading it and I stopped because it was a lot to process at the moment," I say, looking down at the ground as we walk. "How did my father know your mother? were they friends or something?"
"I haven't told you this but I saw my mother the day we had detention, when I stormed off to the lavatory, I was crying and wished to see her, and she showed herself to me and told me all of these crazy things about how she knew your father, and how they were partners in crime fighting the dark forces together. One day he turned evil and joined the thing they fought against and he did the same thing he did to me to her, carving this into her arm and trying to kill her"
"That doesn't make sense, I thought your mother was a muggle?"
"I did too until she told me, Draco she was a very strong witch, apparently she had the same abilities as me, but mine are far stronger. She probably had so many stories that I will never know" I start to feel upset with the fact I can't just know these things when I want to, I think maybe I can search somewhere for them, but where? "Maybe the diary, or the library! it could have past yearbooks or something about her years at Hogwarts" I then remember the only person who is alive or not evil who knows about my mother is Professor Sprout, but what if Dumbledore knows something as well, he could just have kept all these secrets from me. I need answers. Draco and me reach the front doors, the sky is getting lighter which means people might be awake now
"Okay I will sneak you into the dungeons and I'll return with some things for you okay" Draco starts to smirk and walk closer to me, he places his hand on my cheek "You won't leave me down there all alone will you?" I get nervous from his silver eyes piercing my emerald green eyes, he knows what he is doing. "Of course not, I'll visit you, once in a while" I smile "It's quiet, dark, and secluded down there, perfect for anything we want to do, whenever we want" I can't speak, I just stand there and bite my lip. "Draco, we have to get inside before people see you, now smarten up lover boy" I try to walk inside but he stands in front of me 
"Hold on, I just want to see you right now, give me a few more minutes before I have to go down there" he holds me still by my hips, admiring my face as he smiles at me "Draco, you will see me again you know, it's not like I won't come down there"
"I know, I'm just happy I came, I probably wouldn't of had the chance if I didn't leave when I did" his smile fades 
"Why? What happened? I didn't want to question it but I noticed your knuckles, they look fresh" I feel concerned by the way he says that. I worry he may be in trouble now "Nothing okay, don't worry" he tries to lie to me "Don't lie, tell me Draco, are you in trouble?" I demand "Not exactly, it's too much to explain, I don't care about what I had to do to be here, I just want to ignore everything before I came here okay, please just drop it"
"Okay...did you hurt someone, like you know-"
"NO" he cuts me off raising his voice, I just look at him
"Im sorry, I didn't mean to press you," I say softly, looking away, Draco realizes he hurt my feelings, I know he didn't mean to. "Im sorry, I didn't mean to raise my voice, I'm just really stressed out you know, but I promise you everything is okay now" he kisses me on the forehead and moves the hair out of my face by pinning it behind my ear "Okay, let's go get you to the dungeons" I grab his hand and open the front doors. I peep my head inside and so did Draco, we have to make sure no one saw me bring him inside, so we quickly rush in and shut the doors We walk down the corridor toward the dungeons "Rhiannon?" we quickly stop, we for sure think that were are screwed, it is over at this point and I think about how I will get myself out of this. I slowly turn around, and Draco tries to hide his face but his hair gives him away, no one else in the school has platinum blonde hair like his.
I look up and it is Hermione, she has never been up this early, so why did she have to be up right now, scared she might make a scene that Draco is back "Draco? why are you here, I thought you were expelled" Hermione stands there, trying to whisper to not cause attention "Hermione please don't say anything, but he came back and I need to keep him hidden until I speak to Dumbledore about this, it is a long story so I will talk to you at breakfast" I whisper to Hermione as Draco stood behind me, trying to hide his face still. "Of course, but do you think this is a good idea, Rhiannon, what if he brings the others" Hermione looks over my shoulder, looking at Draco standing there clueless about what we are talking about "I have no choice, Hermione, I have to go, I will explain later" I quickly give Hermione and hug and walk up to Draco, Draco grabs my hand. Hermione stands there and watches us hold hands, she quickly comes to the realization that it is over romantic terms. She smiles to herself and walks to the Great Hall, happy for me and Draco. "So did you tell Granger about me and you?" Draco said looking down at me as we walk down the stairs toward the dungeons "Well not yet, I will at breakfast, I don't have time for small talk with her right now"
"Understandable, being down here makes me feel poor and like some peasant" Draco gags at the smell of the old wet cement and the sight of rats and spiders lurking the the dungeons "I know, Im sorry, it's just for a little bit okay" we finally found a room, it is a big broom closet "Well, this should work" I step into the cold room, I grab the dangling chain from the ceiling light, pulling it and the light bulb flickers then lights up the room, it is fairly large and somewhat clean "Wow, very nice" Draco sarcastically says and he crosses his arms "Draco Im trying" I feel like a shitty new girlfriend, we are barely official yet and I am already making him stay in some dusty broom closet in the dungeons "Hey, it's lovely, thank you" Draco grabs both of my hands, trying to make the best of the situation, he knows I am also stressed out and new to this just as much as hims, so he changes his attitude. He doesn't want to make me even more stressed out after what I had to deal with.

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