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I sit here after she left because of me, I feel so useless knowing it doesn't matter what I say to her, she will never forgive me. It eats at me every second knowing that I hurt her, all I do is try and protect her, and even if she hates me, I would always be there for her. I see someone in the corner of my eye walk in, it is probably the professor, I am ready to lie for her so she doesn't get in more trouble "Draco" it is a girl's voice
I look up and see Rhiannon standing in front of me "Listen, I was thinking and I can't forgive you for what you said but I don't hate you, I don't think I can hate you after everything you have done for me, Im sorry for holding a grudge against you" I stand up "It took you long enough to come to your senses, but, I don't blame you, you had every right, I am sorry for what I said, I never wanted to hurt you, even though you do make me angry and despise you"
"I know," she says softly "Do you still want to act like we never met?" I ask
"I'll think about it," she tries to hide her smile from me "Are you going to the ball this evening?" I ask her "Yes, are you?"
"Yeah, who are you going with may I ask?"
"None of your concern Draco, who are you going with?"
"None of yours either" I smirk "I have a question" she tilts her head
"Yes?" I wait for what she is about to ask
"Why are you still here? like in detention, why did I leave before you surprisingly"
"I don't know actually, but did you come back just for me?"
"Hey, I will take back everything I just said okay, don't get cheeky Draco"
"It seems like the professor has lost his way back, maybe we should leave" I wink "And go separate ways, gladly, I'll see you at the ball, maybe, if I want to see you" she makes eye contact, and I feel her eyes hit me like swords, her beauty kills me.


I break the tension, walking out of the classroom, making my way to herbology to tell Hermione everything. I enter the classroom and spot Hermione, I sit down next to her "Hermione, I saw my mom"
"What do you mean you saw her? I thought-"
"Well, apparently she is a witch and she showed herself to me and told me things and opened my eyes more, she also convinced me to speak to Draco"
"To Draco? why?"
"She told me that avoiding him is out of my range and she was right, I don't hate him.......hey don't give me that look" I slap Hermione's arm
"I'm not, I just think it's funny, I mean I told you he was different the moment he met you, it's like something switched"
"He still angers me, but he is not bad after all I suppose"
"You like him! I knew it"
"No, I mean, I don't know, sorta"
"You were just hating his guts not that long ago?"
"I told you deep down I just can't hate him, I want to but I can't"
"Shh, he just walked in" Hermione straightens her back, facing the front of the class. Draco sits down, it is kind of awkward we have every class together.


I sit down, feeling relief that she spoke to me. I still understand she is upset with me and she can't forgive me. I hope one day she will realize how sorry I truly am. I look over at her as she studies with Granger, how can she sit there and look so beautiful, I wish I could be the one taking her to the ball this evening, but she probably has millions of dudes asking. "Students, today we will learn how to grow roses, with magic!" Professor Sprout enters the room. I watch Rhiannon's face light up when she hears that, roses must be her favourite. We all got into groups of two, I am with Pansy, of course, and Rhiannon is with Granger.
I would look over at her to see how she is doing, everyone is using their wands but she is trying to use her hands, that is odd. "Rhiannon are you alright" I hear Granger ask Rhiannon, she did not look okay, she stood there with her hands over the pot, frozen, barely blinking. "Yeah I'm okay, just makes me think of something" I hear her say to Granger, then I remember when her parents were buried, she grew roses on their graves. I  watch her close her eyes and she holds her hands over the pot again, Professor sprout walks over
"Miss Black, use your wand, you can not do it without your wand silly"
"Professor look," Granger pats the Professors arm, she looks back at Rhiannon, a rose plant starts to grow, very tall and full of roses, she is the only one in the classroom who did it in a matter of seconds, only with her hands. I am amazed, so is everyone else.
"Draco stop staring, its not that hard" Pansy snaps at me "Then make them grow and I'll be impressed"
"Im trying Draco, she isn't all that you know!"
"Sure" I roll my eyes, gazing back at Rhiannon with a smirk on my face.


"Well done Rhiannon, 20 points to Ravenclaw!" the Professor shouts "Thank you"
"I need your help after class since you are very good at growing flowers"
"Of course, I would love to"
"Great!" she walks away to help the other students with their pots "I didn't know you could do that" Hermione says "I've had practice" remembering my parents graves, it was beautiful how I could do that, but it was hard on me. So was my emotions to participate in this activity, but I am happy it impressed the professor and that she wants my help, plus I got Ravenclaw house points. "Draco, I was wondering if you wanted to go to the ball with me?"I hear from behind me, I turn my head and see Pansy with Draco, I feel so jealous for some reason, even though I am going with a different boy. If he asked me, I would drop Harry. Maybe because people will break their necks from seeing us go together. I just listen in so I can hear his response
"I guess I'll go with you, no one else is free, just so you know that is the only reason Pansy" he responds, I wonder if I wouldn't go with Harry, would he go with me? "So, Hermione did you ask Ron yet?"
"To the ball? no, I need you to come with me remember"
"Well, he is right over there, go ask"
"You promise you will tell me what to say so I don't panic"
"Yes I promise" Hermione took a deep breath and walks over to Ron's desk "Hey Hermione" he smiles as she approaches his desk "Hi, I wanted to ask you something"
"What's that?" Hermione turns her head to signal she needs my help
I was wondering if you wanted to go to the ball with me I tell her
"I was wondering if you wanted to go to the ball with me?" she gives Ron a big smile out of fear
"Sure I guess, I mean yeah of course" he smiles again "Really?"
"Yeah, I mean I wanted to ask you but I was too scared"
"Oh, great, see you this evening!" she quickly walks back to our desk "See, I told you" I giggle as Hermione sits down "Thank you so much, and you were right, he wanted to ask me he was just scared"
"I know Im right"
"Oh stop it" she laughs, hitting my arm
"So, when are we going dress shopping?" I ask
"I was thinking after all classes, so after supper, we can stop by Hogsmeade and get some stuff"
"That will be perfect"
"Great, what do you think Professor Sprout wants your help with?"
"Well, I think it has to do with flowers"
"Alright students, class is over" the Professor shouts, waiting for the students to rush out of the classroom "I'll meet you in the next class, try to be quick," Hermione says as she walks out.
"Miss Black, I need you to grow these for me for the ball, Dumbledore wants white roses for decoration"
"I can do that"
"How exactly can you do something like that?" she asks me "I have no idea, I just can I guess"
"Well, I have heard about you Miss Black, you are no stranger to us and so is your mother, she was a great witch"
"You knew my mother?"
"Yes, of course, she was a good friend of mine, me and her attended school here, together"
"Do you know anything about her old life, like when she went here?"
"Oh, me and her would get in all sorts of trouble, but she would always get me out of it though, she was my best friend al though school. She was a very powerful witch, such as yourself, I was heart broken when i found out she passed, you remind me of her, very bright and beautiful, you have her eyes" the Professor gives me a smile, I feel tears start to form so I move onto a different topic
"So, you want all of these pots grown with white roses?"
"Yes please, I will be back in a few minutes, I need to go grab some things for the next lesson"
As she leaves, I begin doing what I am asked to do.


I knew Rhiannon was asked to stay back, so I decide to walk past the classroom and hear humming coming from the half open door. I walk up to the door and peep my head in, seeing her lifting the pots without touching them to move them from one side of the room to the other, she is humming to herself, I can't help but watch and admire her. I take out my wand and wave it, opening the window, it is snowing out so I want her to see how beautiful it is outside and how much the snow reminds me of her beautiful pale skin. She notices the window open and she walks over, snow falling onto her as she stands on the stool in front of the window, she was going to close the window but stops from the view of outside, the breeze blew her hair back as she stood there, soaking in the beautiful view. I watch as she twirls under the snow, my heart starts to beat faster and my cheeks feel hot, I know spying is creepy but in this moment right here, I want her to embrace herself for once and enjoy something. She shut the window and laughs to herself, I decide I should leave before I get caught by her, or someone else
"Draco? I thought you were off to Hogsmeade?"
It is Pansy
"Yeah I was, I was just checking something" I walk past her to avoid an unwanted conversation. Pansy is suspicious of him, she walks down where she saw Draco standing and can see Rhiannon in the classroom, she is angered, she knew Draco was watching her, tears form in her eyes. Pansy felt like Draco had a thing for this mud blood freak. Pansy felt like a second choice like always, she needs to do something, she didn't know when or what to do.

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